A peek at what astonishing health recoveries are possible with today's exciting and brilliant electronic technology. A whole new medical paradigm is evolving right before our eyes, called "bioelectronic medicine." Today we see how the Vielight NEURO family of devices can restore and enhance brain function, EVEN REVERSING ALZHEIMER'S AND PARKINSON'S DISEASE. Dr. Lew Lim, the founder of Vielight Inc, which manufactures such devices and has instigated numerous scientific studies, answers questions about how the paradigm revolution took place and what is now available to take advantage of these fantastic recoveries.

Designed to enhance cerebral blood flow and brain metabolism, the Neuro Alpha delivers transcranial/intranasal 810nm NIR light, pulsed at an alpha oscillation of 10 Hz.
The potential benefits of heightened alpha waves are stress reduction and meditation.
Effects: Stress reduction and mindfulness, growing new brain cells, relaxation
$1799 plus S & H

Designed to enhance cerebral blood flow and brain metabolism, the Neuro Gamma delivers transcranial/intranasal 810nm NIR light, pulsed at a gamma oscillation of 40 Hz.
The potential benefits of heightened gamma waves are increased focus and improved memory encoding.
Effects: Improved focus and memory, growing new brain cells, neuro-glial cleansing (including getting rid of amyloid tissue)
$1799 plus S & H

The Vielight Neuro Duo is the result of years of engineering and research.
The Vielight Neuro Duo comes with both Alpha and Gamma modes.
*Gamma (40Hz): focus, memory, brain energy.
* Alpha (10 Hz): relaxation and sleep improvement.
Effects of Neuro Duo
Gamma: Focus and memory
Alpha: Stress reduction and mindflulness
$2399 plus S & H
Here are time-stamped bullets, which I created for you, as a study guide:
02:29 – Introducing Dr. Lew Lim, Founder, and CEO of Vielight Inc.
05:01 – Introduction to Photobiomodulation and why you should care
10:07 – Low-Level Laser Therapy and its application
13:19 – Margaret Naeser explains Low-Level Laser Therapy
15:18 – Near-infrared light penetration into the brain and the effect of gamma to dementia patients
19:11 – The so-called “Default mode network” of the brain
23:18 – Video about stem cells cluster that genetically engineered to turn into neurons under a special light
26:17 – STEM Cells
30:02 – Angiogenesis
32:19 – Mental Performance
35:40 – Key Points summary about Photobiomodulation
38:37 – Memory Enhancements and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
44:52 – The capabilities and case studies of Alpha and Gamma devices
55:39 – Margaret Naeser Video showing case study reports about neuro gamma devices
01:02:17 – Vielight Other Future Research
01:04:16 – Case Study Video of a man with Parkinson’s Disease
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
So, Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby here with a new topic. Now we’ve seen these days to be getting into advanced technological domains, fancy devices, and things. And I think it’s wonderful. You know, I’ve said this over and over and I, I believe it’s true, which is that Western energy medicine is going to be brilliant technology. It’s not just going to be, you know, wishy washy Chinese. And I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with those. Somebody wrote you any of the diaper, you know, you actually make it isn’t the same as a tech attacking the basic roots, you know, the root models as it were. So tonight we’ve got a device that we haven’t talked to openly public before in a webinar. I’ve done lots of videos, so tons of these devices and had some very happy stories.
And I’m pleased to say my guest tonight is the man that invented it and started it. Well, I’m talking about the Vielight technology. So for those who are just joining us, they’re still pouring in, you know. Let me just say a couple of things I said already, but it’s worth repeating. One is questions you can Q and a as a Q and a box. If the hover at the bottom asks us questions, they will come through tourism. We will deal with them more by one. Same with chat. If you want to say something just put it in chat cause the one thing, the two things actually we don’t want to do, one is answer questions as we go along because it’s an interruption and B, we might answer the question anyway and please don’t go on chat my head.
I want to speak, I want to speak, I want to speak. We don’t want you to speak until we get to the end of the presentation. So snowball courtesies that the way I always do things, please understand them. Bear with us and I hope you, excuse me. I hope you’re finding a new difference. That is fine. Okay. So we’re going to be talking about improving brain performance with photo biological modulation of PhotoBiomodulation. PhotoBiomodulation. for sure. Don’t panic with these words. Folks will define them as we go. But my expert, you can see in the thumbnail there Dr. Lew Lim is a brilliant man in all sorts of ways. I’ll introduce in just a moment, but he’s the founder and CEO of the company in Canada called by light to certain remarkable, wonderful devices. And I know that most of you know that. Okay. So this is the man. Yeah. Tell us about yourself. Talk us through, this is a bit boastful. I have to say I put it together, which is why it’s possible. I like this man. So I’ve made sure you understand. He’s very clever. So tell us about your background and your path as it looked like.
Dr. Lew Lim:
A lot of it is already on the slide. My background is very vague, very, but I think what matters here is my background in neuroscience, in natural medicine and in engineering. So it’s the combination of a few things that [inaudible] project together a few years down the line, 19 and 1990s wasn’t it? Mid-nineties. So you’ve been at this a long one. We could say pioneer in a way. Yeah. The idea was actually, Oh, discovered in around 1995 when I was in the Silicon Valley involved in displays and optics and lasers. So I got the, you know there were, there were stories coming out of, Oh, Russia at that time. Oh, the Soviet block, actually USSR. And there were stories, a lot of what we’ll publish in a Russian language about lasers and what effects, and I got some testing done and it started with the intranasal.
Oh. Nobody was really thinking about it at the time, but it was a way of getting light into the body and getting this outcome that the Russians were talking about. And they were, but at time in the 1990s, they were injecting light into the vein. Into those, into the circulatory system. Yeah. The latest light and and will discuss more.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
But your idea is very clever because as you live right up the nose is a very rich blood supply. Am I going to surprise you with something even more amazing, which is we can shine light into the skull. All right. We’ve had this heavy word, Photobiomodulation. You notice Lew, that nobody, no doctors and medics like to use simple words, Greek and Latin if they can. So they’ll never describe the skin as red. They’d rather say it’s every feminist.
Dr. Lew Lim:
The reason that this confusion you know, for a long time this field Photobiomodulation has been known as you know, cold, cold laser, low level laser low level light therapy. You know, it, it’s, it’s like therapy, phototherapy, so many things. So there’s, there was a lot of confusion. So the we know that the top scientists are leaders in the field decided, okay, we gotta get together and come up with something that is understandable, is scientific. We can get it registered with you know, with the publishing community and everybody understands in the future what it is. So it can be broken down into photo, which is light bio, which relates to your organism, tissues, physiology and the modulation and that is where, Oh, the key is, you know, to be able to improve, change the body, the mechanism is some way, forget the outcomes. You start with photobiomodulation. I knew, you know we want to just make it,
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Well I’ll tell ya because there’s all kinds of work raters and I was blue lights being investigated but this wouldn’t be talking mostly red line, which we’re not doing tonight. W what’s called near right over the puff scientific word is infrared or near infrared. That’s a special band of the infrared spectrum isn’t it?
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. This is to do with the fact we’re going to get with light. No, no, like covers a broad spectrum which includes..
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
You know, slide on because we want to gradually phase into talking about this electromagnetics stuff.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. Like covers from on the left. Oh, that is Indigo and going to ultraviolet all the way to the for the end reuse red and then the infrared and fines for rent and so on. Uh so that is the visible [inaudible]. Now what matters in this field is what is the area of the spectrum that draws its biological effect in the body that gives us good outcomes for that is really very much in the 600 yeah. And beyond 700 to stay above 1000 nanometers. When you go to about 1000 nanometers, that is just, Oh, coming to the edge of near what is new infrared and going to progressively further and further into the infrared have like, so we want to use that range that has the biological, you’re fucking desperate. You mean for rent?
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Yeah. Well you know, as I come to before it’s a bit funny. That visible light and near variety is so friendly to organisms and not so friendly. We all know about gamma rays and x-rays and things. Microwaves will, you know, fry your tissues. You get too much of that’s, that’s what the cell phone argument is about. Maybe it’s not so friendly yet. Remarkably visible light really seems to suit. It’s terrific. Anyway, Yeah. We are going to talk about Photobiomodulation. Oh, I seem to be spinning off the edge of them. We don’t get too much of that Lew. I apologize. But the light, particularly when you’re all that saying really this is, we’re going to concentrate on this because there’s so much to say. It will be four hour. If we scratch the surface of most of this narrowing our focus to a particular brain device. That’s where he’s wearing it on his head and he is getting some extra on foot. You’re like explained by sticking it up now.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. Just there’s a word on this so we will touch on, you know, but I don’t have slide one. When does hold feel of, Oh, like therapy or for the biomodulation was discovered until, you know, today. So for a long time the discovery has been translated into improving the body, you know, reducing pain accelerating wound healing improving the blood properties and, and on and on. But we’re actually the first, do you use it in a way that is able to improve brain function? [inaudible] Right.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Do you want to do history for us? You know, it does have some interesting background doesn’t it? As you were saying, low level light faces become a big thing. But I do remember, I think you wrote somewhere that it doesn’t really matter when it’s laser light, it’s just light.
Dr. Lew Lim:
That’s the critical thing until you’re around. Yeah. 2000 most of the literature in experiments have been done on [inaudible] Liza low level laser and that’s why it’s been called, you know, here low level laser therapy and other master, actually I discovered the whole process by accident and he experiments that story. I’ll put the slide up for you.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Very funny. Very serendipitous. As a lot of things.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Right. So this was in around the mid-sixties, and he published his work actually in the Russian language in 1967 and it was quite astonishing because these are the time was associated with, you know actually weaponry, high power laser can be developed into weapons and nobody knew that, you know, laser could be at a low level is actually therapeutic. And he discovered by accident because it was playing around with weather, he was able to cause cancer, do you want to say? And so he shaved the first of the bag of [inaudible] one group of mice. And not a Grove is, you know, it actually two groups. One is, Oh, just treated with laser and a low level. So he actually did, no, he, he had a powered down by accident. So the price of [inaudible] and exposed [inaudible] actually grew twice as fast as those were not exposed to [inaudible]. So I thought this is something interesting. And he began to do more experiments and discovered more things.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
So because it was a lot of level, it’s therapeutic. Not to stroke too, but only by chance he had the device on a low setting. So it’s amazing. Isn’t that serendipitous? [inaudible] Okay folks, now we’re going to move on. I’m going to do some short videos. I know all of you are on the call because you’re very interested in brain function and help, you know, things like dementia and Parkinson’s. And we’re going to introduce the lovely lady called Margaret [inaudible], a very close colleague with Lou. She works in the nearby university and that you have published papers together. Am I right? Okay. So this is a huge experiment for me folks. I’m going to try and play a video into my webinar. Wish me luck. We tested it, it should work. And at the end it was about two minutes or so at the end. Please comment in the chatbox. Yes, I could hear it clearly cause we’ve got three more. Four more for you.
Margaret Naeser Video about Low-Level Laser Therapy
In 2007 I got a phone call from Massachusetts general hospital Wellman center for photomedicine, a very famous center. And Mike Hamlin called me out of the blue because I didn’t know them. And he said, I’d like to speak to Margaret Naser. And I said, well, if this is Margaret Naser, and he said, we’re good. We want to talk to you. You’re the only person we can find in the entire VA hospital system who’s ever published something on low level laser therapy and you, and it’s in an archive of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2002 because we want to put it on the brain to treat the soldiers coming back from racking Afghanistan. And I was just in Florida. I was at first very skeptical about what Michael Hamlin told me that he could, he was sure we could deliver photons into the brain from placing the laser or led on the scalp. I just was so skeptical because I was used to treating the arm or the leg with paralysis or pain is in carpal tunnel syndrome. But I agreed to work with him and put our ideas together and he was right. And so we did publish our first paper with transcranial light emitting diodes to improve thinking and cognition in traumatic brain injury with Anita salt Marsh. We only had two cases, but they both did well and some of the treatments were done at home. So that was very impressive to me that you could have this therapy that could be done by the patient. Oh, him or herself in the home.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Okay. Let me know in the chat folks if that works for you. Over to you. Anyway, Yes, we’re using light and yes, it will transmit through the skull.
Dr. Lew Lim:
So, Margaret Naeser, we were actually doing more studies together, but her early work was mainly on fermenting, bringing stroke. We’re continuing work. We thought that, Oh yeah. I want to talk a little bit about penetration into the brain. You know, a con [inaudible] question when I meet people who are unfamiliar with this technology is, you know, you’re non-intuitive. How can light actually penetrate into the scout or SCUP I needed to brain and get these results. Oh, you will see a little bit later we’ll talk related about Inova, enlighten riches, the cells of the body. We get this good effect of healing and so on. No, it’s not 100% established. You know, there’s still debate about going, going on about how deep light and the longer the wavelength, the information goes, it penetrates deeper into the brain. No, the way we are able to prove the light was quite deep in our brain is to look at the response from the brain and we can consider it as months from the electrical. And all the electrical signatures from EEG and also from imaging using these FMR machines. No, this slide mentioned the University of California San Francisco. So there’s work done by professor Linda chow who is also a professor of psychiatry [inaudible] and radiology, which means that she’s had, she has access to this imaging equipment. And she actually published a study early last year on the effect of the gamma.
And we’ll talk more about the gamma on Oh, dementia patients. She did this completely independently a forward, you know, [inaudible] on normal usual care. And another four on the active gamma and found that not only they improved India clinical outcomes, which are measurable by these measures, but also from imaging showing that no deep positive brain that, that are relevant to dementia where risk [inaudible]. And this slide also mentioned the University of Toronto. We have a joint study with. Part of the psychiatry department of the University of Toronto with experts in EEG. And this is doctor [inaudible] though Dr.Resa is one of the top EEG people around and on normal brains. And what we found, well normal brains vote went be directed gamma, which is obviously a 40 times a second 40 minutes. We get very quick responses in terms of the power of the high frequency Oh. Going up significantly and suppressing the power of the low frequencies, which is the Delta in data. No, that has there’s meaningful to a number of actually a lot of researchers in the field of EEG and neurofeedback, but we don’t have to go too much into that. But just to show, yeah. That we can demonstrate response from both from [inaudible] deep reaches of the brain and also in, in terms of our colleague temporal outcome. That means in terms of how quick and what kind of frequencies we were able to get, you know, in terms of response from the brain.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Let me say as well, the university of Toronto, you are based in Toronto, right?
Dr. Lew Lim:
Right. Yeah.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
We should tell them well into the evening for you. Thanks for doing this anyway. Now tell us about the default mode. Of course. I know, but you know, most people have gone to this now don’t know what this is. What is it? Why is it a good thing? Uh I don’t even have a good thing, but you know, what’s, what’s he doing there? What is it doing? The brain.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. You know, when, when you’re not performing a task, when you’re resting, when the eyes are closed, you know the brain is working on a time. The brain doesn’t stop working. It kicks into this default mode network. It’s called default because it does when you fought, you know, you get into that, that particular network. And now what interests me and a lot of you know, researchers, what it is associated with. So when, well there’s quite a lot of literature research done on, on trying to establish the house was the default mode network because of the good outcomes. Gretchen, I’ll keep moving on to the next night. Yup. Okay. is there another one? Yeah. Okay. Well I did talk about, you know, Mmm, I see.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Well you want to just say this, that I am not important. Like he says that we’re thinking about how I would like others to remember things we’ve done. That’s fairly conscious, isn’t it? But this, well anyway, this is the side you wanted. So there you go, right? No, when we develop the, the new Rose, you’ll find that the modules are pointing, do selected part of the brain. [inaudible] People. Let me bring it in. We’ll do this now. And you mentioned the word near, that’s the name of the device we’re going to be, right. So will this help you? Yeah. What, what should be that on the left and how we targeted on the right.
Dr. Lew Lim:
So instead of, you know, having hundreds of maladies just, you know, pointing everything to the brain and creating heat and you know, I’m not able to get other benefits. Well you want to do it before a lot of conditions are just point to those particular areas. And these are the same areas that you find accumulation of lesions in all of them as disease. For example, in imaging. So if you remember I talked, I talked about pointing to the cell so you get a healing effect and because a lot of these cells are damaged, they fall for Alzheimer’s actually in this particular region.
You are, you, are you all also, you know, apart from some other things that I can explain later. Well one of the things we are trying to do is actually create a healing process in those cells that are mostly damaged in those particular areas so that it is an economical and efficient way of treating a brain by pointing to the default mode network. Okay. [inaudible] Is also associated with Parkinson’s, chronic pain with, with actually with [inaudible] many of the conditions that you know, you can just cause go on and on. Right.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Okay. Let me just an interruption folks for a quick announcement. For those of you who’ve come late, I’ve said this a couple of times that you say it one more time which is if you’ve got questions, by all means ask them. We will spend, you know, once we finish the presentation we will answer them, we will answer all questions and you can also use the chat to send us a message, but please don’t expect us to break in or interrupt things just for answering questions as we go because we might answer your question anyway and we don’t want to disturb the rhythm of this very important, amazing presentation. Okay. So you can use chat or question to raise your questions. Let’s move on to this slide now. To me, this slide is almost kind of summary, you know, semi scriptural in a way. You are seeing cells and brain types out there that explain himself and you may want to comment on it, which divide, and not only that, but they don’t find each other. They don’t link up in networks that look awfully like a brain to me. Let’s say it’s very short, 30 seconds. So, Oh, I haven’t done so again, I click the wrong. I’m sorry.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Right. Well I promised you that and I think that is just one of the most awesome pieces of video. When you think back a little, you know, 10 years, well, certainly 15 years ago. Yeah. You can’t replace your brain cells when they’re gone. You lost them forever. You know you have cabbage, you lose them one by one till you see now it’s like a lot of sides. It’s a calm sleep. And it has the proof. Yeah. [inaudible] Brain cells can then be divided. I’ve got a good idea what they’re doing. Okay, so this is not just about growing new brain cells. It’s a lot about that, but it’s not just about increasing blood pressure. There’s lots of things, ways in which photos, bio modulation of the brain function will help. There’s some nasty words here. I’m afraid Antioch is a postseason progenitor bit, but Lou will explain this for you.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah, that’s a little, you know, there’s some of this that may not be familiar with non-neuroscientist and you know, physiologists, but you know that that bit of video clip earlier is a bit of entertainment. It shows the STEM cells what it does. Mmm. Until about 15, 20, 10 years ago, people, Mmm. People used to think that your brain’s got a limited number of cells and that’s about it. Mmm. But the, you know, the understanding has changed since then and there’s enough work done already to show that the, you know, we continue to generate new brain cells. Now what is also very interesting is apart from [inaudible], you know, why well have you observing in the field observing people recovering from stroke and brain injury and so on. Well, part of our, part of the reason, if we the right rate on new infrared lights [inaudible] to the brain cells I mentioned before, you can cause it to heal. And there is reason to believe that it may also help to generate new brain cells. So, that’s one thing. Now, what is also very interesting as you have observed somewhat partially from the [inaudible]
Dr. Lew Lim:
[Inaudible], you know these STEM cells, some new cells, they are, they don’t have identity until they get, yeah, they given instruction or their environment, they changed into, Oh, they’re kind of cells that they’re supposed to develop into. And if they get to the brain, they become neurons, the brain cells. So on this particular slide you see on the bottom, it’s kind of left. Oh well don’t laugh talking about neuron progenitor cells, they actually, let me see. Yeah. Right. Brain cells are targeted. Oh, sorry. STEM cells are targeted to become brain cells. No, these are, this is only one of the I would say, you know, tissue level mechanisms. Because as I go up from say, from where you are, I go up from the left of words activated as ODS. Oh actually these are actually antioxidants, it is superoxide dismutase. So when you have free radicals this photobiomodulation actually helps to neutralize free radicals. I grew up another, the next circle, which is BDNF, Gigi and have they all this all to do with growth factors. And the important one is often mentioned is brain BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factors, a witch which actually leads to growth of neurons. So here, you know, experiments have shown that red and near infrared light [inaudible] great growth factors that help bureaus to grow. Then you go up to the next circle.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
A lot of people like that because they read about the excited toxins from Russell Blaylock, haven’t they? So calming that we all know is going to be a good thing.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. You know, actually every time your brain does a function and actually any, any virtually any activity, no changing of proteins do something else, which is basically the foundation of functions and physiology. There is also a creation, as I mentioned, free radicals and also excited toxicity and very much evidence in brain activity. But your body actually always tries to get into this balance homeostasis by neutralizing toxicity in the brain. No. I’ll talk about gamma, but at this stage I can say that there is evidence to show that when you’re there, right, it’s an impulse frequency like, like 40 has gamma, you can actually synthesize this, does he be inhibitory? A neurotransmitter called GABA wishes, which helps to actually reduce the toxicity and excitation in the brain. So there is a role here for, you know, pals Mmm. For the biomodulation. And then you go onto the next circle. There is evidence, well, the studies signed up to Genesis. Genesis is [inaudible] help helping too. I mean it got taught about Genesis actually creating new cells and that relates to the signups. [inaudible] Is where your neurons are connecting with each other. So that helps, helps me to grow and communicates better in the brain.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Yeah. So this one would be creating more networking,
Dr. Lew Lim:
Right. Yeah. And connectivity. Then the next circle is angiogenesis, angiogenesis related to blood vessels. Mmm. And Mmm. Again, they’re just cells and direct near infrared lights. You get this growth. Now one of the things that is, it is often mentioned, especially when the no, the scientist stopped talking about for the biomodulation is the release of nitric oxide back into the body from this you know, from the, the mitochondria, the process. Oh, the role of nitric oxide, one of which is actually it helps to relax the blood vessels and that leads to the, the next circle. Increased blood flow. Yeah. So that’s a kind of related [inaudible] the big thing about, okay. Photobiomodulation these days. I, I, I believe more work is getting done in terms of biomarkers trying to spot
One of the biomarkers that are related to inflammation that people that scientists can observe and they are starting to observe this, a anti-inflammatory biomarkers coming up, you know, and reduction of the proinflammatory Marcus and what it does, what it means is it is helping to reduce inflammation in your body and helps to reduce pain and helps your body to heal more quickly. So that’s putting it very quickly. And then this and pop doses are the policies related to cell death. The cells are programmed to die. There is some evidence to show that it helps to control it. So you, and that relates to kind of at the aging actually.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Dr. Lew Lim:
But that’s putting it in a nutshell. Yeah.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
[Inaudible] Show very technical, but well, I mean, what it means is that any one of these things, it’d be great to have the time. A mall. Yeah. That’s why photobiomodulation is so good. So we’re fixing brains. What’s the result? Well, [inaudible] yeah. Improve learning cognition and performance. Oh yeah. I mean, you can make up your own script here at this point. You would know what you think that?
Dr. Lew Lim:
So we have some comments here. Now when you have, when you improve the connectivity of the brain in your brain, you know, it helps to improve your learning or cognition and so on. Now we have studied as ongoing right now in university of New Mexico to see the fact they’ve done some single blind studies to show that it has an effect. On the brain, but I’ll come to more of that later. This is just an introduction. Gosh, again, it’s spilled off. I don’t get that. And I do apologize folks. Something for another day. But anyway, performance, right. Well mental performance is probably seen slightly different. You want to explain this for sleep. Yeah. These are some people in elite level and those who are, you know, fans of mixed martial arts. Well probably no radical culture. He’s no, it’s kind of like a living legend. Yeah. As him using it. He’s retired but his son, his son is still in the sport and he tells us that his son has, Mmm. You know, I’ve suffered concussion and he’s, no, he likes does the new road helping him to recover. It was a brain injury. John mu, John Bruney on the top day hose records in, in strength. Fetal stress is struggling to get a beer bottle out. He’s actually bending the frying pan.
Dr. Lew Lim:
He talks about, you know, doing this feeds actually causes inflammation in his body and, and using this, the devices that we have for him, the intranasal is the euros. And so on helps to overcome this inflammation. Well, the top right there is actually a competitive senior in swimming, one of the probably in the world and she’s using it and this hockey player Kevin Clark replaced in a European league. So, these are people who have used, there’s various ways I can go into interesting protocols and how to improve spas performance. But I’ll go into that. Maybe people have agreed to speak to lots of our top performers, but you know, we can’t just go name dropping. Right, right. There’s some really big names. Yeah. So you saw her win. So we would, we will, we, we, we believe in privacy’s over this day with that. No.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Okay. Let’s do it again. But anyway. Okay. Military training and learning target detection is the words that were dropped off the bottom. This is tested by the U S army that’s fairly independent.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. This, so I mentioned that they study New Mexico. They are funded by the U S army and yeah, I actually found a really quick and significant effect. You’re using the neuro gamma four target detection and response to, to target. This is how they were loaded, they tried to train. No. If people are going brief for the tourist, the effect of the cameras takes place in minutes very quickly. They are actually now doing a double blind study to have more rigorous you. Yeah. Yeah.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Okay. So let’s sum up so far. Do you want to just give us a quick, sorry Lou and, and spend a little time on the last sentence there. What do we, you know, we know what we mean by systemic, but the important point is this spreads outwards. It’s just not just exactly what you’re dealing with, right? The benefits are everywhere.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. Yeah. There are, you know, this, this is a very interesting phenomenon in photobiomodulation okay. Now some of you might be familiar with, you know, putting up this intranasal in a nose and then you get this effect. I wonder if, you know, in the rest of your body, if you, this is a systemic effect novice just starting. In fact, we’re just starting to see new literature work just being published on, and I mentioned very briefly the mitochondria, how we find a mitochondria have you had just learning now that mitochondria is actually not just in the cells that are static, you know, in your tissues is actually carried [inaudible] bye. Your blood and circulated you know, three or circulatory systems [inaudible] so when you direct there’s in the nose, it lights up your blood. Oh, you’re not passing through your nose. Mmm. In the circulatory system. And that also means that the mitochondria that is floating in the blood is also being exposed and activated and the mitochondria finds his way and deposit itself. We do various tissues as well. So this is a very, very new and very interesting phenomenon. The paper was just published just a few weeks ago.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Yeah. That’s why I didn’t know. Now I’m guessing there’ll be a few people that don’t know what mitochondria are, not so many. I’ve got a very smart set of subscribers. Mitochondria, the little energy, things that make energy and make ATP in yourself. If you’ve got plenty and they work well, you’ve got bags of energy. Okay. Even and don’t do what they should do. You’re going to start feeling old pretty quickly. Is that fair?
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yup. That’s a good way of [inaudible]
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Now we’re going to switch tracks and again, it’s filling off the age. Oh my goodness. I don’t know why, but within a doubt, start talking about dementia specifically outsiders. That’s the, you know the big buzz word. Everybody in the world is concerned about this now, by the way, this is real brain tissue imaging. The one on the left is a pretty healthy size. Brain comparable on the right is very stroke and an underperforming not looking so good as a toll is it? And that was the origin of outside people with dementia, Alzheimer’s and I forgot what his first name was, but he, he got to cut up some bodies, new post mortems and found the brains were shrunk. That was, what’s the origin of So-Cal outside the syndrome. Although we tend to think of it as clinical syndrome don’t we? Now to understand this next section we are going to have to split up what we’re talking about. Not we talked about the neuro but the in fact two classes of this, the low frequencies and then the high frequency on gamma that you mentioned. And just run us through this for a moment. What are these two devices? Why are they different? Okay, well we have most likely later I believe, but you know, just to sum up, we have basically.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Oh, I have two main euros. 10 Hertz and 40 has 10 Hertz is alpha [inaudible] it’s just the name given to this, you know, this particular range of frequencies between eight to 12 [inaudible] 40. Hers is part of gamma, which is not depending on [inaudible]. Well, how you’re training is between 25 to 30 and above goes up to a hundred. Now we speak this too because a lot of work has been centered around 10 Hertz and around 40 hoods.
A lot of this particularly 10 has done among the neurofeedback community. Quite a number of psychotherapists actually practice neurofeedback. And Dan knows this when it’s, it’s you know, it’s, yeah. Alpha, when you close the highs and you relax, you get into this please state and this is also the same state as the default mode network when it kicks in and then 40 Hertz. Mmm. The working 4,000 is relatively new. One of the reasons is because the instruments measuring this, these brain oscillations, but not able to too confidently isolate these high frequencies until recently. So now new works being done, new understandings being done. So we, we categorize these two because they do Oh, quite different things and we ought to learn about what they do. Yeah.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
The next couple of slides are really scientific proof. This is not, I went up talking off the top of my head. There’s nothing, woo. This is science. So this is, where are you in this study? No, no. Yeah. Anyway, so with the alpha, these are some of the things that we’re seeing to improve depression, anxiety, sleep, PTSD and brain injuries. That’s not bad. And then we’ve got another one studying the gamma again when via the trials.gov side. This is Linda chow you mentioned before, I think what to say about these two studies. That was a force for you, but it’s really to say that they are studying the 10 Hertz.
Dr. Lew Lim:
So tenders basically covers many conditions and relaxation, sleep, you know, there, there’s quite a lot of literature out there with [inaudible] as you know, let’s say coming out of neurofeedback and the practitioners are trying to [inaudible]. Did you say improving sleep? Actually, I didn’t mention you know, here we use EDD. Yeah, no, somebody put in a crack. I just happened to see it. Right, right. Okay. No question about autism. And of course I very closely integrate the ADHD.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Can I just interrupt because I should have said this low, wanting me to say, we’ve got to be very careful about what we’re allowed to say. There are legal issues and you know, somebody could get jumped on. I don’t mind cooking colonists, but Lou is very, very special work he’s doing. We don’t want any mens, you’re by the FDA or some crazy government body. So we have to be extremely careful. So some of the things, you know, if you’ve got very precise questions, why aren’t we going to shoot an email at the end and then we can answer it privately. Just wanting to put that in there.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. We, we actually avoid making claims. I mean, anything in public. So sometimes I get complained to you guys, you know, they don’t tell us enough. Maybe you don’t have anything in writing on her website because now what I referred to even in the webinar, like this is the experiments we’re doing.
And I try to avoid making a claim in and I try to use evidence. No, I, I can talk about anecdotal feedback and you know, so in a bunch of other things, but, but we have to bear in mind that we can only confidently say w what it treats with clinical evidence. Yeah, no, I touched 10 Hertz is just a fallback and you know but 40 has, has as more Oh, specific outcomes. And, and one of the, a caution I am, I saw mentioned the caution at this stage, if you’re prone to anxiety. Yeah. Not a 40 has gamma is probably not good for you until you’re stabilized just because people have anxiety. Do shows know a correlation with 40 Hertz? So we often try to be careful. Maybe touch on say we’re going to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD. It is, you know, they found that it helps with, it doesn’t devastate but we got it called be careful that it may also trigger anxiety. So we start with alpha first. That’s going to be a little bit too detailed. I didn’t want to say that 40 has been more precise. We use it. Mmm. And do quite a lot of experiments with memory and dementia in particular. No, we, we just, we have some, a case report I think it will have.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
That can be a minute to show the devices. Then we’ll get onto some case stuff show. Really this is our, it looks on the left. Here is the headset that trumps the hair on the right is a controller and there’s the piece that goes up the nostril which compliments by reaching the base of the brain. This is the alpha and this is the gamma. And if you think they look identical, they’ve got exactly the same controllers doing different things. But naturally I’ve quoted in the same way. Again, let’s just hammer this home. So we really, really understand that the capabilities of these two devices [inaudible] different, similar, but they’re also different. So tell us about the alpha in a bit more detail and then we’ll look at the gala.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. So you know, we, we started using alpha posing, attend hoods and that’s a lot of it is based on, you want to use evidence has been published. Any peer reviewed journal. And there was a study on animals done at Harvard by Michael Hamlin and he tried different frequencies, continuous Euro, and who is hundred hosts. And he found that, Oh, he’s led, founded at 10 Hertz. The healing of the animals from simulated brain injury was quickest.
Dr. Lew Lim:
So we started with tenders and then it happens that that is also when you know, when you close your eyes and relax, try to establish, did you fall more in that mode? So there’s 10 or so. It was useful. Yeah. So that there’s some work done. PTSD. We are actually about to start a PTSD study with Margaret and Lisa. Oh. With the VA and with a, with one of them. Oh, psychiatry’s in a world. Yeah. At Harvard. That’s a separate well professor there. Yup. The VA for people around the world. VA stands for the veterans administration. It’s the military retired soldiers taking care of them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not everyone knows BA. So there we go. Yeah. And, and PTSD is post traumatic. No. Oh, syndrome. This won’t images, especially for the vets coming over the war. They get his trauma, your relief, traumatic memories and the, you know, the, the cannot control the behavior.
Dr. Lew Lim:
At least a lot of bad things. So, we were going to look at doing a study with them. So far the VA has been using the alpha do for the PTSD, for the PTSD. It’s been working pretty well. So they’re going with that. But we wanted to have clinical evidence too, to try and validate it. Yeah. And people would have sleep. [inaudible] Seams of hell. Okay.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
All right. So let’s move on and look at the gamma. This is the one that we’re going to be talking about from an hour on. A mostly to do with outside except for the caveat that Lew just gave you. If you’re at all trans, wound up agitated and anxious, you know, anxiety disorder. Don’t use the camera to wind you up. Apart from that. Yes.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Well I [inaudible] actually this is a good, good start. No, we talked about Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and CDE. Reduce cause my sports injury. Now what, what do they have in common? They have this protein deposits in the brain, in Alzheimer’s disease, the beta amyloid in Parkinson’s. It is the author’s nucleon and then in CG is how, no this. Now what it means is this deposits I in a brain know, but it’s simply they strangle these neurons, the brain cells and it lead to degeneration in the brain. It caused toxicity and so on. No study I think really good work published by MIT. Oh, published actually in late 2016. When you the right gamma 40 Hertz, well they did this flickering into the eyes and get and give a positive brain. Recently I did a 40th, sorry. Now what it found was it activated the Southern kind of brain cells called the microbiome. Yes. Actually, one of the jobs of this particular group of brain cells is to remove these unwanted deposits from the brain. So he’s part of the lymphatic system where you just [inaudible] when you go to sleep, if it happens all the time or when you are sleeping, it becomes more activity. Just going through the process of drilling out this and wanted material from her brain. So when you’re positive 40 has an activity, it actually enhances new fact off you know, of improving brings [inaudible] conditions when you’re having these conditions.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Yeah. Cleaning up the sludge we could say then. Yeah. All right. So what about, what’s this performance under stress? But you said it depends. If you shouldn’t use a camera, it’s all stressed. Yes. This is a good introduction. If you’re high on drugs. I’ve slept pretty good.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Uh,gamma and alpha and I’ve, I’m mostly an I. This is the protocol I’m actually developing for elite athletes right now. Because you’re looking at other than improving a reflex and all that, Oh, there’s something, you know, have a separate discussion. Yeah. Also, how are you getting, we’re going to get performance now. Gamma. You remember we talked about gamma being good for memory. Actually it’s particularly good for it and coding of memory at 40 Hertz. No, that means it is when you go, when you’re training, you want your, the memory of a training to be probably encoded or consolidated in your brain. So we can use the gamma for training.
Now, remember I said gamma, it’s not good when you have anxiety, when you go F go performing in an arena in a feel in, in, in a golf tournament. Yeah. You really, you are under stress already so, so you want to minimize the stress. Even if you’re playing, tennis is a five hour game, so you want to pace it out your mind. It has to be able to speak like div [inaudible] and all that. But you also want to perform with a reduced amount of stress. So the alpha is good for reproducing that and we are exploring actually with a golf, sorry, with the Olympics. A sports coach actually in Canada in how do you use the [inaudible]? He’s really happy with it also for, you know, training in sports, particularly for golf before the shooting. This is a good device for that.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Okay. So moving on again, I’ve lost it, but it’s so easy to use that you put it on, you switch it on, you sit back and you relax. You don’t have to learn this. You don’t have to be a practitioner or a specialist. Everybody can do it for themselves. I’ll put nine on before we finish it and see me wearing what I wear. It couldn’t be easier actually is what this is about now. And again, he’s fallen off the Baton. This was kind of a milestone study of this gentleman, wasn’t it? So was this one of Linda Charles?
Dr. Lew Lim:
No, I actually, this was done. Oh, before we actually develop, well, commercialize the camera because I want to do finally, you know, I’ve seen this literature, I’ve seen what it does for memory and others and we want, Oh, earlier, Mmm. Device was actually posing a, as the alpha, we call it a neuro on a timer. It was the original device, but we wanted to improve the outcomes. So we want to do 40 hours. So we put this guy, which I just finished the..
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Well let me call it up for you Lou. Right? Okay. Anyway, I think everyone can see clearly explain the results that you’re looking for. Yeah, yeah. Right. No, zero. This is, you know, so these are, these are ratings scores between zero to 10 yeah. No, he’s not a writing skill. Not, not tested or it was crap. She didn’t exist by us, but by the caregiver who was also a trained therapist and his sister. Okay. Right. When you started that, you know the kind of scores, right. Impressive ones are, Oh, you mean that’s how he looks, how he feels. It has gone up by 800%. That is of the [inaudible] Oh, three weeks. No, from zero. We want to tell you one. But anyway, wait two weeks. No, sorry. Those are days actually, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Right. Let’s get on. Anyway, I think, Oh, we really need to show you folks that after 21 days there’s a substantial improvement. That’s this last column. You compare that today. Zero. It’s way better isn’t it? I think you’re saying every wave is pressing improved considerably. Okay.
Dr. Lew Lim:
That experience with, you know, dementia, Alzheimer’s patients. Oh. In your family, you know, they are disassociated. You know, there’s, there’s a loss of social interaction, communication, not to talk about writing or anything like that. So people forget. Mmm. With dementia, you know, other than losing the ways enough, I need to start, there’s stuff we’re getting food and relatives are, Mmm. Did you know, do you, do you use a short term memory and then you start losing a long term memory? So he’s just by the third day actually she was quite she recounted that and say, you know what, I’m starting to get my brother back. And that was quite astounding. And by, by day 21, he was, has recovered a lot of use. You know, his capabilities. Yeah. He was able to relate. What did it, what is it like to be in a dark place and comment coming into the light again. It’s very profound and very, very touching.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Yeah. All right, now let’s have another video. If you don’t mind. I can relax for everything. We’ll listen to Margaret again.
I never want to go back the way I was when I first came to you. Well, who was really very unhappy and looking at a very bad future. So he did that and he ended up buying this neuro gamma device that is specifically designed to only treat certain parts of the brain that we finally learned are the most important ones to treat, especially with progressive neurodegenerative disease. Of course, more studies should be done. Oh, but this is where we’ve had success so far. Right? Light emitting diode, the near infrared
Light, I can turn this on, but there really isn’t anything to see because it’s near infrared light. But the red you see is just telling you the electricity’s on. And is this device, the neuro gamma is actually going to treat basically only five parts of the brain. It’s going to treat the midline here at the front, at the top of the forehead called Musial prefrontal cortex, and it’s going to treat something towards the back of the head called pre Kunis. And it’s going to treat the left side called super marginal jars here above and behind the ear and on the right side, the right supermarket, the right Mmm supermarket, right angular gyrus, which is superior and posterior to the right ear. So we havem [inaudible] crew from all great [inaudible] left and right. Angular gyrus area. The fifth area is through the nose to get to the, actually an indirect way to get to the hippocampus.
And we’re going to deliver the near infrared photons. We believe two, the right behind the eyebrow [inaudible], the olfactory bulbs where your sense of smell is located and that area, the olfactory bulbs has direct neuronal connections to the hippocampus. Everybody knows the hippocampus. It’s very important for memory. So it’s a little difficult to Greg directly get to the hippocampus because it’s very deep in the brain. So we’re going there in an indirect manner. And you know, in Alzheimer’s disease, one of the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease is lost. Oh, sense of smell. And that’s because the olfactory bulbs sense of smell. Alright, I have lost connections down into the hippocampus area and no longer making new neurons, no neuronal progenitor cells. The origin for that is in the hippocampal area. Yeah. So here we have the football players going down after ’em after three months of no more led treatments and then the football player, number one.
All eyes are on the device and treats at home, so he’s treating at home Monday and Wednesday, Friday for three months and then I get all kinds of permissions to retest him and to do another MRI scan. So we did that and he improved dramatically. It was just [inaudible]. It was right after the whole head treatments we have done for the six weeks at the hospital in my offices and he can now replicate that at home with this device that’s going to treat the most important parts of the brain for cognition and for even PTSD and emotional outbursts and depression. It’s very important. So many areas and this default mode network, it’s called the default mode network and I always say it’s easy to remember the name because by default they just named it that the default mode network. Why is it important? Because this anterior or frontal part must be in very good communication with this a posterior part, the pre CUNYs and especially these two midline areas, they’re very active when you’re daydreaming and they’re very active.
When you’re sleeping well, you can’t do much executive function and thinking and problem solving. If these two areas are active, you don’t do much when you’re daydreaming. So for the brain to work well in terms of thinking and cognition, these areas must down-regulate. They must be in coherent communication with each other in a temporal sequence. Very slow. A sequence, a very slow one cycle can be 16 seconds, but they must be in good communication to downregulate together. Then the sides of the frontal lobes can come up and you have executive function and thinking and you can also have good attention. So you’re going to get a lot of much better behavior in terms of cognition. Also the prefrontal cortex here, it’s very important for inhibition and that will help to control the amygdala in the deep parts of the temporal of the inferior temporal lobe. And I think that’s why we also saw a great reduction in the emotional outbursts. And the patients are very grateful for that.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Oh, right. Well I’m sorry, a bit technical there. Perhaps I’ll review that for next time.
Dr. Lew Lim:
I just meant a couple of comments that make sense out of this. No, she referred to two case reports on retired football players that had suffered multiple concussions and they’ve lost a lot of abilities and the behavior now they suspect suspected CTE. Remember we talked about CTE, which is an accumulation of this.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
But that’s about three spices.
Dr. Lew Lim:
And the gamma have to have to remove that,
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Dr. Lew Lim:
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Oh, why I’m, I’m, I’m quoting Margaret and Lisa, she’s a professor. I’m different to you. What in what way does that jeopardize you do I don’t anyway, we don’t want that discussion in public, but if you’ve seen something that puts you at risk, of course I’ll remove it. Talk us through this though. You know, what other things might be, maybe if it came from any answer that I hope not, but I mean these are some areas that you’re looking at. Certainly. Yeah.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
We’ll leave it for safety sake.
Dr. Lew Lim:
No, no. Well this is future research. There’s no, no, I’m talking about the, you know, the kind of research we are about to start, or actually they are all about to start. Actually, the timescales are different. So I will talk about PTSD. There isn’t an autism protocol being developed now that that uses a combination of the different devices we have is Parkinson’s. We’re looking at movement order. Well it is very interesting. We have some other new devices that can [inaudible] virtually instantly seem to actually reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s quite dramatically. But you know, too to just dismiss that it is possible. But we got to do a clinical trial so we’re not making any claims there. I mentioned ADHD. Oh, cognition that is ongoing now. The sport performance actually we got one about to start and we want to go further into how we can improve performance in sports.
Now, meditation is a very, very interesting study that’s about to start. And that is people with advanced meditators. Oh, [inaudible] to experience immediate [inaudible] a state, a shift in your audience. Well, alter this alter the meditation stage immediately at a certain frequency is beyond 40 Hertz. So we are experimenting with the new prototype for that neck. Chronic pain is another one that that’s cinder responds also very dramatically with a specific device that we’re developing right now. So watch out for, you know, there’s new new devices you’re going to have because I’m quite astounded with how we can reduce chronic pain quite dramatically in certain areas of the body.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Right. Okay. Moving on. So let’s talk a bit about Parkinson’s. We do have people who are on the call because that’s their concern, either themselves or family. Let’s just run through what parkinson’s is. It’s fairly tight. You can see the appearance and you’ll see this very characteristic appearance and the person leans forward. They have what’s called a facial mask. They don’t show emotions much. Very rigid. And the person’s elbows tend to be the sign. They do what’s called pill rolling like this, and they bend at the knees and shuffle. You’ll see this in a moment. Anyway, these are quite characteristic and I’m going to show you a video where consented to be fish show, we’ll reveal what it looked like without being treated. Notice that sort of stooped melancholic posture and a very rigid walls. [inaudible] Seconds. [inaudible]
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Right. That’s very characteristic. A skilled clinician can recognize that a thousand faces to facts and face, but look after just a few weeks of treatment, right? The gamma, the neuro gamma, see what happens.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
The guys dancing and I, that’s amazing. I promise you, I’m assuming you say that you’re going to want one of these. Anyway, we do want to say this though. You know, if you want, you’re concerned about established Parkinson’s, we need a physician with us, so we’d like it to just email him. Please use my email address, your Scott Moby wellness. We will get all your questions answered. Lew has to be very careful and he doesn’t step in and give what can be construed as medical advice and rightly so. So let’s get onto some of the killer questions you’ve got. If you’re not one of them by now, you haven’t been listening. If you’re doing anything over 50 or 60 interviews, I was 17 that we’ll need one. So any phone question, how much is it going to cost? Well, they’re both the same. They’re actually, they’ve been on my website at this price for some $1,749 plus shipping and handling.
Dr. Lew Lim:
You probably get nicked for tax. I wouldn’t worry about that. Is that a bonus?
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Yes, of course. Ah, yes. So what are we going to do is know a hundred sorry, we’re gonna knock you a hundred bucks off just to incentivize crying here. And we’re going to go to question time shortly. And what I’m going to do is leave this ordering website address up here, all the way through that. So you know, make a note of it, but we put you, we’ve done you a coupon. Now, some of you are now familiar with this, but you’re offered a box. He says if you have a coupon, enter it here. And if you see that box, you type in the word alternative doctor, all one word, all lower case. And it will revise itself and say, Oh Nope, it’s only 1,649 not 1749 okay. And the website where you saw my website. We’ve done a special page for tinnitus, alternative dash dr com, forward slash neuro. Okay. What about warranty and service? Do you want to say this? Huh? I could read it for you, but you know the other man.
Dr. Lew Lim:
You shouldn’t be able to find this on this big, you know internet. Well, marketing’s like Amazon. Ebay because, because we don’t, you don’t, I actually, we try to shut them down if they exist because only good that some of us donors from us did have, they have ingenious ways of doing it. Appear in this just website. So, so I feel for you, I think [inaudible] a generalist generously given a discount so you can get it from Oh, him directly and he’ll be supported by us with the warranties. Well, the usual things.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Okay. Oh, well, I’ve got to say for us, this one of the best companies I’ve ever worked with, they look after everybody and make sure everybody’s happy, that they’re not suckers.
We’re not going to give away. But if you’ve got a genuine concern, you’re going to get [inaudible]. He didn’t. We do it so you don’t have to worry, but just stay away from, I mean, I’ve got to say when we do one of these things, people are, even before we finished, they’re on, they’re on the web looking for discount versions. You know, probably several people who’ve already gone to buy light tops come to see if they can get an edge on me. Absolutely. You know, Lew’s here in front of you and he just, not everyone is playing on the same playing field. It’s level and we all, we all charge the same price. However, this is very important, right? If you do legitimately purchase through the webinar, that’s a serious refund policy. Men at work, you know, you may just think, well, I’ll give it a try.
It didn’t work well. I think that’s very unlikely to be honest. But here you are. You’ve got an 80% refund policy for up to six months. Maybe it doesn’t help you. In fact, probably for any reason except dropping in, standing on it wouldn’t offer that. Would you let me know you want to be more than a fan to everybody. So do a lot of people, did it something new, you know, Pfizer big drug companies or so we just want you to try it. In fact, our returns are very, very low, very low in date. Okay. And then there’s another one I’m saying the actual goods, the items that constructed device the 12 years, if it’s defective, you’ll know long before 12 months if there’s a problem. And you’ll get it returned and change the thing that goes up the nose for obvious reasons, you know, again that change because it’s, you know, somebody’s not necessarily hygienic.
All right. Plenty of shipping. Lou and his company are going to do what we call drop shipping there. We’ll send it from somewhere local and charge you very low interest rates. Anyway, those are on the website when you click through to buy. Okay, so this is almost the last slide. Let me tell you, if you want to buy a repeat that link, alternative-dr.com slash neuro and remember that coupon phrase, that alternative doctor, if you get stumped or we don’t answer your questions in the next session, you know, following this, the Q and a session, you can always email us and we’ll get the information you are asking for from somebody who knows and we know, who knows. That’s my profession. Customer support address, ScottMumblywellness@gmail.com. Now there’s an intermediate, Oh yeah, I mean it’s the point. What can you lose?
You’re to get 80% refund if it doesn’t work. So you get to six months and to give it a try. You can’t be any further than that. Really. I think it’s almost a no brainer. So like I said, we’re gonna you leave this up and now Joe and I are going to tackle some questions. Okay. So we’ll start with the Q and a questions and I’ll go onto the, to the chats that we start with Q. And. A. Here we go. So these are for you, Lou and Jack. Can this device, he or she said hyponatremia. I’m guessing hyponatremia, which is low sodium from kidney trouble in children. Tricky one.
Dr. Lew Lim:
Yeah. You know, when we have conditions that are, sometimes he’s at a fringe and not, no, not common. One of the things we recognize in photobiomodulation, and this is important, it has the ability to help the body to establish normal. That applies to inflammation. Your hormonal balance. Do you know what in the body, your body has that natural ability? Sometimes it loses it and sometimes you know, you know, your immune system low to high, so you tried to bring it back and that goes back. Do the mechanisms in the mitochondria without going too much into it, you know, the mitochondria respond to read an infrared as low level and he doesn’t respond when he’s already optimum.