88% Of All Americans Are Showing Signs Of This LETHAL Condition…
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby explains…
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby MD, MB ChB, HMD, PhD
Do You REALLY Care
If You Die Early?
If you do, you’d better read this page! There’s important information about what’s killing nearly everybody in the civilized world.
It’s not a secret. Doctors even know about it. It’s the subject of 100,000s of scientific papers. Trouble is, it’s being mismanaged. Doctors are getting it wrong. You are going to have to fix this one yourself: it’s called diabesity.

Like its name sounds, it’s a mixture of diabetes and obesity. But that’s not the real problem; not the rock bottom cause. In a way, diabesity is just the symptom, not the disease.

The real problem is inflammation. It arises because of our 21st-century lifestyle. We eat poor food, with inflammatory ingredients, like GMOs, glyphosate and sugar; we are bombarded by chemicals from all sides, from detergents and solvents, to cosmetics, gasoline products and more; our water is poisoned by contaminants, such as bisphenol A and phthalates; drugs (medications) too are a major issue for many; and—if that’s not enough—stress and lack of adequate sleep are now identified as major promoters of inflammation.

It’s bad news all the way. 

And there’s another problem: inflammation causes weight gain, there’s abundant scientific proof of that. AND obesity causes inflammation. Nasty chemicals, such as pesticides, get absorbed preferentially into visceral fat cells (so-called belly fat). That’s a double whammy.

It’s worse yet, because some of the very chemicals we are being drenched in actually alter our hormones (hormone disruptors) and cause relentless weight gain. Some are so precisely identified with the tendency to put on weight, we call these chemicals “obesogens” (generators of obesity).

So packing on the weight is likely not your fault at all. It’s the work of the chemical industry (operators such as Monsanto and Syngenta), Big Pharma and Big Food. These are business cartels, intending to make a profit. They don’t care about you and the environment. Even the pharmaceutical industry has no care for human health at all; it’s just a pretense, to make mega-profits.

So it’s up to you. It’s time to learn the facts. Leaving it to doctors and the official (legal) drug traffickers will see you early in your grave.
What they don’t tell you is: even if you follow your doctor’s advice to the letter and keep your blood glucose to the recommended levels of A1C, you will still die 15 years, on average, before everyone else.
Diabetes is a good example of medical ignorance and mismanagement. Doctors claim the disease is incurable and can only be “managed”. They use drugs and insulin to “control” your blood sugar. But what they don’t tell you that even keeping your HbA1C to “safe” levels does not protect you from amputations, blindness, erectile dysfunction and all the other ills that diabetics have to (needlessly) endure.

Yes, needless suffering.

See, what doctors don’t understand (because they don’t even know) is that tiny humming birds turn diabetic every afternoon and then resolve it fully by next morning. Hibernating bears overeat till they are obese and in a pre-diabetic state. But they sleep it off before spring. Cured!

Even great whales do it. Humpbacks off Hawaii migrate north to the Arctic every summer and gorge themselves on krill till their livers are running with fat. But then they swim south for winter and don’t eat at all. The whole condition corrects itself, neatly and without complications—not a doctor in sight!

Humpback whales pile on the blubber in the Artic summer and then shed it all in Hawaii!
Nature knows what she’s doing. Hibernating extra fat is NOT a problem. It’s a solution!

But once doctors start fooling around, in the pretense of “treatment” and “expertise”, you’re in big trouble. They frighten you with stories, that you MUST eat enough carbohydrates; you MUST eat, eat and eat some more; you MUST take your insulin, even though type 2 diabetics have TOO MUCH insulin, not too little.

And here’s the killer: insulin is one of the most inflammatory substances your body ever gets to meet. There’s not supposed to be much of it around and, unless you are a diabetic, there isn’t. But as soon as you pile on the pounds, you develop what is called “insulin resistance” (IR). There is excess insulin in the body but it doesn’t work as it should; the body is not listening. That’s why it’s called insulin resistance.

IR is killing the Western world. It’s the origin of heart attacks and stroke, blindness, diabetes, dementia and auto-immune diseases (now more than 200 conditions).

Type 3 Diabetes
You may have heard of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Briefly, type 1 is where the pancreas is unable, for whatever reason, to produce enough insulin. The solution is to have the patient monitor blood sugar and regularly inject themselves with insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is where the person is eating excess carbohydrate foods and the body cannot control blood levels of glucose. Insulin is being produced but the body no longer responds to it. This is so-called “insulin resistance”.

Once upon a time, type 1 was called “childhood diabetes” and type 2 was called “adult onset diabetes”. This is now no longer valid, BECAUSE SO MANY KIDS ARE OBESE AND TYPE 2 DIABETIC.

But there’s another type: people are calling it “type 3 diabetes”. Do you know what its other name is?
Alzheimer’s disease! Type 3 diabetes is a term for insulin resistance in the brain.

You see: diabetes is RUINOUS! Don’t go there or, if you did, grab the book featured below (The 4 Week Diabesity Cure) and get yourself back to health as quickly as possible. Because you are at risk.

Briefly The Facts
Insulin is there to control blood sugar (glucose). That’s not a problem, unless there is a ton of sugar to try and control. Insulin sends glucose into the cells, where it is burned for energy. But given the mountains of sugar we eat, this mechanism starts to break down. It’s not possible to stuff more sugar into the cells than they actually need.

What happens to the excess sugar? It has to go somewhere… so it’s turned into fat and dumped in fat cells. You will readily see that’s the beginning of obesity.

Meanwhile, the body is putting out as much insulin as it can, in desperation. But the sugar overload is too great and the insulin control mechanism fails. That’s insulin resistance and it is DEADLY.

The blood sugar tends to rise and THAT’S what we call diabetes: a consistently high blood sugar, accompanied by high insulin levels.

Be in no doubt then that it is SUGAR which does the damage. No matter what the sugar manufacturers say, the lies they tell, the fudging and cover ups, sugar is the devil in this scenario.
Sugar kills.

The proof is easy. Just look at these charts. Sugar intake per capita in the United Kingdom from 1700 to 1978 and in the United states from 1975-2000 (notice the two major dips in the 20th century, which represents the war years).

But the really significant line is the incidence of diabetes, which follows the rise in sugar.
From: Johnson RJ et al, AJCN 2007; 86:899-906; Initial source.
As Mark Bittman wrote in the New York Times on February 27th, 2013, “Sugar is indeed toxic. It may not be the only problem with the Standard American Diet, but it’s fast becoming clear that it’s the major one.”
The level of proof linking sugar to diabetes is equal to if not better than the level of proof that linked cigarette smoking to lung cancer and other illnesses.
But the sugar industry has always fought this link. Evidence has emerged they have been fully aware of it, all long. But they bribed or bullied researchers into keeping the data suppressed.

– They actually PAID researcher Ancel Keys to put the blame on fats, which he did with brazen falsehoods.

– Professor John Yudkin, who wrote Pure White and Deadly, a book denouncing sugar as the number one culprit, had his career destroyed by well-documented harassment, lies and defamation by industry shills.
The thing is, sugar is not just “fattening”. It is highly toxic and causes damaging inflammation throughout the body, leading to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and even cancer. As professor Yudkin warned us: sugar is DEADLY.

The word “pure” is a trick. It sounds healthy and refined. The truth is it has increased the villainy, by intensifying the viciousness of the hit. Inflammation is what ages us and kills us. Sugar is inflammatory. Pure white sugar is highly inflammatory.

It is sugar, not cholesterol, that leads to heart disease and an early death.
"Without even knowing it, I was a Yudkin acolyte," says Professor Lustig, of the University of California, who tracked down the book after a tip from a colleague via an interlibrary loan. "Everything this man said in 1972 was the God's honest truth and if you want to read a true prophecy you find this book... I'm telling you every single thing this guy said has come to pass.
I'm in awe."
Fructose Is Pure Evil
The word “sugar” covers all kinds of substances, from heart-healthy and necessary ribose (in moderation), to sucrose (table sugar) and fructose, the arch-villain. Sucrose, the familiar white table sugar, is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. Fructose is sweeter and more addictive than any other sugar. It is highly processed as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). It quickly rips the liver to shreds. 

Fructose, more than any other sugar, damages all our organs. It’s thick, sickly sweetness soon gets people addicted. It is used deliberately and cynically by food manufacturers to get customers hooked. They know what it does. They know what they are doing.
Morgan Spurlock, in his Oscar-nominated documentary film “Super Size Me” tried to live for a month eating and drinking at Macdonald’s, which meant giant-sized colas, sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. But it so damaged his liver function tests Spurlock’s doctor told him he must stop the experiment.

And in case you are wondering: No. Honey and agave syrup are not good substitutes. They are very rich in fructose (75%) and therefore very poor choices.

Even coconut sugar is still just SUGAR. Avoid it. It is not healthy, just because coconut oil is healthy.
Diabetes and Obesity: The Killer Couple
We have a new word for the dictionary: diabesity. It means obesity with diabetes. Here you will find it bracketed with so-called pre-diabetes. 

It means what it says: loss of blood sugar control, insulin resistance, overweight or obesity. Anyone with a waistline over 40 inches (men) or 36 inches (women) has pre-diabetes. It’s coming at you! Watch out!

Half the world is now fat, diabetic and sick. To be exact, 53% of the US population have diabetes or pre-diabetes, according to a report in JAMA (2015). A more recent report states that 80% of adult Americans have abnormally high blood sugar levels!

The US is not alone. The top 10 diabetic countries, in order, are: China, India, USA, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Pakistan, Indonesia, Japan and Egypt.
Diabesity has become the largest global health emergency of the 21st century—AND IT’S GETTING WORSE VERY YEAR.
Overweight? Diabesity? Don’t Let The Medical Profession Ruin Your Life!
The Incredible Incompetence of Doctors In Handling Obesity and Diabetes (Diabesity)
You’ve been told that pre-diabetes and diabesity are dangerous and you need drugs NOW.

You’ve been told diabetes is a difficult, incurable, relentless disease that needs to be “controlled” till the day you die!

For sure, they didn’t tell you it’s completely reversible, quickly, easily and permanently. Birds and mammals often enter a diabesity state, and exit it, without any costly medications, naturally and in a healthful manner. Humming birds do it every day! Hibernating bears and humpback whales do it every year!

Animals and birds don’t measure hbA1C and try to “control” it! They just eat their way to health. This state is so completely reversible it is not considered a disease. Only in humans has it been grabbed as a deadly “disease”.

Why do animals recover so easily from this supposed deadly condition? No doctors involved!

In humans it should not be irreversible, unless it’s managed that way…
You need To Sidestep Medical Ignorance and
Incompetence and Let Nature Show You The Cure!
Otherwise you’ll find your life is shortened and not worth living.
Did You Know:

No matter how well you comply with the doctor’s instructions; no matter how well your blood sugar is “controlled”; it makes no difference to having a heart attack, going blind or having limbs amputated?

Of course not. They wouldn’t tell you that, would they?
It's Not Fat!
“It is interesting that fat in the diet has almost nothing to do with fat in the body.” —Walter Willet HARVARD UNIVERSITY
For decades we have been told that fat is the culprit. The world equates “low fat” with healthy and nothing could be further from the truth.

We NEED fats. Our brains are 60% fat (National Institutes of Health), so lack of healthy fats will lead inevitable to dementia. That’s what is happening in the world today. The harvest from the low fat insanity from the five decades from the 1970s till now has resulted in an epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in the 21st century.
The WHO estimates that by 2050 the incidence of AD will triple, resulting in a global “epidemic”.

Several vitamins are fat soluble, meaning they need fats to be absorbed. Otherwise we are nutrient deficient. Vitamin A, D, E and K need fats.

Sugar, not cholesterol, causes heart disease. Over a century ago, man ate a diet rich in fats: animal flesh, milk, cream, cheese, curds and lard. YET HEART DISEASE WAS UNKNOWN UNTIL THE 20th CENTURY. It began with the introduction of unhealthy fats in commercial margarine and got worse from there, due to the sugar-in-foods mania. 

All along the sugar industry was kidding us, for their profits. They paid Ancel Keys to fake the evidence and put the blame for heart disease on fats in our diet. This Keys did and did well. [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/13/well/eat/how-the-sugar-industry-shifted-blame-to-fat.html] Like Goebbels to Hitler, Ancel Keys kept up the message that cheap carbs were healthy and fat was the villain.

He intentionally left out:

• Countries where people eat a lot of fat but have little heart disease, such as Holland and Norway.
• Countries where fat consumption is low but the rate of heart disease is high, such as Chile.

Basically, he only used data from the countries that supported his theory, a process known as cherry picking.

Keys killed hundreds of millions (far more than Hitler did) and, hopefully, will rot in Hell for his evil.

Dumb nutritionists and professors all over the world ignored the real evidence and took up the “fat is the killer” cry. Even though the documentation has been discovered, making it clear that Keys intended to fake the truth and shift the blame away from sugar, the story is still around. The old guard just won’t admit they were wrong. So the epidemic of deadly sugar disease—for such it is—continues even as you read this.

It’s hidden in almost all commercial foods, from corn flakes, to ham; bread to sausages; pasta sauces to “health bars”; even coleslaw and salad dressing.

Don’t be a victim of fake science. Get OFF the sugar wagon!
10 Reasons You Don’t Want Diabesity
1. It shortens your healthspan (years in good health) and your lifespan (early death). 

2. It’s expensive. Somebody has to pay, even on a government health scheme. The truth is 80% of all deaths and 80% of all health costs are due, directly or indirectly, to diabesity.

3. The cost in illness and misery is ENORMOUS.

4. Diabetes is relentless, UNLESS you change your eating plan for the better (we’ll tell you how on this page!)

5. We age faster with diabesity than from any other cause.

6. Men: 90% of erectile dysfunction (ED) is directly related to diabesity and can be reversed.

7. Ladies: 90% of erectile dysfunction in your man is directly related to diabesity. ED can be reversed. We’ll tell you how lower down this page!

8. 100% of people having a heart attack have diabetes or pre-diabetes – In other words, insulin resistance.

9. Insulin rips up your arteries: it is highly inflammatory and this damages the inside lining of your arteries. You’ve probably heard the saying, “A man is as old as his arteries”. Obviously it applies to women too. If you have inflamed arteries, you are already on a dangerous slope. Damaged, inflamed arteries are where fatal blood clots occur, not at the point where there is narrowing, as cardio-thoracic surgeons love to tout (the reason they tell you this absurd falsehood? Follow the money)

10.  It's absurdly damaging emotionally, to feel bad and look awful, to say nothing of unattractiveness. Nothing feels as good as energy and youthfulness! Get yours back!
Continuous Blood Glucose Measurement
According to world-class metabolic doctor expert Graham Simpson, MD, continuous blood glucose monitoring is the game changer. With it, you can design your own perfect diet. Eat what you like… provided it does not cause your blood glucose to spike. If it does, your insulin level has been increased at that moment and that’s deadly. Eat only the foods that are shown not to raise your blood glucose.

It’s something you can do for yourself and could be the single biggest step you can take towards healthy weight loss and avoidance of insulin resistance. All the disease discussed above will no longer trouble you.
Oh and YES, did we mention: all the bad diseases listed on this page are almost completely reversible? When blood glucose is successfully controlled (not kept down artificially by drugs) all these inflammatory diseases will calm down. The fire is quenched.

Even diabesity is fully reversible or at least, in very advanced cases, it can be brought under control without medications. Remember: meds do not protect you from amputations, blindness and other complications of diabetes.

Only getting your insulin levels down will do that. It’s too much insulin, not blood sugar, that kills.
Which is where this revolutionary text comes in:

Dr. Simpson has summarized the real story of diabesity and tells you how to fix it… fast! How fast? In just a matter of weeks. He says it’s all about eating less sugar and carbs, increasing the fat in your diet (fat kills your appetite) and getting rid of manufactured foods.

Going all the way, this program is called ketogenesis and it is currently held to be the most healthy approach to obesity and controlling blood sugar. It’s entirely possible to completely reverse diabetes (we are not supposed to say “cure” but what the heck!)
No drugs are needed. Just a complete refresh of what’s in your larder and refrigerator! Chances are you’ll have to completely jettison what you’ve been doing. It’s not healthy, is it? If you have diabetes or obesity and are taking medications, there is something fundamentally wrong.

You need a crash course in putting things right and living longer—much longer than you were going to.
Dr. Simpson has a particular gripe about this issue. Most of the doctors he visits in different countries around the world do not measure body fat but simply weight (lbs/kgs) or BMI.

Dr. Simpson maintains you cannot practice real Metabolic Medicine without having some idea of a person's body fat percentage.

After thousands of body fat measurements, he says if a male has a body fat of less than 20% and the female is less than 28% they are often metabolically relatively healthy. This is not always the case but it is a pretty good screening test.

Make sure you know your body fat percent. You can buy an inexpensive (4 limb measurements are best) impedance device or get it done at a local gym. Some scales, such as the Weight Watchers, or the Omron scales, have a body fat measurement feature.

More about this important, life-saving topic on the book.
I met Dr. Graham Simpson 14 years ago while on vacation in the Caribbean and was introduced to his program. As a result, I have been able to dramatically improve my health and appearance. My body fat percent has dropped from the mid 20’s to 5% – 7%. I recently won the IBFF World Body Building Championships for 70s and over (I’m 75 yrs old); the IBFA Mr. Universe and Mr. Europe, 70 and over. I have more energy and feel and look better than when in my forties. I have no reservation in recommending Dr Simpson’s Proactive lifestyle program to transform your health too and guarantee that if you follow his advice you will have more energy and will look and feel many years younger.
Dion Friedland, Mr. Europe and Mr. Universe (Age Category 70+), South Africa.
The day I walked into the Center and started my age management program, my blood sugars were running over 600. I was taking five shots of insulin per day, my vision was disappearing, and I had no energy. After approximately eight months on a Keto/Paleo diet, my blood sugars are now consistently around 85 and I no longer take any insulin shots. My cholesterol has gone from 353 to 166 and my triglycerides have gone from 442 to 110. Plus, I’ve lost an incredible 80 pounds and I have my energy back. My endocrinologist is flabbergasted. Thank you, Dr. Simpson, for changing my life.
Nancy Flocchini, Director of Human Resources, AT&T, Nevada, USA.
Scientific Proof: Measurements Don't Lie!
Example Cases
Never mind testimonials. Hard evidence is even more convincing. Here are the serial
daily blood sugar measurements of four individuals, selected at random. 

You'll see immediately, it takes a LOT less than 30 days to get blood glucose under control, if you
follow the plan outlined by Dr. Graham Simpson in his timely book THE 4-WEEK
Ready to get started with Dr. Simpson's
4-Week Diabesity Cure?
Click here to buy the print book:
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Click here to buy the print book AND the eBook!
DR. keith scott-mumby
the alternative doctor
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