Today’s piece is based on a presentation I did in front of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, in Kuala Lumpur. His Most Honorable presence was especially for a bunch of us from Sri Lanka, arranged by the indomitable Lord Pandit Professor Doctor Sir Anton Jayasuriya (I’ve lost track of all his honorifics, but here’s a few more “titles”:

Anton is now deceased and some people considered him a bit of a scallywag. He certainly kept adding to his titles in the time I was living in Sri Lanka. But I’ll tell you this: he was a genius doctor and healer. His main modality was acupuncture and he was s-o-o g-o-o-d that endless Chinese deputations came over to learn from him!

In 2007 Professor Anton Jayasuriya was posthumously awarded the United Nations Millennium Award by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan for his contribution to humanity throughout his life.

He charged us foreigners lots of money but the locals he would not charge a penny. The person had to buy their own set of needles, which he would apply for them, and that was all. And many times I was with him in his clinic (he seemed to have a soft spot for me) when a grateful patient or parent would fall on their knees and kiss the hem of his robe.

That’s grace.

Lord Pandit Professor Doctor Sir Anton Jayasuriya MD

Anton was, in effect, a 5-Rolls-Royce guru! It’s a shame when pedophile conjurer, faker, Sai Baba had over 50 Rolls-Royces. I hesitate to trot out the old cliché “crime doesn’t pay” because clearly it does. But I count our time in Sri Lanka a happy one. I met with Arthur C. Clark (another pedophile apparently!), who lived just around the corner.

I had some tremendous adventures in the jungles around Balangoda, looking for evidence of ancient man (Balangoda Man) who I am half convinced really led the charge, not out of Africa but out of South East Asia. They were a very sophisticated people. Their fine microlithic tools pre-dated comparable artefacts of central Europe by almost 20,000 years. From skeletal evidence they were a very healthy lot, averaging almost 6 feet in height (174 cm.) and often lived to a great age. Balagodans ate a diet of plants, animals and seafood (oysters, molluscs and other gastropoda), typical of today’s fashionable paleo plans.

Chert acupuncture needles dating over 30,000 years ago, plus diagrams, were found in a cave “up country”. The view that acupuncture arrived, so to speak, with the classic Book of the Yellow Emperor (200- 400 BC), is clearly wrong. Maybe that’s why China sent students to Anton, to learn the deeper history?

No-one can argue that Sri Lanka was the beginning of the Spice Trail. And they did tame elephants; I have studied acupuncture charts which Anton assured me was how they did it. The African elephant of course remains untamed, presumably because nobody had the balls to stick needles in them! Haha!

Anyway, I’m supposed to be writing about my “Nutrition Bullets”. Some of you may have seen them before. Well, a refresher won’t do you any harm!

Bullet #1:

Losing focus by concentrating on isolated technical information and spurious quantitative measurements does not lead to a workable science of nutrition.

The present science of nutrition is a fraud and needs ousting in place of something with more wisdom and workability.

Bullet #2:

The creation, repair and maintenance of healthy body tissues cannot be reduced to itemized lists of figures, like a shopping list.

Bullet #3:

This kind of “nutrient accountancy”, as I call it, shows deplorable lack of understanding of the way Nature works and the meaning of holistic integration of health.

Bullets #4 and #5:

It’s no good studying ancestral foods when few people eat ancestral foods today! Besides, food contents mean nothing as farming methods change.

In other words, you can’t have meaningful accountancy when the balance side is bankrupt!

Bullet #6:

Every individual is different and varies in nutritional requirements from time to time and different individuals have highly disparate nutritional requirements at any one time. In other words, people differ in their needs but also, the SAME individual differs in his or her needs from time to time!

The Bigger Picture

Stepping back and looking at the “bigger picture” I feel is the way to teach people better nutrition and a fuller grasp of the concepts of holism and natural living. For this purpose I have devized the idea of 10 simple basic rules for nutrition:

Rule #1: No-one will cure anything to last, no matter how brilliant you are, or what healing paradigm, if the patient is in a negative nutritional balance.

Rule #2: Nothing in the body is fixed. It ALL changes over, every few months. Therefore nutrition is a vital construction factor.

Rule #3: What you are eating that you shouldn’t is of far more importance than what you not eating that you should.

This last is my ubique contribution to nutrition and medicine. It fits with what I call my “180-degree rule”… Everything is backwards to conventional wisdom, a half clockwise turn around.

Rule #4. Natural foods in their natural state manifest energetic properties that bear no relation to their biochemical composition. The whole is more than the sum of the parts!

Rule #5: What is swallowed does not equate to nutrition. Malabsorption and dysbiosis are rampant. Digestive unwellness is the norm.

Rule #6: RDAs and the like take no account of different rates of absorption, individual biological variation, stress demands, or that the minimum requirement to avoid fatal avitaminosis is a totally different concept than the amount required for optimum health.

Rule #7: No nutrients act alone, they are all interdependent. All studies which purport to examine the effects of vitamins and minerals in isolation are likely to be misleading. 

Rule #8: Nutrition supplementation for detoxification is a life-saving factor in the modern world. We cannot have functioning enzymes to keep our bodies healthy and poison-free if certain essential nutrients are lacking.

Rule #9. Foodstuffs, notably plants, contain an abundance of pharmacologically active substances. The effect of these drugs can rightly be seen as a sub-function of nutrition (complex, vast subject!)

Rule 10: What goes in doesn’t necessarily come out! (nutritional implosion?) I have had cases where years of colonic residues have emerged. One lady recognized coloured food grains she had eaten 40 years before (and never since)!

Set these facts (my experience) against the fact that more and more diseases have chronic infections and inflammation as their seat:

• Heart disease

• Arthritis

• Diabetes

• Cancer is inflammatory

There was somewhat more to the presentation than this but let me finish with these bullets:

• Choose a diet rich in a variety of plant-based foods. 

• Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. 

• Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active. 

• Drink alcohol only in moderation, if at all. 

• Select foods low in fat and salt. 

• Prepare and store food safely.

• Consume only nutritious books, jokes, movies etc…

And the last slide was about Vitamin L (love)!

• Love as a factor in health and longevity

• love of self and others

• love of life

• love is the healer of all ills

Well, I hope you found it interesting to have facts slung at you in this style. These are truly the basics and you need to keep them in mind at all times!

Vitamin L to you all!Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor

No references: I am the source of this!