All Aboard The Weight Loss Express!

The Slimville Flyer

Who doesn’t want to lose weight in a hurry? Not many of us and that’s a fact. Most of us NEED to lose weight fast. Statistics tell us that over 70% of Americans are packing the pounds; 40% of us are actually obese.

The figures are just as depressing in the rest of the world! For example 44.7% of Egyptian women and 25.9% of Egyptian men are living with obesity. Tahiti (French Polynesia): 38% of males and 56% of women; Saudi Arabia 31% of males and 43% of women respectively.

[Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults. Lancet. 2017;390(10113):2627‐2642. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32129-3]

What is worse is that 93% of Americans now fail to meet all their basic health markers. Instead, they have one or more parameters indicating a glucose disorder or metabolic disease.

You can’t afford to be much overweight. Obesity is even worse. It’s DANGEROUS. Nobody reaches the age of 100 years who is overweight or obese! Insurance companies know the facts (they have to get it right or they’d go bust) and so they increase premiums for anyone overweight. You mustn’t kid yourself.

And don’t try to gloss over the facts by saying “I’m only carrying a few pounds extra.” You are missing the point. The risk factors go up proportionately and eventually exponentially (very sharp rise) with how much extra you weigh.

But That's Not The Real Problem

Surprisingly, perhaps shockingly, the pounds of fat are not the real problem. It’s what comes with excess weight that costs lives. Obesity doesn’t just happen on its own. It’s part of a disease picture which includes many other factors related to sugar, grains, manufactured foods with seed oils and the resulting altered glucose metabolism.

In fact overweight is part of a spectrum of disorders, which progresses from overweight, to obesity, to pre-diabetes, to diabetes (you may come across the term diabesity), and this spectrum eventually underpins all cardio-metabolic diseases, from heart attack, age decline (including dementia), stroke, liver disease and kidney failure. We call this progression in its entirety the “metabolic syndrome” or MetS for short.

This killer condition amounts to what is now the #1 “pandemic” in the world. If you are overweight, obese or have any of the above health conditions, you are at risk; not just from the disease but from doctors meddling! See, modern doctors have no understanding of healthy ground zero. They think only in terms of irreversible sickness and make no attempt at solving underlying causes. Their answer—their ONLY answer—is drugs. And when those don’t work, MORE drugs.

They talk about “managing” the patient’s condition. But that only means steering him or her inexorably into an early grave. Fact: diabetes is really just accelerated aging. Patients die 15 years younger on average, even if blood glucose is kept strictly “under control”.

Dangerous Fats

But look, it’s not just about sugar metabolism. The problem widens and includes disordered (unhealthy) blood fats. Nobody who knows anything believes that cholesterol is the villain. It’s oxidized (rancid) fats that damage your blood vessels.

That’s why some doctors—half knowledgeable—still blame cholesterol. If you have high levels of cholesterol and you are not properly protected by anti-oxidants, then you will have higher levels of damaging rancid fats, whether HSL, LDL or triglycerides. That stands to reason.

See, it is not primarily high levels of certain blood fats that are the main threat but unhealthy oxidized versions of those fats. It’s a little known fact—unknown even to most doctors—that older individuals (over 65 years) with HIGHER levels of cholesterol live significantly longer than those with supposed “healthy” levels.

In fact, apart from young men and women in the age range 24 – 35 years, a Korean study of over 12 million adults showed that supposedly “high” cholesterol levels of more than 240 mg/dL were associated with a decreased risk in all-cause mortality for both sexes and in every other age group [].

Doesn’t that fact alone blow the whole cholesterol theory out of the water?

The real question becomes: how come cholesterol and other blood fats get oxidized? Sugars and inflammatory carbs are mainly to blame. The more sugar we consume, the more unhealthy cholesterol and triglycerides we produce in our livers.

But there are inflammatory fats too. Polyunsaturates—once considered the only healthy dietary fats—are now know to be immensely damaging because of the widespread inflammatory effects they create. Vegetables oils, so-called, are really seed oils and in processing these become contaminated with dangerous omega-6s, which in turn cause other fats to oxidize and turn rancid.

It's quite a complex picture…

The Missing X Factor

But there’s a secret, a missing “factor X; something that unlocks the whole problem and permits knowledgeable doctors to act effectively: what links all these deteriorating metabolic conditions together is an underlying condition we call INSULIN RESISTANCE. 

Your doctor will have heard of this but likely he or she doesn’t give it the urgent emphasis that’s needed—indeed essential—for you to stay alive. Yet 93% of Americans are now technically insulin resistant and 60% are diabetic or prediabetic. Incredible!

Insulin is supposed to lower your blood glucose levels (and it does). But after a while, if you insist on continuing to eat sugar, carbohydrate-rich grains and lousy manufactured foods, blood glucose levels begins to creep up. The body stops listening to the insulin message. In a frantic effort to get a result, the body secretes more and more insulin.

But the blood glucose level doesn’t come down. The regulatory mechanism is overwhelmed, leaving blood sugar high and insulin levels very high (but ineffective). That’s why we call it “insulin resistance”; the body no longer responds to insulin.

What we do know is that insulin resistance, as measured by a high fasting blood glucose and high fasting insulin, is a very good predictor of obesity, diabetes and early death. You don’t want to go there and yet today’s typical diet is geared very much to creating insulin resistance.

That’s why losing weight, beating this sugar mechanism, getting your glucose and insulin down to normal, and correcting an unhealthy fats pattern is crucial for health and longevity.

That’s where we step in! The two doctors…

Are You Ready? Meet The Two Doctors!

Photo here of me (left) and Dr. Graham: The Weight Loss Engineers!

For this project Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby MD has teamed up with friend and colleague Dr. Graham Simpson MD. Dr. Graham has been getting stellar weight loss results and diabetes reversal with his patients, using a special MetS protocol involving semaglutide, marketed variously as Wegovy, Ozempic, Rybelsus, etc.

This has unquestioningly been a brilliant advance. But there’s a problem…

You may have read of the outrageous pricing of these new wonder weight loss drugs; clearly a case of Big Pharma cashing in on a demand and milking it ruthlessly. In the US, Wegovy has a list price of $1,349.02 per month as of 2022, according to The New York Times, suggesting that because of the high costs many people "who could most benefit from weight loss may be unable to afford such expensive drugs". What’s crazy about these prices is that injections are required only once a week: in other words well over $300 per shot.

Could it possibly be worth that much? And what are the side effects? Is it safe?

Well, you know Dr. Keith is a great cynic of Big Pharma’s efforts to help Mankind! Haha! But it does seem to work. And that’s where Dr. Graham comes in…

So far he’s helped over 200 patients with semaglutide, and every single one has lost significant weight (25 lbs. to over 100 lbs.) and none of them have experienced more than very minimal side-effects.

So that makes him a real “expert”. What’s more, he’s happy to work on a very friendly fee scale… NONE OF THE RIP OFF PRICING OF BIG PHARMA!

US territory only FOR THE TIME BEING 
(Import limitations may apply)

How Does It Work?

You don’t need all the technical details to benefit from just joining our program. Suffice it to say the semaglutide (sold as Wegovy, Ozempic, etc.) represents a range of substances that are known as glucagon-like peptide #1 (GLP-1) agonists. An agonist is something that pretends to be the same as a given substance but is actually an imposter; it gets on the receptors and then blocks them, without delivering the message!

Thus semaglutide works to lower high blood sugar (which will otherwise be turned to fat) by increasing the amount of insulin that is released, lowering the amount of glucagon released and by delaying gastric emptying. Semaglutide also controls appetite and so helps you reduce the amount of food that you want to eat.

If it did nothing else but kill your appetite, you would probably agree that is a good thing! But there are several other benefits, as you see.

Generic semaglutide can be formulated at a far lower cost than the brand names. We provide EXACTLY THE SAME CHEMICAL SUBSTANCE as the Big Pharma version. But it is produced in small batches at a compounding pharmacy. For those of you outside the US, a compounding pharmacy meets all the hygiene controls and production standards of a standard drug manufacturing facility, but is not regulated to the same extent. Compounding pharmacies, for example, could legally have produced ivermectin for you, during the COVID crisis (we got some from a compounding pharmacy by prescription as a stand by, that has not been used so far).

Our compounding pharmacist is a good friend of Dr. Graham, an expert chemist, with a clean and ethical facility, and who will deliver to us at absurdly low prices that by-pass the normal medical channels, with all the middle men, insurers and—let’s say it—greedy doctors who will happily charge you more, because their “share” is bigger!

OK So It’s That Good?

There are no what we would call real “side-effects” but maybe a little inconvenience: digestive upset and bowel disturbance, largely related to slow stomach emptying and constipation. But who wouldn’t put up with such minor effects, in pursuit of rapid and easy weight loss?

We think it’s a trade that would work for most people (otherwise we wouldn’t be writing this)!

You can always reduce the dose and take a little longer to reach your desired weight but most people feel no real ill effects whatever.

Some of the good things that will happen to you, if you lose even just a modest amount of weight, include:

  • Less joint pain
  • More restful sleep
  • Reduced risk of cancer
  • Prevent or reverse diabetes
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Improved moods
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved sex drive.

More fundamentally, these benefits amount to:

  • Reduced risk of heart disease
  • Reduced risk of dementia
  • Reversal of fatty liver disease
  • Reduced risk, or even reversal, of kidney disease

In fact you are less likely to die, from any cause, as numerous up-to-date scientific studies show!

Anything On The Negative Side?

Side effects are very minor on this program. Not one person has had to quit! Possible unwanted symptoms include:

  • Tiredness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Sometimes vomiting if you go too fast (just cut back)
  • Upset stomach
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

Which of these would prevent you wanting to lose 10 – 20% of your body weight? None? I thought so!

Remember: you control the dose, so you manage away the unwanted symptoms.

US territory only FOR THE TIME BEING 
(Import limitations may apply)

Beware Counterfeits

You must be careful where you buy your semaglutide. It’s been sold online for as little as $139 per month. No way! This is obviously counterfeit. If you fall for these cheaper versions, you are risking your health and possibly your life.

At least three Americans have been reported hospitalized after using suspected counterfeits of semaglutide drugs, which include a rip-off of Novo Nordisk's diabetes medication Ozempic, according to records released by the Food and Drug Administration. They have accumulated 28 cases worldwide, classified as "serious" with outcomes that also include deaths.


Ozempic and Wegovy from Novo Nordisk, have been in short supply for months amid booming sales for their use in weight loss. Moreover, health insurance won’t cover it; Medicare is forbidden to pay for it; so many people are left struggling, unable to afford the punitive cost. It’s a perfect setting for crooks and fakers to step in and “fill the gap”.

The FDA was quick to protect the industry by implying that problems are probably due to compounded versions, as well as adulterated fakes. That’s nonsense: compounding pharmacists are among the most skilled medical scientists.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE WHATEVER THAT THESE MISHAPS WERE DUE TO COMPOUNDING PHARMACY PREPARATIONS. The FDA just slips that in for its pharma buddies, who want compounding pharmacists GONE; they are a threat to their obscene profits.

Be assured, our version of semaglutide is 100% accurate and safe.

What Can I Eat?

Now, with semaglutide, you don’t need to learn to cook or start preparing meals. You can eat normally but FAR LESS. You won’t be hungry… Promise!

You don’t have to do keto or intermittent fasting, if you find that a challenge (but it will speed up weight loss considerably)

However there is no question that you’ll lose weight even faster, if you follow the guidelines offered in our SAFE FOODS GUIDANCE SHEETS. This is really very simple:

  • Red foods don’t eat at all
  • Green foods eat as much as you like
  • Orange foods be cautious and indulge in these only occasionally.

It’s just like a traffic light system:
red for stop, green for go and amber for caution.

No, we don't mean just greens (plant food). You're permitted any meat, fish, fowl, fruits, vegetables, salad or seafood--as much as you want! (but you won't have a ravenous appetite, remember)

And what happens if you are hungry after a meal? Simple: just cook and serve it up all over again and eat it (green foods only).

You will not want to keep nibbling, once the appetite suppression effect has kicked in. That’s the beauty of this program: semaglutide will suppress your appetite and there will be no desire for cheating.

It’s like a dream come true for slimmers!

Free Labs!

This is exciting. We are going to give you some important free labs (meaning, at our expense). These are:

  • Fasting blood glucose
  • Fasting insulin

These 2 together give a result called HOMA-IR, a measure of insulin resistance.


  • A1C
  • A lipid panel, consisting of:
    • Total cholesterol
    • HDL
    • LDL
    • Triglycerides

This gives us important information about your metabolic health.

You set your own appointment with a lab near you and the results come to Dr. Graham; you drop in, give a blood sample, and we do the rest!

The Good News Just Keeps Coming!

3 years after taking semaglutide, a study revealed that those who had taken the drug (as opposed to taking a placebo), had a substantially lower incidence of combined death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke. In fact the odds were 6.5% vs. 8.0%, reported A. Michael Lincoff, MD, of Cleveland Clinic, at the American Heart Association annual meeting. That’s not 1.5% difference; that’s actually a 19.75% reduction.

This safety benefit showed up early, even before the two groups had achieved much weight loss.

And also interestingly, the degree of cardiovascular protection was consistent, even without regard to how obese or overweight the patient was initially.

That’s remarkable!

[Lincoff AM, et al "Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in obesity without diabetes" N Eng J Med 2023; DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2307563]

Important Note: Not all people benefit from treatment, as some may not respond and others may find the gastrointestinal side effects unacceptable........

The Procedure

As with all things in life, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about things! Here’s what we do.

The first step is we need to know more about you, so we will send out a questionnaire by email. We ask you to tell us about yourself and include enough medical history that we feel this program will work for you. There are some medical conditions that we would want to advize you NOT to jump on board; for example, a history of medullar thyroid cancer.

The moment we get back your completed questionnaire and you are approved by Dr. Simpson, we will express ship the semaglutide to you, over ice. As soon as it arrives, transfer it to the refrigerator.

Look through the SAFE FOODS GUIDANCE SHEETS and stock up on the suitable (green-list) foods. Give away or dump the red-list foods. You won’t need them! I’ve always said that a healthy lifestyle begins with a change in shopping habits, never mind a change in eating!

Remember You Are Not Alone!

After that, it’s just a question of how much you want to lose! Some people need to shed 100 lbs or more. Most of us don’t need to be that drastic. But it’s a fact that the vast majority of people on the program lose between 10% and 20% of their start-out weight. In other words 10 – 25 lbs.In the meantime, you will receive the first of your management emails. This will include important customer support contacts, such as the customer service email and a phone number. You are not going through this alone. Help is just a call away.

But actually, it is ridiculously easy! As soon as you are ready, give yourself the first shot, using one of the micro-syringes supplied. The amount is tiny: just 0.05 ml for the first dose.From there, it goes up in small increments. 0.1 ml for the second shot, a week later. The third is 0.15 ml, and so on. You judge the pace. You are looking for a drop in appetite. That’s a great sign. Several patients have complained that semaglutide appears to spoil the taste of alcohol. That’s great too, if you think about it! Many people take far too many calories as “liquid food” and, for some, just reducing or stopping drink for a time will cause the weigh to just tumble off!

Like all changes, it’s a learning process but you will soon learn, with guidance, how to manage your own progress.

We vigorously discourage people from doing too much, too fast. It’s a folly to overdo things. This is not a race. We are not saying it could be dangerous but with celebrity figures like Sharon Osbourne looking like a scarecrow, after dropping 42 pounds (putting her total weight at under 100 pounds) some of you may be worried.

It’s too easy, claims Sharon Osbourne

Let’s repeat, this is not a game, however much fun. It’s an opportunity to alter your lifestyle towards longevity and vitality; we want you to learn new, healthy ways, not shock your friends!

Get into the Blue Zone! That’s the gift of this wonderful new, surprise biological aid.

US territory only FOR THE TIME BEING 
(Import limitations may apply)

Where Does Lifestyle Fit Into All This?

You need to be clear. It’s not just a question of giving yourself weekly shots and then forget about what you are doing. That’s the “idiot plan”.

You need to make sensible diet and lifestyle changes, otherwise you will just slim down and still die young! It doesn’t have to be that way. The world is filled now with people living to age 100 years and beyond. 100 is the new 80! And these individuals are not just “living” but thriving. You could be one of them! In any case, you want to stay healthy and vibrant as long as possible (not lifespan but what we call “healthspan”).

Skydiving granny super-ager

The remarkable thing is that these super-agers, as they are called, are among the happiest and healthiest people in the world. As Dan Buettner, founder of the Blue Zones movement, says:

“After the age of 55, happiness increases, as long as you keep your health. And so 100-year-olds are happier than any other demographic. They learn how to be satisfied.”

In other words… we can get your weight to comfortable levels. But the rest is up to you! We want you to make the commitment that you will look after yourself properly.

Make no mistake about this: No super-agers are obese or even overweight. None. So the stakes are high.

Whatever happens (and everyone is different) you MUST stop eating manufactured, toxic, vitiated foods [vitiated (pronounced vishiated): the effect spoiled, corrupted or weakened; reduced worth]

This is poison, not nourishing food. Let it go!

OK, What Do Patients Say?

Here are some Doctor (MD) Testimonials (these should be above average!):

"Dr. Simpson's expertise and dedication have transformed my life in just seven weeks. With my HBA1C level at a concerning 13.6, his guidance, support, and tailored approach were instrumental in my journey towards better health.

Taking his advice seriously, I committed to the changes and treatments he recommended. His knowledge, encouragement, and personalized plan not only educated me but also empowered me to make significant lifestyle adjustments. Through his guidance, I managed to achieve what felt impossible—bringing my HBA1C down to a remarkable 5.2. Dr. Simpson's unwavering support and commitment to his patients' well-being are truly remarkable, and I can't thank him enough for his pivotal role in my health transformation."

- Dr. JDC


"I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic when aged 53 and am now 80 years old. I have been through the full gambit of therapy using various drug therapies and even pulsed intravenous insulin therapy (PIVIT) for about 4 months.

In 2015 I attended the first conference on LCHF nutrition in South Africa with Professor Tim Noakes and started following a keto like diet but despite learning much about the nutritional aspects of treating type 2 diabetes found my C peptide levels were in the Kraft type 1 diabetic range so was started on insulin daily. With insulin I continued to gain weight and felt out of control.

Eight months ago, I decided to take my nutrition very seriously. I read Dr. Simpson’s book: 4 Week Diabesity Cure and went on a very strict keto diet (LCHF).

My weight started falling and my daily insulin requirement started to decrease as I went into nutritional ketosis.

My weight has gone from 210 to 174 pounds during this time and I have been off all medication including insulin and semaglutide now for six months. I continue to follow dietary advice carefully and I am starting to regenerate my muscle mass again.

- Victor K. MB ChB, MD, FRCS (Edin.), FRCOG.


"My A1C level was at 9.3, a clear indictor of uncontrolled diabetes. I was dependent on substantial doses of daily insulin and also on medication for high blood pressure. I attempted to get this condition under control on my own, with only moderate success. Then I turned to Dr. Simpson for help. The journey wasn’t easy but with commitment and expert guidance, I was able to turn my heath around.

Today my A1C has dramatically reduced to 5.1, I no longer need insulin and I’ve successfully discontinued my blood pressure medications. Moreover, I’ve lost 25 pounds, which has been a significant milestone for me. The transformation has been nothing short of miraculous and I owe my new found health and vitality to the skills of Dr. Simpson."


"Although I am not diabetic, I am 63 years old and have had an ever-increasing weight problem for more than 10 years. No matter what I attempted to do with dieting, exercise, etc., it always seemed to fail outright due to the difficulty, or the weight eventually returned after a few months.

My husband entered Dr. Simpson’s program, to assist in his diabetes care. I saw how efficient and effective it was, so I entered the program as well. I’m now in my fifth month of the protocol care and am happy to report a loss of 38 pounds without much difficulty and, my previous dress size changed from size 14, to a size 7.

I have achieved my original goal weight, but I am continuing the program because I generally feel better than I have in more than 20 years."

 - Lisa S.

"I have had the good fortune to be able have followed Dr. Graham Simpson’s groundbreaking diabesity cure program. In doing so, I lost 30 pounds and feel much more energetic. Following his program is quite simple– only eating between 11am and 7pm, avoiding carbohydrates and seed oils.

I do not feel as if I have compromised my enjoyment of eating in any way; I wholeheartedly recommend his ingenious program to everyone who has a weight issue."

- Dr. Bob O.


"Thanks to Dr. Graham Simpson I'm 68 going on 28!

8 major surgeries and countless injuries had left my health in a downward spiral, obese, and almost crippled.

I credit Dr. Simpson with giving me a total health and body transformation.

Meeting Dr. Simpson was far more than "Life Changing"…


- Dale W. Parkinson

Special Bonuses

Here are some super bonuses included to help you along:

BONUS #1 (Retails at $39.95)

Dr. Graham’s hugely helpful book The 4-Week Diabesity Cure, yours absolutely free.

This book is not just for diabetics but anyone with a weight problem (in which case you’re already on the diabetes spectrum). In the end, it all boils down to insulin resistance, which is fully explained (Section 12).

This is a book you will find yourself dipping into, time and time again. It really is a lifesaver. There are 100 sections in all.

BONUS #2 (Retails at $39.95 per Bottle)

Dr. Keith’s Own Super Berberine formula. Berberine is a miracle herb that goes beyond blood sugar support, targeting fats, cardiovascular health, gut health, and even potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Berberine is an herbal plant substance which surpasses all others! Forget about curcumin, ashwaganda and epigallocatechin gallate, etc. This has 10 times the effect!

It is a stunningly versatile plant substance, proven to have many useful pharmacological effects, including weight loss, glucose control, antimicrobial and antiviral activity (including anti-SARS-Cov-2 virus we’ve been hearing so much about), antitumor activity and it is a strong anti-inflammatory!

Pharmacokinetics of Berberine indicates that adipose tissue is its main target. Adipose tissue, especially belly fat, is a huge energy reserve organ. The excessive proliferation and differentiation of fat cells can lead to excessive fat accumulation in adipose tissue, resulting in obesity.

AND Berberine actually switches off the “fat switch”! (the WHAT?) Yes, professor Richard J. Johnson, discovered a mechanism which has been called the fat switch. If it’s ON, you gain weight. If it’s OFF, you lose weight. Berberine works to turn it off!

But it’s not just about blood sugar but fats too. We’ve been battered by the cholesterol hoax for decades. The level is not important; the balance of different lipids could be.

Berberine can be used as an alternative treatment for patients who do not tolerate statins, because of its lipid-lowering effects. The findings of a 2021 review (meta-analysis) demonstrated that Berberine alone can reduce dangerous triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol, fasting blood glucose and HOMA-IR levels in patients with metabolic disorders (HOMA-IR or Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance is the best measure we have of insulin resistance).

Compared with Berberine, metformin (standard diabetes drug) had little effect on lipid parameters. Compared with statins, Berberine is a miracle worker… and safer by far!

So… Are You Ready?

Get The 10 Year Add-On Option For Life!

10 extra years of health and vitality.

Why wait? Only age and decay await you, so don’t hesitate. If you have struggled with weight, or keep losing it and then putting it back on, it’s time you tried something new. Hundreds of lucky patients have taken the plunge and decided: enough is enough. Time for a change. Time to create a healthy, vibrant future.

You know it makes sense! Nobody can be healthy and overweight or obese. Put the other way round: IF YOU ARE AT OR CLOSE TO YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT, YOU ARE CERTAINLY CLOSE TO OPTIMUM HEALTH, NO MATTER YOUR AGE!

Note from Dr. Keith: in case you are asking, YES, I have taken semaglutide myself (I never ask patients to do things I haven’t tried and tested)! I lost 12 lbs in less than 3 weeks. Then came Christmas and a slight pause in healthy eating! Haha! I’ve lost 2 inches off my waist and some nice clothes look good on me again. More to the point, several pretty ladies (and one in her twenties) have said I look fit and well!

But best of all, my wife is very admiring and she’s the one who really counts the most!

Yes, I Want The 10 Years Add-On Option!

I want to take charge of my health and cherish my body, heart, liver, kidneys and brain. I want an extra 10 years of life and vitality. Sign me up. Let’s get started!

The Cost? $1350, For 3 Months
One-Time Payment

$1350 for a 90-day program (renew as often as you like but we start you out with this). 

US territory only FOR THE TIME BEING 
(Import limitations may apply)

When you set that against the cost of meds and later-life healthcare because you DIDN’T do it, that’s very reasonable.

If, for any reason, we feel that this program is not suitable for you, you will get an immediate 100% refund.

That’s why we want you to fill out the questionnaire and tell us about yourself and your medical history. But don’t worry; there are very few contraindications!

BE ASSURED: There are no hidden costs: one payment; that’s it. You get the bonuses, as described, and you get a 3-month supply of semaglutide, PLUS the little extras, like syringes, food sheets etc.

US territory only FOR THE TIME BEING 
(Import limitations may apply)

To your good health,

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

The Official Alternative Doctor

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website regarding semaglutide or related products has not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results cannot be guaranteed, and individual experiences may vary. Weight loss is supported when these products are used as part of an overall healthy lifestyle program, including proper diet and regular exercise.

Copyright 2024, Keith Scott-Mumby - Disclaimer