What’s 3,000 times more potent than natural estrogens, as protective as true progesterone and has a documented anti-cancer effect?

You would obviously like to know! Such a source would truly be a miracle worker, wouldn’t it?

Well, surprisingly, this substance exists. It’s a plant derivative. Its scientific name is Pueraria mirifica; mirifica means “miracle worker”. It’s a plant from south-east Asia, Thailand, to be exact. My colleagues and I sometime joke of it as HRT (herbal remedy from Thailand, get it?)

But despite the joke, it is NOT related to any pharmaceutical or hormonal product. Pueraria is just GOOD. It’s come more onto the world stage today than when I started writing about it nearly 20 years ago. Now a lot of people are on to it.

There’s good and bad in that. Yes, it’s more widely accepted but the reapers and scammers have got wise to the difficulty in getting hold of the genuine article and are selling a lot of herbal ineffective plant substitutes to unsuspecting customers.

The Remarkable Benefits of This Herbal Remedy:

  • It replaces estrogen hormone therapy
  • It was “discovered” through the incredibly low rates of breast cancer among Thai women in the region where it grows and is eaten
  • It can enlarge breasts when wanted
  • It modulates the misery of menopausal symptoms
  • It’s even good for the male “andropause”
  • It blocks the effect of synthetic estrogen pollution and other so-called “hormone disruptors” from plastics in our water and foods, cookware, etc.

One of the best (and relatively safest) anti-cancer drugs works in the same way as this plant. It blocks the harmful effects of estrogen on hormone-sensitive cancers, by occupying the estrogen receptors, BUT WITHOUT STIMULATING THEM.

That, in itself, is a kind of miracle really!

We call this protective effect a SERM. It stands for selective estrogen receptor modulator.

Men should use it too, especially as they age, since men are increasingly exposed to old-age estrogens (“male estrogen”, “man boobs”, etc.).

The active ingredients seem to be miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol. These have been shown to be 3,000 times more potent as estrogens than soy isoflavones and, according to my friend Dr. Garry Gordon MD, “Pueraria mirifica makes Black Cohosh and Red Clover look like placebos.”

The fact is, there is a lot of confusion around this plant. There are at least 13 species of Pueraria growing in Thailand and much confusion results over what is the true mirifica and what isn’t. Given its growing international reputation, the Thai government vigorously protects its authentic provenance. Buyers should seek out only sources with an official license.

Very Localized

True Pueraria is a plant found only in Thailand and parts of Burma; 99% is grown in Thailand. Menopausal women on Thailand have been using Pueraria Mirifica for 700 years until now.

The region where this plant is grown is remarkable for its low rate of breast cancer and impressive longevity, which alerted scientists to something good going on. The lucky women get to use this local plant and the benefits are enormous and the science is building all the time.

But China and other countries are now in on the act and claim to have authentic Pueraria. Well, they would, wouldn’t they? Trust me, they don’t.

For the avoidance of confusion: Butea (a completely different species) is Red Kwao Krua and Pueraria is called White Kwao Krua. Black Kwao Krua is a totally different species and has little to no valid research. Unlike White Kwao Krua, Black and Red Kwao Krua grow plentifully throughout most of South East Asia.

Those imposters (red and black) are used extensively in the counterfeits you will find on Amazon and elsewhere.

So… you need the correct plant, the one that accords with all the super published research. I have heard it said that identifying the correct PM species is very difficult and gatherers have to tour the jungle in spring, marking the plants with the correct flowers, ready for identification when harvesting comes around.

The Magic of SERMs

I have already explained that Pueraria in one of a group of emergent compounds, which includes the drug Tamoxifen, called selective estrogen receptor modulators or SERMs for short.

SERMs are considered "selective" because they bind to particular estrogen receptors. This selective binding action is sometimes called estrogen inhibition, or estrogen suppression. SERMs do not prevent the production of estrogen, but they help to slow or stop the growth of estrogen-sensitive cancer cells by starving them of a full dose of natural estrogen.

We can take advantage of the same effect to block all unwanted estrogen effects, which are many!

Estrogen: A Necessary Evil

Far from being a desirable and necessary hormonal factor in women’s lives, it’s actually quite dangerous. According to an article published in Science Direct in 2018, estrogen is “a necessary evil” and added, “It is at the center of almost all human pathologies as well-infectious, autoimmune, metabolic to degenerative.”

Far from being necessary for “relief from the menopause”, most women at that time actually have NORMAL estrogen levels.

There’s more: estrogen causes mood swings and depression states. It contributes to dementia and increases the chance of endometrial (womb lining) cancer. Not good.

So what about progesterone, where does that fit in? Vasomotor symptoms, more often known as hot flashes and night sweats (hot flashes that occur at night), affect 50% to 75% of women during the menopausal transition. Research, in fact, shows that it's low progesterone — not low estrogen — that's linked with night sweats. In one study, progesterone supplementation significantly improved night sweats and sleep quality among perimenopausal women.

[Sci Rep 13, 9082 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-35826-w]

Both hypo and hyper level of estrogen has been linked to chronic and acute diseases. You will know, as a knowledgeable reader, that we are living in an age of estrogen dominance, due to xenoestrogens from the chemicalized environment. The resultant excess estrogen is inducing an overexpression of estrogen receptors, harming tissues, leading to autoimmune diseases, and cancers. The unprecedented escalation in the polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, breast cancer, ovary cancer, and gynecomastia cases are indicating that this sensitive hormone is getting exacerbated.

But it’s not simple: Despite a wealth of information garnered to date on estrogen, our understanding is incomplete and full of misleading information. For example, estrogen can prevent inflammation, but can mediate inflammation as well in certain circumstances.


Suddenly estrogen isn’t looking that friendly, or necessary. No wonder this natural plant has many remarkable health benefits, especially for women.

Case Story #1.

A 52-year-old woman from Thailand had been experiencing severe menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and trouble sleeping. After researching natural remedies, she started taking Pueraria Mirifica. Within two months, she reported a significant reduction in hot flashes and night sweats. Her sleep improved, and she felt emotionally balanced. She credits Pueraria Mirifica with helping her regain a sense of normalcy without needing hormone replacement therapy.

The Famous Harvard Mice

Harvard scientists have taken prematurely aged mice and reversed the toll of time – increasing the size of their shrunken brains, restoring their diminished sense of smell, and turning their graying fur to a healthy sheen.

They did this by using the SERM properties.

The mice were at the very end of their lives and scientists expected no more than to slow or perhaps stabilize the aging process. Instead, they saw a dramatic REVERSAL in the symptoms of aging.

The mice were specially developed to be telomere-deficient and aged fast. Just mid-way through the normal lifespan of a mouse, their organs had atrophied, their brains had shrunk, their coats turned gray and shabby and they had lost the ability to detect noxious odors.

But when scientists used a SERM to switch the gene back on for a month, many hallmarks of aging seemed to reverse. The fertility of the mice increased, their sense of smell was restored, their coat turned glossy again, and their organs were rejuvenated.

They literally went into aging reverse. (see photo)

The two mice are the same age, from the same litter, but the one on the left has gone into REVERSE aging.

Well, the complex enzyme used at Harvard is not available commercially and I could not recommend the alternative Tamoxifen as a good idea, even if you could get your doctor to prescribe it for this purpose.

But you can take Pueraria and expect at least some of this beneficial aging effect; some anti-cancer effect and some reduction of that troublesome estrogen dominance.

Men Too!

Men can benefit too. Our telomeres are protected and even lengthened.

We know that male estrogen increases through time, while testosterone falls, due to aging, body fat, hormonal replacement, pesticides, nutritional deficiencies, prescription medications and excessive alcohol intake (beer is the worst!) It’s a condition called estrogen dominance.

In fact, studies have shown that the estrogen levels of the average 54-year-old man are higher than those of the average 59-year-old women! The end result is that these high levels of estrogen can cause reduced levels of testosterone, fatigue, loss of muscle tone, increased body fat, loss of libido and sexual function and an enlarged prostate.

But don’t suppose Pueraria will take the place of good diet, exercise, cutting down on alcohol and losing plenty of weight. Do both!

Case Story #2.

A 45-year-old man from Germany had been dealing with thinning hair and dry skin, particularly as he aged. He was also experiencing mild joint pain and sought out natural supplements to address these concerns. After reading about Pueraria Mirifica's effects on skin and hair in women, he decided to try it, hoping it might help him as well.

Within three months of taking a moderate dose of Pueraria Mirifica, he noticed significant changes in his skin. His skin felt softer and appeared more hydrated, with fewer dry patches. Even more surprising to him was the improvement in his hair, which appeared to thicken, especially around areas where it had been thinning. Additionally, he reported that his joint pain had reduced, allowing him to engage more comfortably in physical activities.

Although he had some initial concerns about the herb's estrogenic effects, he did not notice any negative side effects like hormonal imbalance or feminization. Instead, the most noticeable benefits were healthier skin, improved hair growth, and reduced joint discomfort. Satisfied with the results, he continues using Pueraria Mirifica occasionally as part of his wellness regimen.

Plenty of Other Benefits

See which of these will suit you most…

  • Help with menopausal symptoms
  • Reducing cardiovascular disease (cardioprotective)
  • Improves dyslipidemia (unhealthy blood fats)
  • Remineralizes bone
  • Inhibits cancer growth
  • Restoration of vaginal integrity
  • Restoration of hair color
  • Collagen building
  • Prostate support for men
  • Improves oxidative stress
  • Increases long term and short-term memory
  • Extends telomeres, therefore…
  • Reverses signs of aging

There are other beneficial side effects, such as lowering cholesterol and protecting bone health for post-menopausal women, keeping bones strong and preventing breaks and fractures.

Case Story #3.

A 45-year-old woman from the UK struggled with dry skin, thinning hair, and low energy levels as she entered perimenopause. After six months of using Pueraria Mirifica, she noticed her skin became more hydrated and plump, and her hair felt stronger and appeared thicker. Additionally, she reported an increase in energy levels and a general sense of well-being. She was particularly happy with the improvement in her skin elasticity, something she had been struggling with before using the herb.

A Naturally Pleasant “Side-Effect”

It’s not for every woman, of course. But if you (or your partner!) is interested in poutier breasts, meaning enlargement and increased firmness, Pueraria may do the trick. For many women this is a Godsend. It is yet another blessing of the “miracle” herb.

Pueraria Mirifica supplements for breast enlargement have been marketed in some Asian countries since 2007. Some of these include Pueraria Mirifica powder biscuits and even chewing gum.

Like most beauty enhancing supplements, most of the different Pueraria Mirifica breast enlargement reviews are merely anecdotal. Some experienced an increase in breast size, others did not. Probably because some has the genuine article and others were using the fake product I have mentioned already.

But most online reviews agreed that consuming the proper supplements for the suggested amount and time period made their breasts fuller and firmer. You can still find blog reviews and YouTube videos online that document Pueraria Mirifica breast growth before and after results.

To date, no large-scale studies have been done to cement the link between Pueraria Mirifica and breast enlargement. A few small case studies exist. However, we have no clear definitive evidence that supports or debunks the claim.

Case Story #4. 

A 30-year-old woman from the U.S. had been looking for natural alternatives to enhance her breast firmness and size. After coming across several reviews of Pueraria Mirifica, she decided to try it. After four months of consistent use, she noticed a modest increase in breast size and a significant improvement in firmness. She also mentioned that her menstrual cycles had become more regular and less painful. She was satisfied with the overall results and decided to continue using the product long-term.

You don’t want massive, heavy breasts, of course you don’t. But more perky could be good! I leave that up to you.

Dosage and Sources

I have now sourced a good supply in Thailand, where it is grown agriculturally. For me, this is important. The last thing we want as this plant becomes more widely known is hunters tromping around in the wild forest, decimating natural plant growth and reducing the available Pueraria plants.

It makes sense to grow it in a controlled hot-house environment.

My lovely wife Vivien came up with the idea of condensing the name of my product to Purifica™. She doesn’t know Latin and sometimes stumbles a bit over the syllables! I think it’s a brilliant contraction and maybe dyslexia can be a blessing!
And, yes, mine is a very pure preparation.

Purifica™ is back in stock at Dr. Keith’s Own® and I invite you to join me on a well-marked health pathway.

Pueraria expert Dr Sandy Schwartz’s (yes, THAT Dr. Schwartz) recommends dosing as follows: 2 - 10 mg per kilogram daily. For an average-sized woman, that translates to doses of 100 mg to 500 mgs/day daily, following the recommended schedule of the 8th day from the start of the monthly menstrual cycle to the 21st day.

Start off with one 250 mg capsule daily. Increase to 2 capsules a day if you need to. You can take more but only if prescribed by a competent physician (and I do mean someone who knows and understands this herb).

Men and post-menopausal women do not need to cycle, of course.

Guys, give it a try. I would start with a half dose.

Dr. Keith’s Own Pueraria Mirifica is sustainably cultivated in Thailand at a location known for its high-quality Pueraria Mirifica. Pueraria from this area contains higher levels of active ingredients miroestrol and puerarin than from other regions. Experience the potent phytoestrogenic healing power of Pueraria Mirifica now.

Your 3 Order Options
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To prove that Purifica™ is the best option for you, you're protected by my 60-day money-back guarantee.

That means if you don't absolutely love it, we'll give you your money back. No questions asked.

Simply return the remainder of your bottle, and we’ll refund every penny. No questions asked.

As you can see, I’m taking all the risk because I know that once you start using Purifica™, you’re going to love it.

How To Order Purifica™

We only order 300 bottles at a time to ensure the product remains absolutely fresh. Once those sell out, there's no telling how long you'll have to wait.

It's best to order several bottles at once! You'll save money when you do.

If you want to experience the wide-ranging benefits of Purifica™, click the button below and place your order today.

Here’s what you can expect with Purifica™:

  • Help with menopausal symptoms
  • Reduction in cardiovascular disease (cardioprotective)
  • Improvement in dyslipidemia (unhealthy blood fats)
  • Remineralization of bones
  • Inhibition of cancer growth
  • Restoration of vaginal integrity
  • Restoration of natural hair color
  • Collagen building
  • Prostate support for men
  • Improvement in oxidative stress
  • Increases in both long-term and short-term memory
  • Extension of telomeres, which contributes to…
  • Reversal of signs of aging

Purifica™ is your key to addressing these vital aspects of your health and well-being, empowering you to live a healthy, vibrant life. There’s no better time to start than today.

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