Suppose there existed an oral vaccine that is: 

• 100% safe for all who use it

• can be taken orally and tastes good

• can be manufactured in virtually every country in the world, with the humble technology available to many third-world nations

• so cheap that virtually everyone in the world can afford it

• able to protect against a wide variety of organisms, including viruses, rickettsia, parasites, protozoan, bacteria, mycoplasmas, yeasts/fungus, amoebae

• capable of reducing or eliminating allergic reactions to vast numbers of exogenous and endogenous substances

• boosts the immune system, accelerates healing of injuries, helps repair nervous system damage, burns fat and builds lean muscle, increases vitality and stamina, and elevates mood

• and might – just might – deal a deadly blow against a number of cancers?

Suppose, moreover, there were over 4,000 clinical studies worldwide which describe the efficacy of this oral vaccine in the treatment of hundreds of different diseases. 

Would you be interested to know what it was?

I’ll bet you would. And you can bet that Big Pharma would NOT like you to find out! Well you’re going to know soon, so keep reading!

It’s milk protein concentrate. Why do I call it an oral vaccine? Well, that’s the really interesting part. The milk of cows (and other bovines) has been known for decades to be a rich source of competent antibodies. In fact when first developed for disease protection it was widely known as “immune milk,” later hyperimmune milk.

Meet Bessie, the Antibody Queen!

The science is simple enough; just not widely known and used. An adult cow has plenty of useful antibodies against a wide variety of pathogens. She feeds on contaminated grasses and drinks form water sources that has held frogs, snakes, bugs, worms, snails, and so on. Plus the cow often drinks and urinates at the same time, recycling fluids from the pond even as she drinks.

PLUS she may pick up pathogens from her human managers who interact with her on a daily basis. She makes antibodies… leads to healthy country folks and farmers!

Thousands of good scientific papers have been published on its power immune properties. But you may spot a clever trick that suggests itself: why not inoculate the cow with a whole host of other pathogens and have her generate competent antibodies for widespread use? That would indeed make it “hyperimmune milk”.

In the late 1950s a wealthy businessman called Ralph Stolle, owner-operator of the SanMarGale Farm in Lebanon (Ohio), stepped into the picture. Stolle took an interest in hyperimmune milk, simply as a hobby. He developed a better way of using the cow to provoke a beneficial antigen response, by injecting pathogens into the cow’s bloodstream and then harvesting the milk. Using his personal fortune, Stolle gave out thousands of portions of hyper-immune milk and asked the users to report back its benefits. Over a space of some 35 years a total of 8000 people reported a variety of benefits, from joint pain relief (85%) to improvement in fatigue (74%) and lowering cholesterol (71%). This series probably constitutes one of the largest open clinical trials ever carried out.

Stolle went into partnership with the New Zealand Dairy Board to make very pure hyperimmune milk concentrate or “Stolle milk” as it became known. In 1988 it went on sale in Asia for the first time. It is freeze dried and shipped to third world countries, where it is a very valuable vaccination and therapy resource. In 1999 Spencer Trask purchased Stolle Milk Biologics Inc (SMBI) and immediately began serious clinical trials to test the benefits of hyperimmune milk in arthritis.

It was shown to have remarkable properties that were measurably better than those of chondroitin or glucosamine sulfate.


You’ve probably seen colostrum being sold as a wonderful health supplement. 

You may know that the very first milk let down by a mammalian mother is called colostrum and it is every rich in antibodies. So as the calf starts to suckle, it introduces a steady stream of potentially-dangerous pathogens to the mother at the teat. The cow responds by manufacturing specific antibodies against those organisms the calf “inoculated” her with. 

The immunoglobulins, growth factors, disease-specific antibodies and a substance called complement, pass directly into the calf, where they attach themselves to whatever corresponding organisms are present and kill them.

Milk is thus Nature’s ideal “vaccine”! At least dedicated and immune-competent milk is.

According to Herbert Struss, PhD, former Senior Chemist, Food Chemistry Laboratory, Minnesota Department of Agriculture Laboratory Services Division – and also a scientist who was involved in much of the early clinical work testing this wondrously universal vaccine – those interested in “immune milk” (as it is called) during the ’60s, made their astounding oral vaccine discoveries when they were trying to answer the question: “What’s the survival advantage to being a mammal?” 

All animals evolve traits that persist because they have a survival advantage. So what is the advantage to being a mammal? (a mammal, remember, is defined as a creature with teats or “mammary glands”, hence the name).

The magic transfer factor is the colostrum and the survival advantage is an “acquired” or “adaptive” immunity that can be transferred from mother to offspring and that this adaptive immunity would extend for some period of time, thus providing the offspring with a distinct survival advantage. This is why we recommend breast feeding. It’s way better than stupid killed organism jabs for an infant.

Breast-fed kids have been vaccinated by Nature, through nurture!

Colostrum. Creamy. Delicious. No smelly poopy diapers either!

No (breast-fed) child should ever be vaccinated before the age of 4 months. The mother is already on the case, BIG TIME! But of course this crucial scientific fact is inconvenient to vaccination manufacturers, who just want profits, not healthy children. So Nature is just ignored.

Colostrum is a very special form of milk concentrate. According to research data, there are as many as 83 known immunologically-active substances in colostrum, including growth factors, lipids, lactoferrin (iron-binding protein with antimicrobial qualities), cytokines [released from T cells, they inhibit replication of viruses and chemicals (cytotoxins) that kill the infected cell], etc. 

It seems to me there is an important dimension that has been missed for decades. The family cow was the manufacturer of home-grown vaccines for humans. Folks lived mainly in a rural environment and milked their own beasts. The cow would be infected with all present human pathogens, make antibodies and give these back in the milk.

That’s why most of those country folks were so darned healthy, I believe. They had a constant supply of free and effective personalized vaccines down on the farm. Far better than modern vaccine attempts manufactured in a test tube and under the pretense that everyone is in the same circumstance and health status.

The Piece de Resistance

Hyper-immune bovine colostrum (HBC) has been used against many different respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts infections during past decades. 

What if I tell you that hyperimmune colostrum has been tested and found fabulously useful against COVID? There, that came out of left field, I bet! Yet it’s true.

No myocarditis, no sudden deaths, blood clots or long COVID! In fact you could probably eat ice cream made with it, it’s so safe (not really kidding).

In a super study done in Iran and published by the journal Frontiers of Nutrition, researchers carried out a controlled trial in which the subjects were injected with inactivated SARS-COV-2 virus and, as controls, a separate group were injected with just the junk (minus the virus).¹

No adverse effects were observed in the experimental cows. A very high level of IgG was observed in the first colostrum that decreased in the following 7 days in the milk. IgG is the key antibody for fighting acute virus infections. Remarkably, the titer of specific neutralizing antibody in the colostrum samples was 69 times higher than the sera (bloods). 

No adverse effects and clinical complications were reported by the authorized ethics committee, and an official certificate on the safety of the product was issued. 

Beside other strategies, this approach could be used for large-scale and low-cost production of immune components to be used as a nutritional supplement to confront current SARS-CoV-2 and future pandemics.


Remember, milk contains essential nutrients like high-quality protein, calcium, and potent antioxidants like vitamins A, D, and more. Therefore, using hyper-immune bovine milk, especially in developing countries, is a dual-purpose strategy to fight both COVID-19 viral infection and malnutrition in mothers, infants, children, adolescents, and the elderly. 

I should point another well-known (but totally ignored) scientific fact: even the most potent vaccines might not work properly when there is a deficiency of essential nutrients.²

Longer than usual. And it’s not “misinformation”.

To Your Good Health,
Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor


  1. Front Nutr. 2022; 9: 868964. Published online 2022 Jun 21. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.868964
  2. Calder PC. Nutrition and immunity: lessons for COVID-19. Eur J Clin Nutr. (2021) 75:1309–18.