What is electro-dermal computer screening?

Extracted from the book VIRTUAL MEDICINE by Dr Keith Scott-Mumby order your copy

electrodermal screening

Picture the scene in a 21st Century physician’s office. After the preliminaries, the patient sits down in front of a computer display, picks up the passive electrode and the doctor begins to touch the skin at certain acupuncture points that we call the central measurement point (CMP), one on each vessel or meridian. The sensor is hitched to a high-powered desktop PC and the two talk to each other electronically.

There is a picture of a hand skeleton; a bright red dot wanders across each digit, beep-beep-beep. After every measurement the doctor clicks a button and the reading goes into the computer’s memory to be stored. We now have an electronic file, which can be called up any time in the future and printed out for study or even for the patient to take home a personal copy.

eav hand points
Illustration from Virtual Medicine

There are two meridian readings to each finger digit and two to each toe, making a total of forty readings in all. But when this preliminary stage is complete, by pressing a key the doctor brings up on the screen an attractive coloured graph. It shows all the CMP measurement values; right and left sides are in different colours for ease of identification; pathological indicator drops are marked as white bands and stand out clearly.

The doctor pauses and looks deep in thought for a few moments. He taps the white marks on the screen and announces: ‘Your spleen meridian is down, the endocrines not so good and something is disturbing the large intestine. The liver is high, which means it is having to detox hard; but there is no drop so no liver damage so far’. He then presses a couple of keys and goes into branching, which means that he now studies the spleen meridian in more detail, passing along it point by point, recording all the values and the pathological markers.

You are watching what it says on the screen out of the corner of your eye: lymphocyte function of the upper body- click; serous coating of the spleen (what’s that for goodness sake?)- click; lymphocyte function of the lower body – click; erythrocyte function (that’s the red blood cells)- click; reticulo-endothelial system…. The what? You decide this is all very high tech. But the doctor touches a spot just above your left ankle – click, and announces he has finished that step.

Once again, due to the power of the computer, he taps in a keycode and the sequence of measurements is displayed for review as a table showing highs and lows and the size of each pathological drop. The pathological drop which was found on the CMP re-appears on Spleen 2, the reference point for ‘lower body leucocyte function’. He is satisfied that this is probably what was disturbing the spleen meridian. Something in the lower body is producing an energetic disturbance that upsets or overstresses the lymphocyte function down there. This could cause a chain reaction, since we need our lymphocytes for defense.

REALLY upset lymphocytes could even mean leukaemia. There is a problem. But what?



Next, as I think of it, comes Dr. Kildare meets Chinese traditional medicine in cyberspace. The doctor calls up a comprehensive database of disease entities and possible cures. On my own system there are over 25,000 entries. This is fairly typical for systems of this type.

By highlighting an entry and pressing the return key, the doctor can access the energy signal named there on the screen. This can then compare it with what is coming from the disease zone; he does this by touching Spleen 2 with the probe, where he found the biggest drop. He no longer looks for pathological drops but is probing to see if there is a resonance. This is shown by a reading at or very close to the balance reading of 50. This means a ‘yes’ from the body.

But the doctor still has to make choices: could it be a virus? A parasite? Malaria maybe; that’s likely for spleen for anyone who has been to the tropics?… and so on. But he can check his theories very quickly and begin to establish the likely cause of the trouble.

The soft-ware programmer, if he is good, will have already made some suggestions which relate to that meridian. For the spleen one would give high priority to testing infectious mononeucleosis, ‘flu, Tuberculinum, Diphtherinum, pertussis, tetanus, malaria, Variolinum (smallpox minor), hepatitis A, B and C and these would accordingly come at the top of the list.

Gall Bladder would give a different range of suggestions. On my system the first ten offers (in order) are: cholelithiasis (gallstone), amoeba, streptococcus, staphylococcus, ‘flu, Diphtherinum, Variolinum. TB, and hepatitis A and B.

The nerve degeneration channel would put measles and rubella in the first ten; also probably Syphilinum and Medorrhinum (gonorrhoea code), which may be less obvious. See Virtual Medicine for a comprehensive overview of this type of remedy.

This is a good moment to re-iterate that electro-acupuncture gives one a completely different perspective on the origins and nature of disease. Remember that we are testing an energetic signal. This is not looking for antibodies to the micro-organism or a sample culture to ‘prove’ that this is what the patient has RIGHT NOW. Indeed it generally turns out to be something FROM LONG AGO. Time and again, when we question the patient, he or she can remember the problem that the machine dug up and says is still causing trouble.

Sometimes the patient will telephone next day, excited, to say that a parent or some other relative confirms the diagnosis which the patient was unable to remember personally at the screening session. Childhood diseases and vaccinations come up over and over again as underpinning disease in later life. The energy disturbance is still around, provoking trouble years later. The proof of such a contentious remark, of course, is that when you lift the signal, the patient begins to improve!

More of that later.


The Product Library
We can think in terms of a ‘library’ of signals available to the practitioner to check against. Among the likely categories found in a computer database for this sort of testing are signals of:

alcohol products
amino acids
Ayurvedic herbs
bacteria nosodes
biological age
geopathic stress
colour therapies
dental materials
flower remedies
herbal remedies
gems and crystals hormones
essential oils
food allergies
grass pollens
habit drugs
heavy metals
Scheussler tissue salts
tree pollens

At first such a huge database can seem very overwhelming, there are so many choices; how is it possible for one brain to take it all in? Actually, it isn’t too daunting.

Firstly, it has to be said that no one individual does or possibly could use and come to grips with ALL of it; I mean understand all the possibilities to a professional level. There have to be selections and generally we work to our strengths.

The second vital point which brings it within human capability is that computers by their very nature can help a lot when searching, namely breaking things down relentlessly with either-or logic. It is possible to test a hundred possibilities, then half it and test that, then half again, and so on. There is a mathematical principle that you can get down to one item with just six, or at the most seven, decisions using this split logic. Thus if there is a single item you want buried somewhere in a hundred possibilities, it can take less than twenty seconds to find it; such is the power of computers.

The really GREAT thing about these computer programmes is that it will tell you first: ‘Yes there is something in this list of test substances’. You don’t have to waste time searching fruitlessly in sub-folders that are not relevant to the case.

However, it needs to be said that in these advanced systems, nothing can take the place of clinical experience on the part of the practitioner. The machine does not (yet) think for us. It does not ‘know’, for example, that a large bowel drop, with intestinal lymphatic stress and toxic liver burdenings would suggest a parasite high the probable-list, or that a head focus is likely to be tonsils, teeth and then sinuses, in that order.


Electro-Dermal Screening

We call this investigative process electro-dermal screening (EDS). With necessary caution, I can state that it holds great promise for the future. Considering that we are merely in the first decade or two of its development, it already surpasses expectation. As more is learned and scientific studies using this approach give us even more insight and understanding into what is happening in disease, then I think we may soon see a time when it is the basis of any sensible medical practice. EDS is quick, non-invasive and painless method of health screening.

There are a number of systems you might run into, all much of a much-ness. I do not wish to become involved in arguing the relative merits of each; cost, software facilities and back-up service would all be part of such an evaluation. But of the ones I have heard of, I can suggest good results from the following: The BEST system, LISTEN, Acupro, Avatar, Clinic-in-a-Case and Biomed.

The really critical factor in getting results is not the software but: how good is the operator? The most sophisticated device in the world is less than useful if not backed up by the clinical knowledge and skill requisite for using it. It is still fundamentally EAV and is subject to all the difficulties in objectivity found with this approach. We have to be honest and recognize the drawbacks, as well as the strengths, otherwise we fall into the hubris of the conventional doctor and his vaunted laboratory tests.


Once a reading stressed area is found, then a remedy programme needs to be found which will relieve the problem. Obviously an effective remedy must be able to eliminate the pathological drop. We are, in effect, interviewing the body’s cells and asking the tissues what they want.

As a comment, I have started to use Bach’s flower remedies simply because, on many occasions, I could not get rid of the ID until I included these; often more than one at a time, which will incense the purists. The inference is, of course, that all disease has some psychological component. Unless that is addressed, there is resistance to treatment, as Bach postulated. Time and again the patient will recognize themselves in the description of the flower remedy or, if not, a close relative will speak for them and confirm how uncannily accurate EDS can be.

A typical EDS machine is capable of homeopathically potentizing energy signals. Thus if Candida albicans is a reading pathogen, as part of its software capability the machine is able to offer for test a Candida 4X, 6X, 8X, 12X, 24X and so on. The centesimal scale is also represented. Generally these are ‘softer’ in nature. They are more applicable to chronic or constitutional conditions.

My system, the Acupro, even allows testing of a range of 5X potencies, which can be used in correlation with the allergy testing and neutralization system known as Miller’s method (see allergy section). Thus the practitioner can make up his own remedy formulas by combining different strengths of different substances. Also supplied are what we call accompanying remedies, which are selected for each organ concerned. These give lift and support for the organ and help to eliminate toxins.

Many proprietary remedy brands are included with these machines, such as Heel products, Reckeweg, Pascoe and Futureplex, to name a few. Again, practitioners tend to develop prescribing favourites but it often happens that only one remedy reads ‘OK’ and this is what the body is saying it really wants, regardless of preferences.


Male, 57 years

I was called to see Ed Butler of the Platters singing group. He had just had a massive right-sided stroke, a few days after completing his last recording session. He was now severely incapacitated and sitting disconsolately in a wheelchair. EDS screening showed a major drop on the nervous channel, which was hardly surprising. But what surprised me was that it was on the RIGHT side. Everyone knows that motor nerves cross over before leaving the cranium and the left brain controls the right-sided musculature.

Notwithstanding, I chose to believe what the machine was telling me. I used the right-side as a reference zone. A search for pathogens revealed a loud and unmistakable signal from 1975 ‘flu. I checked with Ed who, even though it was 23 years previously, remembered clearly having a bad attack and being confined to bed for 2 weeks. ‘That was the start of your stroke’, I told him. In my earlier ALLERGY HANDBOOK I have already discussed the great potential of ‘flu virus to cause considerable neurological damage, under the discussion on post-viral fatigue syndrome (ME).

I made up some X-potencies of this pathogen and offered it to the Voll point; it showed a big improvement to the reading but still dropping to a degree. I added some gentle drainage and homeopathic Co-enzyme compositum (a Heel product), to reinvigorate the metabolic process. The read had almost disappeared. Finally, I decided to try flower remedies and including one or two of these did the trick. I gave him the remedy the machine had selected for him. In the meantime, he was having energetic healing of the ‘hands of light’ type.

The very next day I had a call that he could move his thumb. Only six weeks into a massive CVA this was indeed startling. Good recoveries are possible but we think in terms of 12 – 18 months, not just a few weeks. In any case this was less than 24 hours after starting the ‘virtual’ remedy.

Over the next few weeks he improved steadily but then pegged. At this point I recognized the remedy was exhausted due to the heat of our Spanish summer, because it had begun to happen with several other patients. I refreshed his remedy, taking the chance to add a couple of items suggested by the repeat test. Once again, the NEXT DAY, I had a call that he was now able to stand on his legs, provided he kept his weight off the weak side. He soon learned to walk and within six months he was back singing in public; an altogether remarkable recovery from a potentially disastrous episode.

I give due credit to the energetic healers but the immediate response to the remedy indicated by the Acupro is unarguable. Ed’s grit and determination was also, of course, a major factor. There was NO WAY he wanted to be a wheelchair case.


Other Remedies

Yet another advantage of the flexible complex homeopathy approach emerges in the EDS domain. It is possible to give ‘remedies’ of a non-disease modality. For example we can intervene in metabolic pathways by giving potentized enzyme similimums. Often I find that a person is loaded with toxins and quite sick, with low personal and metabolic energies. It takes quite a lot of internal cellular energy to push out toxins, maybe against a chemical gradient. Thus a vicious circle is established. It may require the use of enzymes of the Kreb’s cycle to bring metabolism back up to speed, before the patient can recover. Mixtures such as Heel’s ‘Co-enzyme compositum’ can really help any de-tox programme by stimuating chemical energy. The patient usually reports subjective increases in energy levels.

We can also administer homeopathically potentized support signals of substances like essential fatty acids (GLA and EPA), vitamins or minerals. This is not the same as supplementation, which I would always give ‘in the physical’ as we say. But often the process of uptake and utilization of such nutrient substances is enhanced by the signal ‘in the etheric’!

Other possibilities include balancing neuro-transmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, with consequent benefit to the patient’s mental well-being, anti-paraqsitic programmes and resonance with personal chemical pollution, such as organo-phosphates or heavy metals.

With the benefits of a data file record, it is nice to be able to revisit earlier diagnostic discoveries and compare them graphically or numerically with later progress.


Causal Chains

I made my reputation as an ‘allergy detective’. I’ve found pathological reactions to all kinds of strange substances, from herbicide on a bowling ball to a husband’s semen, via food, chemicals, electro-magnetic fields and meteorological phenomena. The recoveries have been very gratifying. I hope I will never lose my knack at this.

But there has always been the nagging question in the background: why has this person got allergies or intolerances in the first place? Part of the on-going controversy, over 25 years of my clinical ecology practice, has been that it is comparatively rare that these reactions are what I was taught characterized an allergy when at medical school (IgE mediated acute hypersensitivity response). It has sometimes been a considerable mystery why the patient should react as they do.

Now at last, since learning EDS, I have begun to find REAL solutions to this riddle. The answers that come up are enlightening, fascinating, almost unbelievable and, sometimes, rather scary. I have long thought that allergy was really the FINAL result in the patient’s problem, rather than the true cause. Now I can see that this suspicion is not only well-founded but I can get an idea of just how much the patient has suffered, often without realizing it, to arrive at the doorway marked ALLERGY-ENTER.

We speak today of ‘causal chains’; that is, the true sequence of events which led up to the patient’s current predicament. The all-important question, naturally, is WHERE DID THIS SEQUENCE START? This often opens the door to a new therapeutic plan which, after all the years of distress and illness, has a good chance of succeeding. It can seem like lateral thinking gone mad sometimes. But there is always a curious understandable logic behind the events, once they are put into some kind of cascade.

Nearly always, the problem starts in an unsuspected way with an earlier illness which does not properly resolve. Ed Butler’s ‘flu of 23 years earlier is just one of many examples. The energetic shadow or disturbance remains in or around the body, sometimes for life, unless it is found and eradicated. One is wise to accept what is found and, time and again, the results speak for the veracity of the hypothesis.

I can only say that I have seen childhood illnesses and especially vaccines initiate disease sequences so many times that I am left with a sense of great unease. What can we do to stop our kids getting ill? I don’t think we should abandon the vaccination programmes, we don’t want a renewal of the epidemics of old. But how can we get round this difficulty of causing chronic health hazards?

I am not sure. But I do know that my concern is shared by many other doctors who have stumbled across this unpleasant truth while performing routine EAV and EDS. I think that part of the problem is that we TREAT the disease when it manifests and thereby block its proper resolution.

A wise old Chinese doctor Yang Tschau once said ‘Beware of treating the symptoms of a disease’. Yet in Western biochemically-based medicine that is almost all that is done; no attention is paid to the true causes of disease, only the causes of manifestations of disease. Yet so often the actual disease is the person’s habits and lifestyle; the illness itself is only an outward symptom of what went wrong.

It may emerge in time that it is better to leave most illnesses untreated, especially avoiding the use of allopathic medicines, rather than block natural recovery. I firmly believe from my studies to date that to block an acute illness is to risk driving it underground, from where it may emerge years later to cause a more chronic illness.


Focus (plural FOCI)

A very worrying concern and challenging management problem we find in EDS is the toxic or infected focus. It is quite clear to the unprejudiced observer that foci can generate problems far from where they are found. There is compelling evidence that toxic and infective matter can travel along nerve channels, as well as in the more obvious blood route (all this is described and explained in greater detail in VIRTUAL MEDICINE). In one case the bacterium Pseudomonas was recovered from a cervical spinal osteitis in a man who had the same organism in his urine. The likely mode of travel was along the venous plexus of the spinal column. If this can happen at all, it can happen any time!

I become worried if I think of the bigger implications.

A focus may also pose dangers by initiating pathological changes locally, that is without spreading to a remote site. It is highly likely that an infective focus can give origin to a tumour, possibility due to synethesis of carcinogens by bacterial and fungal micro-organisms. We know that Aspergillus flavus (Aflatoxin) and common bacteria, such as E. coli can do this. Professor of Neurology in Stockholm Dr Patrick Stortebecker makes it clear that a peri-apical osteitis is a very typical finding in close proximity to a jaw cancer.

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