It could be said that writing anti-vax commentary in this day and age is a form of professional suicide. Nevertheless, I’d like to step back into the arena, after a couple years absence.

Not so much to talk about acute damage due to vaccinations. That’s a very hot controversy! (well, not really—there’s no such thing as vaccination damage, don’t you know?)

But I’d like to focus a little on the equally serious problem of delayed reactions and the larger unanswered questions which surround the long term consequences of immunization. 

What triggered this was an enquiry which led me to search the pages in back of my website. Shock! Yikes! I found 1,000s of pages were missing. The products of years of writing and publishing just gone!

Well, you don’t need to know how I got back most of them. But it did result in my reviewing the page on professor Rodney Obomsawin’s book, which I had got in turn (with permission) from John Scudamore of the incredible website!

To talk with you sensibly, you need to be reminded that the basic structure of a virus is nothing.. oh sorry, the smallest amount of something that is not quite nothing! It was a joke in my day that a virus was “a piece of bad news, wrapped in protein.” The protein was the virion casing, the bad news was viral DNA and/or RNA.

Even the layman knows that viruses are very adept at slithering into human cells and taking over the genetic material in the nucleus. WELL RIGHT THERE IS A PROBLEM THAT I DON’T SEE MANY PEOPLE WRITING ABOUT. Does anyone really know just to what extent viruses can inject their material into the human genome? I don’t think so.

But it’s an awesome question and worth asking, given the rise in chronic diseases, most notably perhaps, auto-immune diseases. We know viruses can cause cancer. What about leading to two heads or four legs?

According to Raymond Obomsawin, Joshua Lederberg, a Stanford University School of Medicine geneticist and Nobel Prize winner, was perhaps the first to raise the warning (1967) that the use of live virus vaccines in mass immunization campaigns represents “biological engineering on a rather large scale.” He (Lederberg) goes on to comment:

While these [vaccines] are thought to be of indubitable value for preventing serious diseases, their global impact on the development of human beings of a side range of genotypes is hard to assess at our present stage of wisdom. . . . Live viruses are themselves genetic messages used for the purpose of programming human cells for the synthesis of immunogenic virus antigens.1

Researchers such as Buttram postulate that the use of live viral vaccines in mass immunization programs introduces foreign genetic material into the human system, which has precipitated an unprecedented escalation of various auto-immune disorders in recent decades. These are disorders wherein antibodies or immune cells indiscriminately attack the tissues of one’s own body-mind complex.2

Harvard graduate and physician, R. Markowitz, explains how the live viruses in vaccines can, in the long term, lead to such auto-immune disease conditions. Attenuated viruses (in the vaccines) attach their own genetic “episome” to the genome (half set of chromosomes and their genes) of the host cell, and are thus capable of surviving or remaining latent within the host cells for years. The presence of this foreign antigenic material within the host cell sets the stage for their unpredictable provocation of various auto-immune phenomena such as herpes, shingles, warts, tumors—both benign and malignant—and diseases of the central nervous system, such as varied forms of paralysis and inflammation of the brain.3

Markowitz further poses the caution that vaccines do not act by merely producing pale or mild copies of the original disease, but all of them commonly produce a variety of symptoms of their very own. In some cases “these illnesses may be considerably more serious than the original disease, involving deeper structures, more vital organs, and less of a tendency to resolve spontaneously. Even more worrisome is the fact that they are almost always more difficult to recognize.”4

A British Medical Journal article long ago by Miller et al, reports that “Various German authors have described the apparent provocation of multiple sclerosis by–vaccination against smallpox, typhoid, tetanus, polio, and tuberculosis.”5

No less disconcerting is the warning raised by Rutgers University Professor R. Simpson when he addressed science writers at a seminar sponsored by the American Cancer Society:

Immunization Programs against flu, measles, mumps, polio and so forth may actually be seeding humans with RNA to form latent proviruses in cells throughout the body. These latent proviruses could be molecules in search of diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Parkinson’s disease, and perhaps cancer.6

A study in Science reported a notable similarity between certain different viruses (including measles and influenza) and the protein structure of the brains protective myelin sheaths. This being the case, antibodies induced by live viral vaccines could well be cross reacting and attacking brain cells.7

All this is very scary stuff and it’s being kept very quiet.

Mental Disorders

Medical historian Harris Coulter has developed a systematic and comprehensive thesis that childhood immunizations frequently result in a demyelinating encephalitis. This condition prevents the normal development of the protective myelin sheaths of the brain and nerve cells during infancy and early childhood. Such adverse pathologic changes may, on a visible level, lead to a range of learning disabilities and behavioral problems, which we all know has now reached pandemic proportions here in the USA.8

Bruce Rabin, a professor of pathology and psychiatry at Western Psychiatric Institute, Pittsburgh has found evidence that approximately one-third of all cases of schizophrenia are auto-immune in nature, with immune bodies attacking the brain cells.9

When we consider the alarming increase in the numbers of schizophrenic cases, and the now credible “viral hypothesis of mental disorders,” childhood vaccine programs can be considered as highly suspect in playing a causative role.10

Those of you who have read my massive compendium PSYCHIATRY WITHOUT DRUGS will know I regard almost all “mental health issues” as physical in origin. It’s been proven not to be a “chemical imbalance” as the medical literature still keeps propounding. Food allergies, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and other disorders, including I specifically mentioned auto-immune allergy to brain tissue are the real cause of suffering but are never even considered by psychiatrists.

To them, everything is a “drug deficiency.”

My hero, the “Medical Heretic”, Robert S. Mendelsohn comments trenchantly that:

While the myriad short-term hazards of most immunizations are known (but rarely explained), no one knows the long-term consequences of injecting foreign proteins into the body . . . . Even more shocking is the fact that no one is making any structured effort to find out.

There is growing suspicion that immunization against . . . childhood diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in auto-immune diseases since mass inoculations were introduced. These are fearful diseases such as cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, lupus erythematosus, and the Guillain-Barré syndrome. . . . Have we traded mumps and measles for cancer and leukemia? 11

There you go… a lot of look ups, if you are inclined. As I and others often joke: if you are not a bit scared scared, you don’t get what’s happening!

To Your Good Health,

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor


  1. [Lederberg, J., Science, October 20, 1967, p. 313]
  2. [Buttram, H., “Live Virus Vaccines and Genetic Mutation,” Health Consciousness, April, 1990, pp. 44 and 45]
  3. [in  James, W., Immunization, p. 15]
  4. [Markowitz, R., “The Case Against Immunizations,” Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, Washington, DC, 1983, Institute reprint]
  5. [Miller, et al, “Multiple Sclerosis and Vaccinations,” British Medical Journal, April 22, 1967, pp. 210-213]
  6. [James W, ibid.]
  7. [Jahnke, U., et al, “Sequence Homology Between Certain Viral Proteins and Proteins Related to Encephalomyelitis and Neuritis,” Science, Vol. 29, July 19, 1985, pp. 282-284
  8. [Coulter, H., Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality, Washington, DC, 1990, (entire work)]
  9. [McGuire, R., “Brain Auto-Antibodies in 33% of Schizophrenics,” Medical Tribune, July 14, 1988, p. 6]
  10. [Morozov, P., editor, “Research on the Viral Hypothesis of Mental Disorders,” in Advances in Biological Psychiatry, Vol. 12, published by Karger, S., New York, 1983, pp. 52-75]
  11. [Mendelsohn, R., “The Medical Time Bomb of Immunization Against Disease,” pp. 47 and 48]