Cancer: you have choices by dr keith scott-mumby

One of the great concerns of ageing is the increased risk of cancer. Whereas cancer can strike at any age, the majority of cases fall in later years. It is as if cancer is a kind of degenerative condition, which arises when the body can no longer protect itself adequately. Latest figures show that almost one in two men and one in three women will contract it in their lives (this does not necessarily mean terminal cancer).

Whereas the media continue to trumpet endless “breakthroughs”, fed to them by the drug industry and charities with an interest in keeping the pot boiling, the picture still remains fairly bleak. Apart from one or two select cancers, such as childhood leukaemia or testicular cancer, survival rates have improved hardly at all in over a century. Cancer still remains the second biggest killer in the Western world, ending the lives of over six million people annually.

The problem is that the medical profession has been going at it the wrong way. While ever the standard of treatment is to blaze head on at the disease with destructive surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, there is little hope this picture will ever change. The general philosophy seems to be “kill everything”, in an attempt to wipe out the last tiny cancer cell, and of course the body suffers greatly in this silly and abusive process. You only have to look at pictures of war torn battlefields to realize that the terrain suffers just as much as the soldiers in this kind of all-out onslaught. You would be right to suspect as many people have their lives shortened by the “treatment” as by the cancer!

Doctors seem incapable or unwilling to consider Nature’s way of doing things. Coupled with the fact that drug companies are interested mainly in “research” which leads to more staggering profits rather than new directions, not surprisingly, there has been a deadlock in progress that has cost many hundreds of millions of lives. However, the picture has just begun to improve a little. At last there have been attempts to try and understand the mechanics of the life process, and tumour growth in particular, and how Nature’s wisdom can be harnessed to advantage, instead of over-ridden.

One such idea has been to bond the damaging chemo-substance onto some inactive carrier which makes it harmless to the ordinary cells. But by using anti-cancer cell antibodies to take the key which “unbonds” right to the tumour, this means the chemo-substance is released ONLY in the tumour, which is where it is needed. It’s like delivering a parcel bomb to the exact house you want to demolish, leaving the rest of the street intact! An even simpler idea is to set the “bomb” to go off when oxygen levels drop, because cancer cells don’t like oxygen and live only where there is less of it (partly because they outgrow the blood vessels which supply them with oxygen and nutrients). Another bright idea has been to use the antibody weapon to trick tumour into taking up a substance which sensitizes the cancer cells to light and then shining lasers on the tumour. As before, the ordinary cells are left unharmed.

Until these newer “smart” strategies become commonplace, you or your loved ones will probably continue to be faced with difficult choices, due to out-of-date thinking.

What you can do
If you or a loved one contracts a cancer, the first thing to realize is that this is not necessarily a death knell; but it is certainly a wake-up call. If you don’t do something swift and decisive NOW, the elements which combined to get you to this dangerous position will continue to work against you, unchecked. Cancers have causes and most of these are under your direct control. You need to get into gear as the manager of your life and take the wheel. For many patients, surviving cancer becomes a career change: we advize you to take it this seriously, if you intend to live through it. Read, learn and implement what you find.

Do not leave everything to medical “experts”. Their ignorance and prejudice could cost you your life. With or without the help of conventional treatment, there are many steps which you must implement, if you are to have the best chance of surviving the crisis and emerging unscathed. This section will help you understand what to do, what to look for, what to guard against and, hopefully, guide you to more detailed help that you may need.

There are two broad elements to your strategy:

Protect yourself against the cancer

Protect yourself against damage from conventional therapies!

Fortunately, these are not really different. Both requirements are answered by attending to general health issues and getting yourself into the fittest state of mind and body that you possibly can. Cancer is a holistic disease; it follows that survival is a holistic strategy. Do not be misled by silly medical specialists who would view breast cancer as a condition of the breast (with ovaries thrown in to complicate things). Make no mistake, breast cancers — and all cancers — are a head-to-toe condition.

Our recommendations have several key elements, as follows:


Tip top diet

Nutritional supplements

Specific anti-cancer remedies

Advanced homeopathy

Mental hygiene

In addition, there is a helpful, maybe life-saving, therapy which you can seek out, namely safe intravenous infusions of high doses of vitamin C and other nutrients designed specifically to knock out the cancer.

None of these alternative approaches conflict with conventional therapy. You do not have to abandon all help from the hospital, though you will be told that safe natural remedies conflict with the “real” treatment. This is nonsense based on ignorance. It must be your choice whether you go the natural route, the conventional route, or a combination of both, though common sense might steer you towards the combined approach. There are no guaranteed results; it’s really all about stacking up the odds in your favour.

Let us look at each alternative in turn.


Most people know that cigarette pollution leads to lung cancer. Dr Sam Epstein is convinced that the steady rise in cancer incidence of both sexes is due to the chemically polluted lifestyle we lead (others might add electro-magnetic pollution as a significant risk). It makes sense then, to de-pollute your life as thoroughly as possible. This doesn’t just mean give up smoking, it means stop tea, coffee, alcohol and, above all, junk food. It’s not just the problem with food additives and pesticides: you are going to need the very best, most nutritious, diet you can design for yourself.

Rid your house of all unnecessary chemical exposure, from cleaning fluids to cosmetics, from model sprays to smelly new fabrics and carpets. Check for gas leaks; go electric if you can. Do not undertake or allow repainting of the house or even one small room at this time. Avoid all chemical applications and sprays in the garden for this season (and maybe the next). Start to buy at least some organic food, where you have a choice. Build it up as you learn more.

How do you get rid of what’s already inside you? Heat, basically. Take regular saunas; these work best if you use lower temperatures (120- 1400) and stay in longer. Full heat (1800) is too hot to be safe for more than a few minutes at a time. Dr Patrick Kingsley, a UK cancer specialist, points out that public saunas are unwise, since you may absorb pollutants from other people, rather than shed your own burden! A better alternative is to use the far-infrared systems, but these are expensive. Simplest, if it is all you can manage, is to take a really hot bath and then wrap yourself quickly in several thick dry towels and lie down for a further 15 minutes.

COFFEE ENEMAS: alternative cancer specialists all recommend daily coffee enemas. It’s a powerful liver stimulant; your liver helps you detox and remove poisons from your body. It also offers a degree of pain relief, which is good (great cure for hangovers and migraines!). But DO NOT DRINK COFFEE, it is bad for you by mouth and does not have this desired stimulant effect.

Click here for instructions on how to give yourself a coffee enema.



Tip Top Diet
Now we have removed some of the rubbish from your tissues, make sure you put back only the very best nutrients! There is one fact of which we are very certain: the single most important thing you can do that offers you the best survival chance against cancer is to eat right. According to The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), eating at least five portions of vegetables and fruits each day could, in itself, reduce cancer rates by 20%. Eating healthily, plus staying physically active and maintaining a healthy weight, can cut cancer risk by 30-40%. The WCRF supplies evidence that half of all breast cancer cases, three out of four cases of stomach cancer and three out of four cases of colon cancer could be prevented by dietary measures alone.

If you want to go the whole way, you may wish to enrol on comprehensive dietary-management schemes, such as the famous Gerson diet or Budwig’s plan. Just be warned these are demanding and will consume almost your whole day in preparation and action. Here is a suggestion for a middle of the road diet but this should be regarded as a minimum, if you are serious about your predicament.

Foods to avoid: red meat, dairy produce, refined white flour, sugar, tea, coffee, alcohol, yeasty and fermented foods of all kinds, spinach, celery, beets, added salt, any and all manufactured foods (tins, packets, jars, bottles).

Foods to eat: whole grains, fresh fruit, all vegetables (except spinach, celery and beets), fish, chicken or other fowl, salads, herb and spice flavourings, fruit juice, herb teas, spring water. Take lots of red foods, like tomato, because they contain lycopene, which has been shown to help definitely against a number of cancers, including prostate. Take plenty of brassicas (cabbage and kale family) because they are rich in indole-3-carbinol, which is highly active against oestrogen-sensitive tumours, such as ovary, breast and probably prostate.

Drink lots of water (at least 2 litres a day) it helps the kidneys wash out toxins. Note: if you are intolerant to any foodstuff, don’t eat it, even if it’s on our “allowed” list. That would put strain on your precious immune system. Many published scientific studies show the value of a low-salt diet against cancer. Reduce or eliminate salt, which effectively means avoid all manufactured food and do not add salt to your cooking. Caution: very low sodium diets can make you feel weak and dizzy. Add a little back to your food on your plate, where only YOU control the amounts.


Smoothie Hot Tip
Juicing vs. smoothies.

You will be told to juice; this means to pulp food, keep the juice and throw away the rest. I consider this ignorant and foolish. There is a great deal of goodness in the solid matter you throw away. It contains masses of cell membrane phospholipids, which are essential for healthy tissue performance. Better to use a food blender to turn your mixture into a smooth paste containing all the plant matter.

Try this formula: 2 ounces of any juice (as a base), half an avocado, half a pear, 2 medium carrots and a handful of black or blue berries. Add one basil leaf for a flavour zing. Blend for 90 seconds, adding more juice if necessary.

You’ll need a spoon to eat this thick rich smoothie!