Vielight Mip Device

Your brain health, made simple.

Improve Your Brain Health
with Photobiomodulation

How It Work

Vielight MIP works by using red lights that interact with the tiny blood vessels in the nose, called capillaries. This process, known as photobiomodulation, stimulates body cells and promotes better cellular function, leading to various health benefits.

Experience the power of the MIP (Multimodal Intranasal Photobiomodulation) device - a breakthrough in brain health, systemic wellness, and anti-viral defense. This cutting-edge technology, backed by extensive research studies, offers noninvasive relief for a wide range of conditions and symptoms. In just 5 minutes per session, you can start reaping the benefits of MIP

⬇️ Choose Your Device ⬇️

The Vielight MIP 655-810
2 Applicators

  • 655nm Red (Laser) - Improves immunity, oxygenation and reduces inflammation
  • 810nm NIR LED - Gentle brain stimulation
    10Hz Alpha | Relaxation and stress relief
    40Hz Gamma | Focus and energization

The Vielight MIP 470-633-655-810
4 Applicators

  • 470nm Blue LED - Intranasal microbial sanitization
  • 633nm Red LED - Improves immunity, oxygenation and reduces inflammation
  • 655nm Red (Laser) - Improves immunity, oxygenation and reduces inflammation
  • 810nm NIR LED - Gentle brain stimulation
    10Hz Alpha | Relaxation and stress relief
    40Hz Gamma | Focus and energization