Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby says…
I Know A Secret!
- It can blow away migraine and headaches!
- Improve your memory!
- Create calmer emotions
- Enable deeper sleep
- Relaxes and lowers stress (living longer!)
- It helps generate serotonin, the “happy” neuropeptide.
- It creates feelings of well-being that can last for several days.
- It can replicate the results of 30 years of meditation in just 7 minutes!
- Weight loss
- Clear jet lag faster
- It will double your learning speed!
- Positive moods
- Helps beating addictions
- Lowering blood pressure
- Pain relief without drugs
- Coping with cancer and other stressful diseases
What could possibly be that good? It’s called…
Multi-Media Sensory Stimulation (MMSS)
What’s that? It’s brain performance enhancement, using modern electronic technology. Some people have called it “Electronic Zen”. That’s great but most people don’t really know what Zen is! It takes half a lifetime or more to master the spiritual elevation of Zen Buddhism.
This is so fast, it’s almost instant. You can achieve the many physiological and mental benefits of meditation in minutes, instead of years.
MMSS goes WAY beyond positive thinking and just imaging. It’s an electronic technology that can really mess with your mind… in the nicest POSSIBLE way, of course!
So maybe we could just call it electronically assisted meditation.
We call it brain entrainment. But it’s really more than that; it’s a transformational process, allied to creative visualization. We add sounds and visuals
Some History
Brain entrainment is something new and yet not new! It wasn’t really possible till recently, with the advent of personal stereo listening systems, thanks to Sony and Panasonic!
It means to train the brain to adopt (follow) an imposed frequency that harmonizes and enhances performance.
But the phenomenon is actually very old. While working on the design of the pendulum clock in 1656, Dutch scientist Christian Huygens found that if he placed two unsynchronized clocks side by side on a wall, they would slowly synchronize to each other. In fact, the synchronization was so precise not even mechanical intervention could calibrate them more accurately.
A clock is a simple example of a non-biological system responding to entrainment, but the same rules apply to more complex systems such as the human brain.
Then, consider the effects of flickering lights.
In 1899, my favorite French psychiatrist, Pierre Janet (1859 - 1945), reported noticing a change in the mental state in some of his patients, after being subjected to entrainment. They experienced decreasing tension and hysteria as well as increasing relaxation when he exposed them to flickering light created by a rotating strobe-wheel illuminated by a lantern flame behind it.
In the 1940s researcher William Grey Walter discovered that brainwave activity tends to mirror flickering lights, particularly in the alpha and theta brainwave frequencies.(1) A familiar example perhaps is the tendency to slip into a relaxed or dream-like state while gazing into a lo fire, the flicker rate of which often happens to fall in the alpha/theta range.
The drowsiness is not due to carbon monoxide poisoning! We call this photic driving or, sometimes, flicker following.
Now we know that if we generate flickering lights electronically, the brain will respond by copying the same frequency.
We now have simple and inexpensive electronic devices that can mimic these two important biological phenomena.
But What About The Science?
The first big step in science came with a ground-breaking paper entitled "Auditory Beats in the Brain" by Dr. Gerald Oster of Mt. Sinai Medical Center, published in the October 1973 issue of Scientific American.(2)
Oster introduced the term binaural beats, which occurred in the brain when sounds of different frequencies were presented separately to each ear.
A “beat” is the difference between those two frequencies. Thus if one ear gets 440 cycles per second and the other ear get 444 cycles per second, the resulting beat (the difference between the two) is four beats per second.
What happens is that the entire brain then resonates at 4 cycles per second. That just happens to be theta brainwave frequency (4- 8 cycles per second) and is characteristic of deeply relaxed, trance-like states.
Good, huh?
When the brain copies an outside frequency in this way we call it "entrainment" of brain wave patterns.
Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences was also investigating binaural beats, which he used to generate “out of body” experiences in himself and others.
In thousands of experiments, using an EEG machine to monitor subject's electrical brain wave patterns, Monroe verified that he could indeed entrain brain wave patterns using binaural beats. Most importantly, he showed that the response did not only happen in the area of the brain responsible for hearing, or only in one hemisphere or the other, but the entire brain responded in harmony, the wave forms of both hemispheres becoming identical in frequency, amplitude, phase, and coherence.
This response, which we call entrainment or synchrony, was confirmed by electro-encephalogram (EEG) recordings. Since then, many other researchers have also verified this phenomenon.
Language and speech pathologist Dr. Suzanne Evans Morris, PhD, says "Research supports the theory that different frequencies presented to each ear through stereo headphones...create a difference tone (or binaural beat) as the brain puts together the two tones it actually hears. Through EEG monitoring the difference tone is identified by a change in the electrical pattern produced by the brain. For example, frequencies of 200 Hz and 210 Hz produce a binaural beat frequency of 10 Hz. Monitoring of the brain's electricity (EEG) shows that the brain produces increased 10 Hz activity with equal frequency and amplitude of the wave form in both hemispheres." (3)
Many scientists working in the field have now confirmed, unequivocally, through brain-wave EEG monitoring, that binaural beats have a powerful mind regulatory effect.
We can turn this to an advantage by engineering suitable brain wave frequencies. For example, Dr. Arthur Hastings, PhD, in a paper entitled "Tests of the Sleep Induction Technique" described the effects of subjects listening to a cassette tape specially engineered to slow the brain wave patterns from a normal active waking "beta" brain wave pattern to a slower relaxed alpha pattern, then to a still slower theta pattern (the brain wave pattern of dreaming and trance), and finally to a delta pattern, the slowest of all, the brain-wave pattern of dreamless sleep.(4)
Hastings says:
We were able to test the effects of the sleep tape on brain waves with an EEG machine through the courtesy of the researchers at the Langely-Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, part of the University of California Medical School in San Francisco. Dr Joe Kaniya, Director of the Psychophysiology of Consciousness Laboratory, monitored the brain-wave frequencies of one subject as he listened to the sleep tape.
Let’s Take A Look At Brainwave Numbers
Everyday brain activity is characterized by a frequency called beta. Generally considered to be around 12 - 25 cycles per second (let’s start calling that Hertz, so 15 – 25 Hertz). Beta is the brain rhythm in the normal wakeful state associated with thinking, conscious problem solving and active attention directed towards the outer world. You are almost certainly in the "beta state" while you are reading this.
Special note: High beta runs from 25 – 35 Hertz but at these levels, an individual, though awake and alert, would suffer increased agitation and be less and less able to relax. Too much caffeine or chronic anxiety/fear would run at high beta levels.
Not good!
Below beta, we find alpha, at 8 - 12 Hertz. This is the gentle, relaxed, slightly introverted state that aids learning.
Creative energy begins to flow, fears vanish and you experience a liberating sense of peace and well-being. The "alpha state" is where meditation starts and you begin to access the wealth of creativity that lies just below your conscious awareness. It is the first step towards deeper states of consciousness.
Characteristically, the individual in alpha remains aware of his her or her surroundings and can be aroused by the simple word or gesture. He or he will respond normally.
Relaxation, stress relief, accelerated learning and boosting the immune system. Alpha is the very accessible “stress-buster” condition.
Next down is theta, at 4 - 8 Hertz.
Theta is characteristic of trance and dreaming states. Real reverie. The individual is conscious but more or less oblivious to his or her surroundings. Nevertheless, he or she is conscious and can be quickly aroused.
Theta means basically a meditation state.
Theta brings forward heightened sensitivity, sometimes even extra-sensory perception (ESP), visions of dreamlike imagery, creativity, and, at times, flashes of long-forgotten memories.
It can also give you a sensation of "floating", which often means extra-corporeal (out-of-body) travelling.
Theta is great for transformational imaging visualization, healing and mystical exercizes, such as meditation and deep memory recall.
Special note: We all pass through a theta sate on our passage into sleep and upon our return, when we awaken. But great things are often experienced in a theta state and we like being able to prolong it, using modern technology.
Slowest of all is delta frequency, less than 4 Hertz. In this state the individual is asleep or unconscious. He or she would be difficult to rouse and require shaking or a loud noise to gain their attention.
Delta can be good for accelerated language learning and for the mastery of pain; delta is essentially an analgesic state (like under an anesthetic).
Eventually is was learned that super-meditators (adepts) entered very high frequency brainwave states. This was somewhat counter-intuitive because we think of meditative states as calm and relaxing.
Thing is, the meditators actually felt calm and relaxed. But the brainwaves were busy busy busy!
So this was labelled the gamma state or gamma frequency and we soon learned how really important it is.
Gamma brain waves. Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves. They mainly occur when you’re highly alert and focused. They range from 30 to over 100 Hertz.
Gamma is associated with high levels of thought and consciousness. In gamma you tend to be happier and more receptive. You may also have a higher intelligence quotient (IQ)and better concentration.
Conversely a low gamma state may lead to learning and memory problems. You may experience lower concentration, poor attention span, a lower mental ability and even mental disorders.
All this can be summed up neatly by a chart created by Trevor E. Hudson (https://betterhumans.pub/a-sound-experiment-26f246b4f04d)…

Brain Cleaning
What has emerged, most startling of all, is that the gamma state is associated with brain hygiene functions, called the glymph system (gamma lymph, get it?) In the same way the lymphatics of the rest of the body drain off toxins and debris, so the glymph system clears the brain nightly of unwanted residues and detritus, including reducing amyloid tissue.
So much so, that audio recordings of gamma frequencies, designed to entrain the brain to these higher frequencies, are being used therapeutically.
You will appreciate right away that being able to entrain our brain at a specific frequency can be very powerful and therapeutic. We can put you to sleep with delta; calm and relax you with alpha; wake you up, bright and alert, with beta; or put you into a powerful creative mood with theta!
Brain Integration or Synchronicity
This is a related but different concept. As we slow the brain wave patterns from beta to alpha to theta to delta, there is a corresponding increase in balance between the two hemispheres of the brain. This more balanced brain state is called brain integration or brain synchronization.
The two halves of the brain function together, very much atuned to each other, instead of separately.
This balancing phenomena was noted in early EEG studies of experienced meditators in the 1970s. In deep meditative states, their brain waves shifted from the usual asymmetrical patterns, with one hemisphere dominant over the other, to a balanced state of whole-brain integration, with the same brain wave frequency throughout. As we shall see, there are various mental abilities and experiences that naturally happen in these different brain wave patterns, many of which are rather remarkable.
Robert Monroe reported that inducing brain wave patterns through the creation of binaural beats in the brain had a wide range of effects, including "focusing of attention, suggestibility, problem solving, creativity, memory, and learning...sleep induction, pain control...and enhanced learning..." (5)
Other scientists have noted that these slower brain wave patterns are accompanied by deep tranquility, flashes of creative insight, euphoria, intensely focused attention, and enhanced learning abilities.
Dr. Lester Fehmi, director of the Princeton Biofeedback Research Institute has said that hemispheric synchronization represents "the maximum efficiency of information transport through the whole brain" and "is correlated experientially with a union with experience, and 'into-it-ness'. Instead of feeling separate and narrow-focused, you tend to feel more into it -- that is, unified with the experience, you are the experience -- and the scope of your awareness is widened a great deal, so that you're including many more experiences at the same time. There's a whole-brain sensory integration going on, and it's as if you become less self-conscious and you function more intuitively." (6)
One of the observed effects of this type of sound-induced brain synchronisation is increased learning ability. What is now known as "super-learning" began in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the work of Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov. Lozanov used deep relaxation combined with synchronized rhythms in the brain to cause students to produce alpha waves. In this state, he found that students learned over five times as much information in less time per day, with greater retention. In some cases, as much as thirty times as much was learned.
So how do we induce these super-helpful brain states? Using a very neat electronic device called the Kasina from Robert Austin’s MindPlace. Here’s our friend Heather using one…

As you can see, it’s very lightweight and compact but—BOY—does it pack a punch!
The word Kasina, incidentally is a Pali word that refers to an image used for mental focus and concentration. Here’s how it works it’s multi-media magic:
- The stereo earbuds carry the binaural beats; a different frequency in each ear, remember.
- The “glasses” are called GanzFrames and you can’t see through them; they carry the flashing light flickering or photic driving.
- There is beautiful calm and soothing musical sounds.
- Finally, on all of my tracks, there is a relaxing voice leading you on what I call “creative mind walks.” Using guided imaginings, we can journey to Atlantis, to Avalon, Ancient Egypt, tour the universe or visit our Sun ; the possibilities are endless and limited only by imagination.
We are not confined to fantasy imaginings, of course. I have recorded tracks for white-light pain relief, the power of love, the need for gratitude and forgiveness, goodness and virtue, embracing Gaia, getting to sleep, even easing the fear of flying!
What Does The Kasina Package Do?
There are a number of devices on the market, capable of creating brain entrainment through binaural beats, photic driving, music and creative voice imagery.
My favorite at this time is the Kasina, from Robert Austin’s Mind Place (www.mindplace.com). The Kasina has perfect build quality and its presentation is very attractive.

There is a built-in an MP3 player and an 16 GB microSD card included, with over 50 audio-visual excursions, with aural backgrounds ranging from the soothing sounds of nature, to ambient electronic tapestries, to embedded binaural beats and isochronic pulses; all beautifully orchestrated and synchronized to the visual experience.
The Kasina also features a backlit, colored LCD display, a built in rechargeable lithium battery, and can be used as a USB external audio device. It's also the most capable AudioStrobe decoder on the market, with 16 different color-mapping presets. Use the Color Organ feature to turn any music into a colorful light show-and it includes six different settings, to help match the mood of your music. And the GanzFrames (glasses) feature six colored LEDs per eye, for an even more intense experience, should you desire.
What I like especially is that you are not tied to tracks only from the Mind Place website, or the tracks I created. You can load any mp3 of your own choosing. You can put your playlists up there (punk and heavy metal not recommended!)
Also, the Kasina includes a free editor app for both Mac and Windows, on the included flash memory card, so you can, if you make the effort, create your own entrainment tracks.
Here are My Own Tracks, which you get automatically, along with many others without voice! In fact there are themed folders of these, from waking up, to going to sleep, relaxing, and re-charging your energies during the day.
These tracks are automatically bundled for you (that is to say, included in the price). The listener experiences guidance suggesting unusual psychic and psychological situations with learning potential.
Each has built-in binaural beats, photic driving, inspirational music and a warm, avuncular voice, guiding you along.
Tour of The Universe. Travel upwards and outwards, beyond the Sun, into far off galaxies, while relaxing in your own home!
Contact With Gaia. Get a totally different perspective on Mother Earth, Gaia) by engaging your own creative imagination!
Journey to Atlantis. This is said to be the most popular track off all. Visit Atlantis! Clue: it’s not here on earth and never was!
Adventure in Avalon. One of the most beloved places in our collective psyche. In King Arthur legend, the Isle of Avalon is also associated with the concept of the Otherworld, a realm of supernatural beings and powerful magic. It is often portrayed as a place of healing and rejuvenation, and is sometimes depicted as a paradise-like land of eternal youth and beauty.
The Love Process. Love is not something with give, or get; love is not something we do: love is something that we ARE. It is the nature of our being.
The Forgiveness Process. There are a lot of misconceptions about forgiveness. For one thing, forgiveness is to release the victim from further suffering. The idea that the guilty party is somehow being allowed to “get away with it” is nonsense. Failure to forgive is a problem because it means the person is stuck, wishing the past was different. But the past won’t EVER be different! Get over it, move on.
The Gratitude Process. Gratitude brings joy and happiness because it focuses us on what is good in our lives. Real science reveals that gratitude is the ONLY sure way to happier states.
Bless This Body. This is a general incantation by Dr. Keith. It is used to call up the collective energies of biology, spirit and other forces, to set the stage for real, lasting healing.
Sun Meditation. In this very special rewarding journey we allow ourselves to float up and away and go visit our Sun. Don’t worry; you won’t get burned; you have left your body behind on the sofa or bed!
Goodness Meditation. What makes a good life good? Why are we here and how should we comport ourselves? Dr. Keith suggests—based in a vivid personal event—that courage, integrity and compassion are key.
Sleep Meditation. If you really have trouble sleeping, try this track. It's light-hearted (amusing) and to the point. There are several techniques, coupled with slow, relaxing theta rhythms. Most people are well asleep by the end. Just don't roll onto your ganz frames and break them!
Acceptance Meditation. If there is one sure fire way to remain happy, despite all, it's be willing to experience and accept anything that comes your way. This does not mean never try to improve your circumstances. It does mean that acceptance will protect you. This powerful track explores different ways to keep you from harm.
Some tracks are just crazy fun, called “Mind Art”. I love the one called Patternity (from the word pattern, not fatherhood). It sends me out-of-body within a minute!
Imagine a world of pure, jewel-like color illuminating your visual and mental fields. Amazing visual effects can be produced, including the illusion of complex, shifting geometrical patterns. This imagery, in combination with soothing, flowing sounds, can be so compelling that the mind clears of extraneous thoughts. In this way the Kasina experience is a form of meditation.
Listen to A Sample
Tour Of The Universe
Journey To Atlantis
You can order a Kasina unit from my website. It comes with scores of preloaded tracks, including a bundle of 12 tracks from me (a $50 value), all for the inclusive price of $397, plus shipping.

$397 plus shipping.

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More Science
Long-term practitioners of meditation such as Tibetan Buddhist monks exhibit both increased gamma-band activity at baseline as well as significant increases in gamma synchrony during meditation. Functional MRI scans (fMRI) on the same monks revealed greater activation of right insular cortex and caudate nucleus during meditation. The neurobiological mechanisms of gamma synchrony induction are thus highly plastic. This evidence may support the hypothesis that one's sense of consciousness, stress management ability, and focus, often said to be enhanced after meditation, are all underpinned by gamma activity. At the 2005 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, the current Dalai Lama commented that if neuroscience could propose a way to induce the psychological and biological benefits of meditation without intensive practice, he "would be an enthusiastic volunteer.”
My friend Norma Shealy got involved big time, in a published study with his colleague Richard Cox…
Dr. Norman Shealy, Dr. Richard Cox in Pain Reduction and Relaxation with Brain Wave Synchronization (Photo-Stimulation). Study performed by the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, Springfield, Missouri, 1990, 9pp.
Cerebral synchronization was obtained with photic stimulation devices and tested on more than 5,000 patients suffering from chronic pain and stress symptoms during the 80s. A detailed study on 92 patients indicated that 88 obtained relaxation results higher than 60% after 30-minute sessions at 10 hz. Thirty patients had sessions in Theta (5 hz) and experienced relaxation states of 50% to 100% after five minutes as well as improved pain relief. Eight patients had blood tests before and after the sessions and showed improved beta-endorphin levels of 10 - 50%. All of these relaxation results are improved when combining the photic stimulation with relaxation audio tapes.
Also Dr. Roger K. Cady, Dr. Norman Shealy in Neurochemical Responses to Cranial Electrical Stimulation and Photo-Stimulation via Brain Wave Synchronization. Study performed by the Shealy Institute of Comprehensive Health Care, Springfield, Missouri, 1990, 11 pp.
Eleven patients had peridural and blood analysis performed before and after the relaxation sessions using flash emitting goggles. An average increase of beta-endorphin levels of 25% and serotonin levels of 21% were registered. The beta-endorphin levels are comparative to those obtained by cranial electrical stimulation (CES). This indicates a potential decrease of depression related symptoms when using photic stimulation.
Dr. Thomas Budzynski in Biofeedback and the Twilight States of Consciousness, in G.E. Schwartz and D. Shapiro eds., Consciousness and Self-Regulation, vol. 1, New York, Plenum 1976 and non-published studies at the Biofeedback Institute of Denver, 1980…
Using a first-‐generation prototype, Dr. Budzynski concluded that "these devices produce a distinct relaxation state. Programming the device between 3 and 7 Hz, it takes about 10 to 15 minutes for the patients to enter-‐-‐effortlessly-‐a state of hypnosis. They terminate the sessions relaxed and with a feeling of well-‐being."
Also, "the device has a calming effect on nervous or anxious patients. In a majority of cases the patients feel relaxed and calm during a period of three to four days after the session. It happens that the subjects have a reminiscence of childhood experiences, particularly when in Theta. They related their experiences which we incorporated into our psychotherapeutic program."
Dr. Gene W. Brockopp, Review of Research on Multi-Modal Sensory Stimulation with Clinical Implications and Research Proposals (non-‐ published,1984):
Dr. Brockopp analyzed audio-‐visual Brain stimulation and in particular hemispheric synchronization during EEG monitoring. "By inducing hemispheric coherence the machine can contribute to improved intellectual functioning of the brain. Like children spending most of their time in Theta, the machine allows a reduction in learning time. With adults a return into Theta allows them to rediscover childhood experiences. The machine is like a `lost and found office' for the subconscious."
Dr. Brockopp conclusion is that dissipative structures allow the mind-‐via audio-‐ visual stimulation-‐to abandon certain present neurological structures in order to maintain a higher, more coherent and flexible state of consciousness, thus allowing for improved communication of neuro-‐entities.
There is a TON more science today. Including these:
- Front. Hum. Neurosci., 02 December 2019
Sec. Sensory Neuroscience Volume 13 - 2019 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00425 - Chaieb L, et al. (2015). Auditory beat stimulation and its effects on cognition and mood states.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4428073/ - Lee M, et al. (2019). Possible effect of binaural beat combined with autonomous sensory meridian response for inducing sleep.
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00425/full - Ross B, et al. (2020). 40-Hz binaural beats enhance training to mitigate the attentional blink.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-63980-y - Yusim A, et al. (2020) Efficacy of binaural beat meditation technology for treating anxiety symptoms: A pilot study.

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You're covered by my iron-clad 60-day money back, no-questions asked guarantee. If for ANY reason you don't like what you received, just ask for a refund if it's the digital version. For a refund of the physical device, we will want you to return the Kasina in good condition...Sounds fair? Then get in touch with us and we'll process your refund. No hassles. No questions asked!

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
P.S. Don’t wait. You need this information NOW.
- Freeman, W.J. (1986). "W.G. Walter: The Living Brain". In Palm, G.; Aertsen, A. (eds.). Brain Theory. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 237–238.
- Oster, Gerald. (1973). Auditory beats in the brain. Scientific American, 229, 94- 102.
- Morris, Suzanne. The facilitation of learning. Privately published manuscript, 1989, p. 15.
- Hastings, Arthur. Tests of the sleep induction technique. Privately published manuscript, 1975
- Hutchison, Michael. Megabrain. Ballantine Books: New York, 1986 p. 25.
- Fehmi, Lester F., and George Fritz. "Open Focus: The Attentional Foundation of Health and Well-Being." Somatics, Spring 1980.
- Reiner PB (2009-05-26). "Meditation On Demand". Scientific American. Retrieved 2019-12-16.
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