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Treatment for Allergies

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enzyme potentiated desensitization
homeopathy (homotoxicology)
Devi Nambrudripad

All allergy management consists of two basic elements: avoidance and desensitization. Avoidance is not always practical. Desensitization is better.


Unfortunately this cannot be said of classical allergy desensitization or hyposensitization (means lowering of sensitivity). For decades it was practically the only desensitization method. The idea was to figure out what the patient was allergic to and then make them up a cocktail formula of those substances and administer steadily increasing concentrations of it, until the patient learned to tolerate the offending substances.

It did have some validity, that is: it worked some of the time. The two main drawbacks were

  1. testing was unreliable. Just because a substance reacts on a prick or scratch test does NOT mean it is a serious culprit (ie. a person may be very allergic to cats but not be near any)
  2. There were many instances of severe after effects and deaths were quite common. That's a tough break if all you had was dermatitis or hay fever.

For the latter reason, hyposensitization is little used outside the USA, where business concerns try to maintain its status quo. Attacks on safer methods, like Miller's low-dose desensitization and homotoxicology are vicious and based entirely on ignorance of the benefits and vest interest.


Other Treatments for Allergy

Some treatments are implicit in the method and have already been considered. For example cytotoxic testing and Miller's method have an obvious related plan of treatment (exclusion diet for the former, administering neutralizing solutions for the latter).

Environmental Control Units are an testing/treatment element to themselves and are considered elsewhere.

Leaky gut and parasites would depend on what you found but the treatment should follow logically.

Drugs for allergies (such as antihistamines or sodium cromoglycate) are described on  a separate web page here.

It only remains to consider specific treatments, which might not be covered elsewhere.


Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization

A bridge between conventional desensit­ization and low-dose neutralization is Dr Len McEwen’s method of enzyme potentiated desensitization.

It is definitely a vaccine approach, whereas Miller’s method of n
eutralization seems to be more akin to the antidote principle. Briefly, in EPD a cup is taped over the forearm (after the skin on the area has been scarified — scraped repeatedly — to remove the waterproof layers). Under this cup is placed a vac­cine containing dozens of commonly-encountered food and environmental sub­stances, along with an enzyme to make it work (hence the name). The cup is kept in place for 24 hours and then removed.

Antigens leak into the blood over several hours and this creates a favourable antibody response. Obviously the patient will not be desensitized to every ingredient, but since there are dozens of foodstuffs and most common environmental allergens in the mixture, even if only 20 per cent of the items ‘take’ this would mean a significant improvement to many patients.

The doses used are extremely small. In fact, more food appears in the blood after eating a meal than from this technique. It is vital therefore that the patient avoid most foods the day before, the day of and the day after treatment.

The treatment takes up to 12 months to produce a worthwhile improvement in complex food allergies. Environmental allergies, such as grass, pollen and house dust, respond much quicker.

McEwen estimates EPD is about 85 per cent successful. It doesn’t work for chemical sensitivity or insect bites.

Nowadays we dispense with the cup and administer the dose by intradermal injection, except in special cases.

EPD is a compound vaccine: the user-practitioner mixes the appropriate proportions immediately prior to administering the dose.  The modern vaccine contains:

  • 1-3 diol, a kind of alcohol which activates the enzyme

  •  beta glucuronidase, which appears to act as a lymphokine. It occurs naturally in human blood and is present in the vaccine in an amount equivalent to that normally present in 4 cc of blood. This enzyme, which gives the technique its name, is thought to be responsible for stimulating the Langerhan cells (immunologically active cells in the skin) to migrate to the local lymph glands and ‘reprogramme’ a new population of T-suppressor lymphocytes (those that switch off immune reactions). In the presence of antigen in the appropriate concen­trations, this will result in a satis­factory desensitization. (Conversely, in the presence of antigen at a ‘wrong’ concentration you may get a hyper­sensitization, probably by stirring up helper T-lymphocytes and B-lympho­cytes.)

The following mixes are used most frequently:

  1. ‘X’ — mixed foods and additives, mixed moulds, mixed pollens, cat/dog, flock, fly mix and bacterial mix.

  2. ‘I’ — inhalants alone. This is used to treat hay fever, cat, dog, horse allergies, pure mould and housedust allergies.

Separate mixes of odds and ends, laboratory animal hair/dander and sawdusts are also available. So far EPD has not provided any useful means of desensitizing for chemical reactions.
Hay fever and rhinitis usually respond to the first dose of inhalant mix. Two treatments are usually given in all. But doses of EPD are cumulative and a few of the more complex allergic patients will not start to improve until eight doses have been administered over two years.

A wide variety of conditions respond to EPD, including the following: asthma, eczema, rhinitis, chronic urticaria, angio­neurotic oedema, hyperkinetic syndrome, migraine and chronic headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, food-induced psychological states - depression, anxiety - post-viral fatigue syndrome and multiple food allergy.

McEwen draws attention to a combination syndrome of psychological disturbance, irritable bowel and migraine, which he calls PIMS.


Desensitization for foods demands that there are no circulating food antigens at the injection site. This means patients have to go on a diet of foods that have been found from experience rarely to upset EPD, such as lamb, sweet potato, buckwheat, carrot (cooked), celery (cooked), cabbage (cooked), sago, fructose and rhubarb; chicory drink or spring water.

Alternatively, the patient may use one of a number of elemental or synthetic food supplements or replacements, such as Elemental-08, Vivonex (still available in some countries), Pregestimil or Pregomin (Milupa). Dairy and grain-based meal replacers are not allowed.

Treatment for seasonal allergies should be given at least four weeks before the season begins. Desensitization to animal furs may not succeed if the patient returns straightaway to his or her pets. He or she will absorb pet antigen, which finds its way to the injection site in far greater concentration than that in the vaccine, and this may block desensitization. Fortunately allergy to house dust and mites works well without patients having to leave home, but reasonable precautions against house dust mite must be observed, especially prior to EPD.

McEwen points out it is not uncommon to see patients who have become sensitized to their own gut flora. In these cases it is necessary to reduce the bowel antigen load starting at least 10 days prior to a dose of EPD. The commonest problem is Candida allergy and this must be pre-treated with a suitable antifungal such as Nystatin. Allergy to gut bacteria often goes unnoticed and untreated. Preparatory treatment may be satisfactorily carried out with antibiotics such as tetracycline or nifuroxazide.

EPD can be blocked by a number of factors. If one or more of these factors is present the physician must decide whether to defer treatment until conditions are more suitable:

excess exposure to inhalants, foods, Candida, fumes, etc. close to the time of treatment
2. incidental infection such as a cold or flu
3. stress
4. nutritional agents: excess vitamin C, cod liver oil, evening primrose oil at treatment time (or large excess at other times)
5. drugs: paracetamol, aspirin, NSAIDs, high-dose oestrogen (the Pill or HRT implants), progesterone-like drugs, H2 histamine antagonists (notably cimetidine or Tagamet), alpha and beta sympa­thomimetics (ventolin, bricanyl in large doses), cyclophosphamide, opiates, tri- methoprim, Septrin and anti-malarials.

Whenever antigenic material is injected into any person there is always the theoretical risk of anaphylaxis. Reactions to the ‘conventional’ desensitizing injections are common because large amounts of antigen are injected. In fact deaths have occurred and this method of injecting large amounts of antigen is no longer considered justifiable.

With EPD far smaller quantities of antigen are used, which greatly increases the safety margin. Over 30,000 treatments have been given by cup since 1966. No patient has been admitted to hospital to treat an emergency provoked by EPD. This includes patients who have severe asthma or who have previously suffered acute anaphylactic reactions to multiple foods.

EPD is
now usually administered by intradermal injection, except for the high-dose inhalant vaccine, which must only be given by the cup method. However, the current practice is to retain the cup technique for patients who may be especially at risk of anaphylaxis, even for administering the low-dose vaccine. This bolsters the safety element greatly.

Insect bites have not been included in EPD for safety reasons.

Increasing the short-term availability of zinc appears to improve the effectiveness of EPD.  So does the administration of folic acid and vitamin D3. The average response to treatment is accelerated by giving additional supplements of these substances for approximately three weeks after each dose.

Generally these nutritional supplements are not used after hay fever treatments, although they may be added if the response to a first treatment has been poor. Inadequate patient nutrition must be tackled as a separate problem. As with any other approach, most patients benefit from multivitamin and mineral supplements. 

EPD is a long-term project and this needs to be clearly understood by the patient. Treatment is begun at intervals of two months. Once the response is established, this can be increased to three months, then four and so on. Usually it is possible to get it down to once or twice a year. Some patients have been able to discontinue regular treatments altogether.

Patient response to EPD varies widely. Typically, nothing happens for about three weeks, then there is a sudden surge of improvement. This usually lasts a couple of weeks and then wears off. After the second dose, this improvement may last three to four weeks; then for longer and longer intervals until improvement is maintained right through to the next dose. This is the signal to start increasing the interval between treatments. Improvement, in this context, may mean either feeling better, or tolerating more foods, or (usually) both.




Perhaps one of the most important is homotoxicology. A general coverage of this enormously important holistic speciality should be read first, here. If you haven't yet read it, perhaps you should do that first.

There are a number of HEEL remedies (German homeopathic manufacturer) that relate directly to allergies in two ways:

  • treatments for specific symptoms and illnesses
  • treatment for the allergic tendency (to heal and remove the sensitivity)

Both, of course, have a place in the physician's armoury.

symptoms specific homeopathic remedies

The simplest way to put this material forward is to make a table and include suggested or recognized remedies, as examples. All are from HEEL, unless otherwise stated.


suggested remedies

general, good for allergies Schwef-Heel, Traumeel-S, Galium-Heel, Apis-Homaccord
asthma Tartephedreel, Husteel, Drosera-Homaccord, Carbo veg
chronic fatigue syndrome Schwef-Heel, Lymphomyosot, Engystol, Coenzyme comp.
dermatitis Belladonna-Homaccord, Psoriniheel, Graphites-Homaccord
eczema Schwef-Heel (strong!!), Sulphur-Heel, Hepeel, Merc sol.
hay fever Luffa comp.,Galium-Heel, Naso-Heel, Natrium-Homaccord
migraine Spigelion, Gelsemium-Hom, Chelidonium-Hom, Psoriniheel
brain allergy Ingnatia-Homaccord, Nervo-Heel, Valerian-Heel
urticaria Apis-Homaccord, Belladonna-Homaccord, Sulphur-Heel

Futureplex™ are worth a separate mention, because they have some really excellent formulas for many aspects of allergies, which I can say from experience work really well.

eliminating the allergic tendency

This is a big subject, naturally, and I cannot teach anyone a science in just a few lines. The essence of it is removing toxins from the body (what we call drainage), stimulating the body's own defense mechanisms and reducing other burdens. As always in good holistic care, treating any concurrent disease is treating the allergy!

I put forward the following suggestions:

eliminating the after effects of past viral illness and good "general allergy remedy". Good against vaccination damage. Engystol
Lymphatic cleanser, great for drainage, helps clear out all toxins, and "restores" the overburdened immune system Lymphomysot
Liver drainage and liver support. Vital when the body is overloaded with toxins and auto-pollution (such as dietary and environmental damage) Hepar compositum
Good kidney drainage. When the liver is overworked, the next place to get the shock of overload are the kidneys. Populus compositum
Brilliant defence booster and zest giver. Specifically targets those childhood ear, nose and throat illnesses that damaged the immune system Tonsilla compositum
General boost giver. I have gone on record saying if I were only allowed ever one remedy to treat all my patients, this would be it! Coenzyme-comp.

You may be hard pressed to find doctors who even know about these medicines, never mind how to use them. You may have to go it alone or seek help.


Devi Nambrudripad

A Brief History

Dr. Devi Nambrudripad, an American acupuncturist and chiropractor, had been sick from childhood. Tests showed that she was allergic to almost all foods except white rice and broccoli. Within a week of restricting herself to white rice and broccoli her bronchitis cleared, her headaches became infrequent, her joints stopped aching, her insomnia had disappeared and her concentration and thinking became clearer and more focused. When she began eating other foods again, her complaints slowly reappeared.

One day she ate a few pieces of carrot while waiting for the rice to cook. In a few minutes she felt tired, as if she were about to pass out. She called her husband, who was an acupuncturist and asked him to get some acupuncture needles and treat her. He inserted the needles and she slept for forty-five minutes. When she woke up she felt strangely different. She was not feeling sick or tired; in fact, her energy level was high. As she got up from the bed she noticed that some pieces of carrot were still stuck to her hand.

So, was there a connection?

Well, it could have been the acupuncture. But Dr Nambrudripad wondered if there was a connection between accidentally touching the carrots and waking up feeling so good. She ate the carrots the next day and had no reaction. She began to use this technique of holding the food she was allergic to at the same time her nervous system was being stimulated. Her allergies began to disappear. NAET (Nabrudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique) is now used by more than 600 practitioners throughout the world, all of whom are having excellent results desensitizing people to allergens.

This all accords very well with the important scientific principle called the Adey Window, after Ross Adey from Linda Loma University. In "Virtual Medicine" I explained how it showed that small quantities are often important biologically, whereas large "doses" do nothing, or may even impair the system.

The NAET treatment stimulates pressure points along the spine from the neck to the sacrum that correspond with the nerve plexuses of the various organ systems while the patient is holding a vial containing the allergen. After the treatment, a strong muscle response test indicates that the body is no longer reacting to the allergen. Specific acupressure points are then massaged or acupuncture needles may be inserted for 20 minutes to stabilise the treatment.

The allergen must then be avoided for 25 hours after the treatment for best results. A patient should be retested for the allergy after 25 hours (up to a week after the treatment). If the patient's indicator muscle tests as very strong this is taken as a successful treatment.

Often mild allergies are cleared with one treatment but if the person is particularly allergic to the substance or from some reason was unable to completely avoid exposure, several treatment may be necessary. One is not normally 100% free from that allergy because there will be other nutrients in the food that have not yet been cleared.

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