The Hidden Food Allergy Hack to Living Longer and Feeling Younger
Are the Foods You Rely on Most Secretly Wrecking Your Health?
We’ve all heard the latest health buzzwords, haven’t we?
Bio-hacking. Keto. Intermittent fasting. “Superfoods.” The internet is full of self-proclaimed gurus promising to cheat aging and unlock boundless energy.
But here’s the problem—they aren’t doctors. They’ve never worked with real patients.
Their “research” consists of Googling trendy jargon, parroting each other’s ideas, and packaging it up as something revolutionary.

Meanwhile, I’ve spent over 40 years in the trenches of clinical medicine, helping thousands of patients uncover the real reasons behind their chronic pain, fatigue, and frustrating symptoms—symptoms their doctors told them were “just part of getting older.”
And do you know what I found?
The greatest health “hack” of all time isn’t some shiny new fad or miracle pill. It’s something far more powerful, and it’s been hiding in plain sight this whole time…
Sure, they know all the right words, like intermittent fasting, keto, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), GLP-1 agonists, senolytics, resistance training, adaptogens, sleep architecture and the like.
But they don’t know what I know (not unless they are deliberately keeping it suppressed!)
I learned the secret to anti-aging some forty years ago and almost nobody is talking about it.
I myself was startled at first when patients started coming back after a couple weeks saying “I feel twenty years younger”, “My friends keep asking me what I’m on. They want some!” and “It’s all gone, doctor. All the symptoms vanished within a week!”
What had I learned?
I discovered for myself the secret of what I am now calling BANDIT FOODS: that’s hidden food allergies and intolerance.
And before you nod sagely, I am NOT talking about inflammatory foods, fast foods, junk food, ultra-processed foods or lousy cooking.
The shocking fact is that…Good, clean (organic) whole foods, prepared with care, can do an immense amount of damage! It’s sort of counterintuitive, isn’t it?
We all think of whole foods as friendly and nourishing our bodies. How can they be harmful?
Then I quote cases of individuals who couldn’t breathe, couldn’t talk, couldn’t move properly, couldn’t function without pain, couldn’t even THINK normally, till they found the problem foods, removed them and recovered. “Ah… yes, well, really?” is the usual stunned response.
I discovered the NUMBER #1 way to enhance health and prolong life—not just create a longer lifespan but a longer healthspan!
By getting rid of what I call….
Bandit Foods—And They Could Be the Reason You Feel Older Than You Are
You see, many of the foods you trust—yes, even the organic, “healthy” ones—might be quietly sabotaging your body.
I’m not talking about junk food or greasy takeout. I’m talking about clean, wholesome foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains that can wreak havoc on your system if you’re sensitive to them.
Plants are much vaunted today; “plant-based diets” are a hit. But aren’t opium (morphine), hemlock (used to execute Socrates), deadly nightshade (Belladonna), yew, aconite (monkshood) and castor bean (source of ricin, one of the deadliest poisons known to man) also plants? We have to be careful and know a lot more, before we start going for quick fixes and generalizations.
Even the humble carrot contains a nerve toxin (caratotoxin) and as one wit put it, if cabbage had to undergo drug safety tests, it would not pass as fit for human consumption.
The trouble is, there is no one-size-fits-all diet.
Yet we still have an awful lot of dogma today: vegetarianism, keto, paleo eating, raw foods, low carbs, Atkins, and vegans who won’t allow anyone else the right to eat what they want… It’s all DOGMA.
I don’t do DOGMA because I realized, early on, that we are all different.
While modern medicine is wedded to commonality and treats only the “average” individual, I take each person as a unique entity.
In fact not one single person on earth is “average”. We are truly, all different.
You’re Not Average—So Why Settle for One-Size-Fits-All Advice?
Mainstream medicine treats everyone like they’re the same. The truth is, there’s no such thing as an “average” person. Your body is unique, and it needs a unique approach to thrive.
That’s why one-size-fits-all diets like keto, paleo, or low-carb won’t work for everyone. But by uncovering your personal Bandit Foods, you can:
- Break free from the stiffness, fatigue, and brain fog that have been holding you back.
- Reclaim your energy and mobility without relying on pills, surgeries, or extreme diets.
- Finally feel at home in your own body again.
Remember the ruling principle: Food allergies and intolerance are very common, almost everyone has one or another.
It could be the difference between 100% health and vitality or just barely “functioning” at 60-70%!
Hi! My Name is Keith Scott-Mumby MD, aka. The World’s “Number One Allergy Detective” (UK Sunday Mail, 1990)

Over the past 40 years, I’ve seen firsthand how food can be both medicine and poison.
I earned my spurs by sharing a spectacular series of amazing stories in the 1980s and 90s among the patients I treated.
For a time I was almost a media sensation and journalists would ring me and ask, “Doc, any interesting stories for us this week?” I think it was true to say that through those years, I was a major force for the transformation of medicine in the UK.
That’s because I made a conscious effort to take the message to the public, not try and “convert” my doctor colleagues.
I was on and off TV so often that my wife Vivien’s Mum remembered me from TV ten years earlier! In the late 90s I met with comedian Billy Connolly through a friend in Edinburgh. Billy looked puzzled at first and asked, “Do I know you from somewhere?” I thought not and told him so. He was insistent and then it dawned on me: “The allergy doctor on TV maybe?” His face lit up, “That’s right, yes.” he said. “Pamela is a big fan of yours.”
I was so nearly famous that somebody recognized me halfway up a mountain in Scotland (Ben Lomond) and when I walked into a Starbucks in Hawai’i somebody called out my name and came over to shake hands!
Why Did I Write this Bandit Foods Book?
Because I’m on a mission to get this vital knowledge to every human being on earth.
I’ve been sat in my wheelhouse for years, with numerous writings and illustrative stories about what tremendous health benefits are to be had from giving up the wrong foods, rather than adding in non-existent supposed “superfoods.”
I’m a passed master.
But I recognize that times have changed; people are impatient; they want answers NOW!
So I have written a much shorter book, a faster read, with simpler explanations.
It will take you up to the start line much faster and show you, comprehensively, what to do.
Within a week you could be feeling the enormous improvements in your health that this program brings.
Listen, I share a fascinating story about a fifteenth-century Italian nobleman who did this whole program (without understanding why it worked or what a food allergy was)… He lived to a great old age of 98, happy, serene and healthy. He went to sleep and shuffled off this mortal life calmly and relaxed. That’s in a day when the average life expectancy was under 40 and not many people made it to their Biblical three-score-years-and-ten (70)!
The only time he was ever ill was in his 70s, when his family persuaded him to eat “properly”, bandit foods and all. He nearly died. Immediately he stopped the foolishness, he went back to his personal “Me” diet and recovered his full health.
I’ll share with you what to do and if you follow my lead, you will likely be happy and well till your last day on earth!
Of course as a modern scientific doctor, I will share with you the reasons this works, the principles behind it, and what to do to become your own EXPERT dietician!
Age Old
Wasn’t it Hippocrates who said “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”?
Somewhat later, Roman writer Titus Lucretius wrote “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” He might have meant interests and opinions but even just limiting the quote to foods, I can tell you that his perspective launched my career of over forty years, healing tens of thousands of sick and suffering people.
Much later, a little known writer, an Oxford don called Robert Burton, wrote a massive, rambling treatise in 1621, called The Anatomy of Melancholy (melancholy is the ancient Greek word for “black bile”, which we would call depression today).
Burton was not a healthy man but he did notice something interesting: “Much to do with milk causeth melancholy.” That’s the first clear reference to a food allergy!
These were all pushing towards the ultimate truth, which I learned for myself over 40 years ago, which is that foods, everyday foods, can wreak havoc in a susceptible individual.
There’s A Whole HOST Of Conditions and Diseases That Can Be Rectified By Eliminating Bandit Foods
These include (but are not limited to)…
And as you will have guessed, there are plenty more!
Bandit foods and accompanying symptoms can be very diverse and often do not relate to “medical syndromes” at all; just patient subjective feelings.
My 3 Major Rules About Trouble Foods:
Any Food Can Be A Bandit
Sure, some food reactions are commoner than others but I’ve had patients sick, almost unto death, who I found to be allergic to foods such as almonds, carrots, potato and lettuce.
One girl was notorious for jumping up on the bar table and stripping off, after a vodka and orange. She was lucky to meet me, because I found the allergy was to orange, not the vodka!
Tell that to the gurus who teach all you need to worry about is gluten and casein (because those are easy “Google words”).
Any Food Can Be A Bandit
It’s not down to the food, it’s down to the individual. Talking about “inflammatory foods” is more foolishness.
There is no list of inflammatory foods, though ignorant health "experts" keep telling you there is. Any food can be inflammatory, if YOU don’t tolerate it well. Yes, there are some recoveries, some of the time, avoiding the common troublemakers.
But you have to have a METHOD, a system, and I’ve got one for you!
Time and time again, it has delivered a sick, unhappy human being from their misery into delight and vibrant health. As my wife Vivien says, “I am simply THE BEST!”
Any Food Can Be A Bandit
These problematic, health-hazard foods are incredibly well hidden most of the time. So much so that doctors rarely trouble teaching proper eating to patients. They don’t see the relevance.
But I know how to cleverly fish and dig for these beasts and have cured (yes, cured) 10,000s of patients…
- Getting them up out of wheelchairs
- Stepping free from arthritis (one lady, scheduled for a wheelchair, became a celebrity case when she recovered from crippling arthritis and BEAT THE NEWSPAPER REPORTERS TO THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN FOR A PHOTO SHOOT!)
- Helping a woman get pregnant after years of trying unsuccessfully
- Foods making individuals dangerously violent and in trouble with the law… cured, yes cured…
- Kids who couldn’t learn turned bright and shot to the top of the class
- A man who hadn’t breathed through his nose for over 20 years; I was there on his first sniff!
- Solving over 20 years of migraine, due to licking the gum on office envelopes before posting them!
One of the most outstanding cases, which stunned even me, was taking a boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (a death warrant before adulthood, typically). It’s a genetic disease and yet I transformed his lethal gene into something mild and innocent. He came to me unable to walk and finished running alongside a friend on his bicycle and, finally, climbing the Walter Scott Memorial in Edinburgh, Scotland, right to the top, and got a certificate to prove it (287 steps!)
I could go on and on with exciting, moving and rewarding stories.
Thing is, I want you to become a startling case too. Get back your life to where it should be. Shake off the thralldom of feeling unwell, weariness and sliding inexorably into old age and disease.
That’s why I wrote this book.
I want to give you the tools to identify the hidden triggers in your diet that might be holding you back from the vibrant, pain-free life you deserve.
This isn’t another long-winded health manual filled with fluff. It’s a simple, easy-to-follow guide that will help you:
- Understand why certain foods harm your body, even if they seem healthy.
- Discover your unique “me diet” tailored to your body’s needs.
- Start feeling better in as little as one week.
You don’t need to spend another day wondering why your body won’t cooperate. Let me show you how to finally take control of your health and live the vibrant, joyful life you’ve earned.
Ready to Feel Like Yourself Again?
If you’re tired of feeling drained, stiff, or sidelined from the activities you love, it’s time to uncover the truth about Bandit Foods and reclaim your health.
I hope you care enough to become a participant in this exciting romp!
Together, we can change society, revamp healthcare values, create belonging and share a wonderful, serene sense of being fit, healthy and PURE!
Truly, this is a journey which everyone should do, at least once in a lifetime!
Bandit Foods: Unlock Your Body’s Natural Energy and Vitality
Backed by my over 40 years of groundbreaking clinical practice, Bandit Foods reveals the hidden truth about how the foods on your plate might be robbing your body of its health and energy—without you even realizing it.
This is the #1 system for identifying and removing “Bandit Foods”—those sneaky, seemingly “healthy” foods that could be triggering inflammation, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, or even weight gain.
Imagine this:
- Feeling vibrant.
- Clear-headed.
- And pain-free.
Just like you did in your 30s, when meals didn’t leave you bloated, tired, or wondering what went wrong with your body.
Here’s what Moira W., from England said after discovering her Bandit Foods:

“I recently had a health scare; my blood pressure started soaring to dangerous levels and my heart became really fast at times. It made me very apprehensive. But I was shown the Bandit Foods program and I was soon back in a good place, having found it was being caused by a food I was eating nearly every day. What a relief to know I wouldn’t need a stent or pacemaker or permanent drugs.”
Can you imagine that?
It’s like hitting the reset button on your body.
Bandit Foods is truly a life-changing program.
In fact, countless people (including medical professionals) are turning to this approach that I developed because it works with your body’s natural ability to heal—not against it.
The Number ONE Bonus…
Banish Brain Fog!
Brain fog! Also called “wooly brain syndrome”. It cannot survive this revision in your diet, I promise!
The clarity you thought you’d lost with the passing of years will re-surge, like never before. People report being sharper again, feeling 10 – 15 years younger, having the energy they thought they had long lost, feeling exciting and attractive to the opposite sex! There’s nothing wrong with your brain!
It’s just being fudged by toxins and constant inflammation coming from your bandit foods.
This incisive book shows you how to track down your own, personal troublemaker foods and shares with you the joy of new-found health and vitality.
What’s more, it’s not just about getting healthy, it’s about STAYING HEALTHY for the rest of your days.
Truly, this is a journey which everyone should do, at least once in a lifetime!
Here’s How Bandit Foods Works
You need to know (and I will teach you) about the phenomena of…

Hidden food allergies (the sneaky bandits)
I’ll explain what they are and how it is they can remain undetected for years and just how much sickness and misery they may cause.
You’ll also hear me defend my remark on a BBC interview: “Almost everyone has a food allergy. It’s not always important but it’s very common.”

Food Addictions
You’ll learn that people very often get addicted to their bandit foods; they get hooked on the very foods that make them ill (Clue: if you wake up tired and irritable, crabby on waking or feeling like death warmed up until you have downed tea or coffee and come breakfast, you have food addictions!)
You’ll learn how many natural substances contain toxic ingredients. Plants, it seems, mostly want to poison or hurt animals that are set on eating them, to actively discourage being eaten!
A nice evolutionary twist, but where does that leave us? Some people don’t like eating animals but I like to point out that at least the animal’s liver stands between you and the poison!

Food Families
You’ll learn how many foods are related genetically. You’ll no doubt be aware of the cabbage family (kale, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower etc.) and the citrus family (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, tangerine, etc.).
But less intuitive are the compositae (lettuce, endive, chicory, globe artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, sunflower, dandelion, chamomile, goldenrod, safflower) and the nightshade family (tomato, potato, eggplant, tobacco, green and red peppers, capsicum, chilli).
You need to know these groupings, to be aware of what we call cross reactions (one bandit stirring up another).
You need to know these groupings, to be aware of what we call cross reactions (one bandit stirring up another).

Target Organs
One thing that troubled orthodox doctors greatly is the tremendous, confusing variety of symptoms that can be caused by bandit foods. That’s because they learn only agreed, standard groupings of symptoms called a “syndrome”. If it isn’t in their textbooks, they don’t believe in it (or the patient).
But it’s crucial to ANY disease process: the symptoms will relate to the organ that’s most affected (skin, bowel, lungs, joints, cardiovascular system, and so on).
Probably the most exciting target organ is the brain. Malfunction in that organ can cause almost any symptom imaginable, since the brain is the center of our senses and feelings.

Threshold Values
Even more important, but even less talked about, and ignored completely by orthodox doctors, is the matter of thresholds. Briefly, this means that it takes a certain presence of pathogens to trigger any symptoms at all.
A fit, healthy (and happy) person is much more resistant to attack, whereas someone already run down and functioning poorly will be much more susceptible (made ill by much smaller triggers). All we have to do to get you well is reduce your body burden till it can cope; we don’t have to eliminate everything!
That gives rise to an important concept, which is that it may be enough to get a marvelous and startling recovery, just to give up one or two foods.
That will bring you back within your tolerance threshold and you will get well, regardless of whatever else you are suffering from!
See, it’s simple when you understand the basic principles.
Why Not Labs? You may wonder, “Why all the fuss? Why not just get some lab work?” I’ll explain the many options for you and why they are not necessarily the best options. Some are useless for food allergy testing.
Nothing works better than trial and error dieting, as explained in detail in this book, because
No labs can do that!
I have also taken the opportunity to share some up-to-date advice.
For example, we always worry about sugar. It is highly inflammatory, no argument.
But now we think that seed oils, or vegetable oils as they are falsely labelled, are far worse! The baddest culprits are soybean, corn, canola, cottonseed, rapeseed, grapeseed, sunflower and safflower oils.
These oils are heat treated and then run through a hydraulic screw press, followed by a petroleum-derived hexane solvent bath, followed by steaming, degumming, and chemical alkalinization using sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
Then the residue is chemically bleached, typically using calcium sulfate dihydrate. At this stage the sludge smells so bad, it has to be “sanitized” by reheating and steam treatment. Ugh!
So naturally, I have added these suspect oils as “universal bandit foods”!
I will also teach you about when to suspect bandit foods, how to cook for best results, the truth about alcohol (which is a food!), the microbiome, food addiction, and lots more!
Like all my books, you get a pretty comprehensive education! Yet withal, I have kept it as short as is humanly possible (under 140 pages), because I know you have a busy, tight life to run!
This simple yet revolutionary system helps you:
- Uncover the hidden food triggers behind your most frustrating symptoms.
- Restore your energy and vitality by giving your body the nourishment it truly needs.
- Break free from fatigue, brain fog, and unexplained aches—without restrictive diets or expensive testing.
And guess what?
You can start applying it TODAY.
Thoughts About Cancer
Cancer is of course a degenerative process (even though the cells act like juveniles!) Anything which helps prevent degeneration is a good thing.
But it’s more than that: cancer is seen by many knowledgeable doctors to be a disease of the immune system. Our white blood cells are brilliant at picking off viruses, bacteria and rogue cancer cells. The basic model seems to be that each of us throws off cancer cells, all the time. But our immune system grabs and kills them, before they have a chance to cause trouble.
So unburdening your immune system of allergy and intolerance problems seems a great way to go! Hence also my important saying (clinical experience, that is): Any good health measure is an anti-cancer measure!
Maybe that explains why, over many years, I lost so few cancer patients. I was not a cancer facility, so this is purely anecdotal, but patients came in with cancers and often spouses, who happened to have cancer, joined in on this diet program and found a miraculous remission. They seemed to go on and on! What’s more they were pretty good at beating the worst effects of chemo.
For sure, if I ever got cancer, I’d dive back into this program. But I doubt I will get it, because I live by these rules anyway!
From your favorite chair, your kitchen table, or even while flipping through your recipe book.
This is so simple, it fits seamlessly into your life without disrupting your routine.
Are You Ready to Start Living Your Best Life?
- Imagine sitting down to your favorite meal without the fear of how your body will respond.
- Just picture bouncing out of bed in the morning feeling refreshed, energetic, and ready to tackle the day.
- Imagine strutting into a family gathering and being the one who’s full of life and energy—not the one sitting on the sidelines.
This is the transformation waiting for you…
The days of feeling drained, foggy, or sidelined are over.
Your body is built to thrive—it just needs the right support.
And Bandit Foods gives you exactly that…
Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside Bandit Foods Book:
- A simple, step-by-step method to identify the foods that are quietly wrecking havoc to your body.
- The surprising truth about so-called “healthy” foods—and why they’re not always what they seem.
- Personalized strategies to build your own “Me Diet” based on your unique needs and sensitivities.
- Stories and insights from real people who have turned their lives around by removing their Bandit Foods.
Your Vibrant, Pain-Free Future Starts Here With My Insanely Good Advice!
Imagine you’re on a walk through your favorite park, keeping up with your grandkids with ease.
You’re laughing, moving, and enjoying life—not held back by the hidden effects of foods you didn’t even realize were sabotaging your health.
On your next family gathering or vacation, instead of sitting on the sidelines wondering why your energy isn’t what it used to be…
You’ll be the one leading the charge.
Imagine hosting a big dinner with confidence, knowing every bite you take nourishes you instead of draining you.
You deserve to feel energized and fully alive… And that’s why today, for a limited time only…
I want to join you in celebrating your freedom.
Now, picture looking back six months from now and realizing how far you’ve come.
Your energy is back. Your body feels strong. And your friends and family are all asking, “What’s your secret?”
The best part?
You’ll smile, and tell them, it was all thanks to Bandit Foods knowing the answer was simpler than you ever thought possible.
I Bet You’d Give Just About Anything to Feel Better, Wouldn’t You?
You’ve been told that aches, fatigue, and sluggishness are just part of getting older. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
The autoimmune challenges…the inflammation…the struggles with your weight, your blood sugar, and even your heart health…
If you’re like most of my patients…
Then honestly you’re frightened to death about what the future could hold if you don’t make changes to your wellbeing.
By uncovering and removing your Bandit Foods, you can reclaim the vibrant, active life you deserve.
Maybe you’re asking yourself:
“How Easy Is It to Follow This System and See Results?”
Well, let me clear that up for you right now.
You’d think it would be simple to access a system like this, right?
After all, it’s based on my decades of research and real-life transformations.
Unfortunately, it’s not that easy.
Why Haven’t You Heard of This Before?
If you’re a reader of mine you know that I’m the World’s “Number One Allergy Detective,” (UK Sunday Mail, 1990) but if you’re brand new to my work…
Then I have to let you in on this “open” secret, food sensitivities and hidden allergies are a silent epidemic, but they’re not exactly headline news.
Why? Because they don’t come with a shiny, marketable solution.
Big industries focus on band-aid fixes like pills, powders, or trendy diets because they’re profitable.
Being sick into older age means paying $10,000 or more per year for dangerous medications packed with scary side effects.
But uncovering the real culprits—your Bandit Foods—doesn’t make headlines, even though it’s the simplest and most effective way to reclaim your health.
And let’s not forget the resources and dedication it takes to create this high-quality program. Between my decades of research and case studies I’ve poured decades of knowledge and expertise into this system.
That’s why this program has remained a well-kept secret, even though it has changed the lives of thousands of people.
The Proof Is in the Transformations
But don’t just take my word for it.
Here’s what Sarah, a 61-year-old mother and grandmother, said after just three weeks of following the Bandit Foods Book:

"For years, I thought feeling tired and achy was just part of getting older. But within a week of removing my Bandit Foods, my energy skyrocketed, and my brain fog disappeared. I even started walking daily again—it’s like I’ve turned back the clock 20 years!”
And Sarah’s story is just one of many.
When you discover your Bandit Foods, you’re not just addressing symptoms. You’re going straight to the root cause and unlocking your body’s natural ability to thrive.
How Easy Is It?
You’re probably thinking this must involve some complicated plan or restrictive diet, right?
Not at all.
This program is designed for people like you—who don’t have time for endless meal prep or want to spend hours decoding food labels.
All it takes is a few simple changes, guided by my proven system, to see dramatic results.
And here’s the best part:
- You don’t need expensive testing or doctor visits.
- You don’t need to give up your favorite foods forever.
- And you certainly don’t need to live in fear of what’s on your plate.
This is about empowering you with knowledge—so you can take control of your health, one meal at a time.
What’s the Cost of Doing Nothing?
Now, let’s talk about something important.
How much is your freedom worth to you?
I’m not talking about dollars and cents here—I’m talking about the freedom to:
- Wake up with energy that lasts all day.
- Enjoy meals without fear of bloating, fatigue, or pain.
- Fully participate in your family’s lives, from vacations to dinners to the simple joys of being present.
You could spend hundreds (even thousands) on temporary fixes—pills, diets, supplements—that only mask the symptoms.
Or you could continue doing nothing…
But ask yourself this:
How many more precious moments are you willing to lose to low energy, pain, or discomfort?
How much longer will you let hidden food sensitivities keep you from the vibrant life you deserve?
A Transformational Program Without the Hefty Price Tag
Given the time, research, and resources that went into developing this once-in-a-lifetime journey message, I could easily price it at $400—or even $1,000.
That would be fair, given my vast experience and the life-changing potential of uncovering your Bandit Foods.
But I didn’t create this program to get rich.
I created it to help as many folks like you—finally reclaim their health.
I don’t want anyone to struggle with food sensitivities and the misery it can bring.
That’s why I’ve decided to offer the Bandit Foods at a fraction of its true value.
This Is Your Moment
So, let me ask you:
Are you ready to stop guessing and start thriving?
Are you ready to take the first step toward a healthier, more energized, pain-free version of yourself?
If so, click below to get started today and see what’s possible when you uncover your Bandit Foods.
Your transformation is just one meal away…
Claim Your Copy of Bandit Foods Book Today By Choosing The Best Option For You…
But Wait There’s More!
Now…when you click to get your copy of Bandit Foods you’ll be taken to our secure and encrypted order form……
where I have a special offer waiting for you!
I created the Exclusive Bandit Foods Video Series, a collection of over 24 exclusive, in-depth videos and counting!
Designed to take you from frustrated and fatigued to empowered and thriving—faster than you ever thought possible.
This isn’t just about knowing what Bandit Foods are—it’s about giving you the tools in easy, engaging, and entertaining video series that can change your life.
When you click to own your copy of Bandit Foods, you’ll see a slider option to add-on the Bandit Food Video Series to your order. It’s a simple and easy “Yes!”
Now What About a Guarantee?
Nobody gives guarantees on books, of course.
But I will give you a lifetime assurance:
If you do what I tell you, conscientiously and patiently, you’ll almost certainly be happy and healthy right to the end of your days.
You Don’t Have to Decide Today…
All Packages Are Backed by My Lifetime Assurance and 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Choose your Bandit Foods Book option today with complete confidence, backed by my 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Here's how it works:
Simply order your Bandit Foods Book package now by clicking the “Add to Cart” button…
Your order will arrive at your front door within 3-5 short business days (in the continental US).
Once it’s in your hands, start reading and following the simple steps to uncover your hidden Bandit Foods and eliminate them from your diet.
I’m confident you’ll notice a significant improvement in your energy, clarity, and overall well being— within the first week.
I’m betting that after you get a glimpse at what’s contained in it, I couldn’t pry this book away from you if I tried.
There is absolutely no way you can lose -- except by not taking me up on this risk-free offer.
But if, for any reason, you’re not absolutely THRILLED with your Bandit Foods experience…
Simply call or email our friendly U.S.-based customer service team, send us back the physical book, and we’ll issue a full refund with no questions asked.
Unfortunately, because digital products are instantly accessible upon purchase, we’re unable to offer refunds for them. Thank you for understanding!
So really, the only thing you have to lose is the hidden food sensitivities that are holding you back from the vibrant, energized life you deserve.
Take the leap—give your health and vitality the protection they deserve!
I’ll leave you with one last thought… This book is ONE of the best forms of health insurance you can have because if applied it WILL help you live a longer, healthier life.
Wouldn’t you want to give yourself this kind of health insurance, and give it as a gift to everyone you care about?
But Wait There’s More!
Now…when you click to get your copy of Bandit Foods you’ll be taken to our secure and encrypted order form……
where I have a special offer waiting for you!
I created the Exclusive Bandit Foods Video Series, a collection of over 24 exclusive, in-depth videos and counting!
Designed to take you from frustrated and fatigued to empowered and thriving—faster than you ever thought possible.
This isn’t just about knowing what Bandit Foods are—it’s about giving you the tools in easy, engaging, and entertaining video series that can change your life.
When you click to own your copy of Bandit Foods, you’ll see a slider option to add-on the Bandit Food Video Series to your order. It’s a simple and easy “Yes!”
What If You Owned This Book a Year Ago?
At this moment, you have in front of you the key to a healthy future -- for yourself and your loved ones.
Another year will come and go -- whether you like it or not.
But by this time next year, you could have already made a significant difference in your health and the health of your friends and family because YOU chose to own Bandit Foods.
Or... you could have remained the same person with the same health problems you have today. No doubt they will have probably gotten worse…
Decide right now to do something or do nothing -- but at the end of the year, you must accept the consequences of the decision you are making today.
I trust that you’ll choose the path that will change your life -- and your health -- forever.
Scroll up and choose to own Bandit Foods today!
To your happiness, health, and longevity,

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
Copyright - Scott-Mumby Wellness Copyright © 2013–2025