1. It shortens your healthspan (years in good health) and your lifespan (early death).
2. It’s expensive. Somebody has to pay, even on a government health scheme. The truth is 80% of all deaths and 80% of all health costs are due, directly or indirectly, to diabesity.
3. The cost in illness and misery is ENORMOUS.
4. Diabetes is relentless, UNLESS you change your eating plan for the better (we’ll tell you how on this page!)
5. We age faster with diabesity than from any other cause.
6. Men: 90% of erectile dysfunction (ED) is directly related to diabesity and can be reversed.
7. Ladies: 90% of erectile dysfunction in your man is directly related to diabesity. ED can be reversed. We’ll tell you how lower down this page!
8. 100% of people having a heart attack have diabetes or pre-diabetes – In other words, insulin resistance.
9. Insulin rips up your arteries: it is highly inflammatory and this damages the inside lining of your arteries. You’ve probably heard the saying, “A man is as old as his arteries”. Obviously it applies to women too. If you have inflamed arteries, you are already on a dangerous slope. Damaged, inflamed arteries are where fatal blood clots occur, not at the point where there is narrowing, as cardio-thoracic surgeons love to tout (the reason they tell you this absurd falsehood? Follow the money)
10. It's absurdly damaging emotionally, to feel bad and look awful, to say nothing of unattractiveness. Nothing feels as good as energy and youthfulness! Get yours back!