Roll Your Own Data and COVID Science


I am of course referring to the ghastly habit of rolling your own cigarettes. You take a packet of filth and roll it in paper, to make it into something you like, indeed, would willingly shove in your mouth and set fire to. Uuuggh!

The point I’m making of course is not that science and facts are being manipulated in Big Pharma’s favor; that’s being going on a l-o-n-g time. It’s that now it has become so absolutely BRAZEN. The authors of a study introduce their paper with carefully detailed explanations of their bigotry and bias! I’m not kidding!

Take this latest study just published in the British Medical Journal [Cokljat M, Cruz CV, Carrara VI, et al Comparison of WHO versus national COVID-19 therapeutic guidelines across the world: not exactly a perfect match. BMJ Global Health 2024;9:e014188]

Shamelessly, the authors declared they were investigating national therapeutic guidelines (NGs) for managing COVID of all the WHO member states. But this is their wording: NGs were included only if they delineated specific pharmacological treatments for COVID-19, which were stratified by disease severity. 

In other words they JUNKED any possible non-Pharma solutions, even though Pharma didn’t really have any viable solutions!

Thus, says the paper, overall in late 2022, 93% of NGs were recommending at least one treatment which had proved to be ineffective in large randomized trials, and was not recommended by WHO. Shock, horror!1

When they say proved to be “ineffective”, they are, of course, talking about the squidgy, self-serving, manufactured data designed to eliminate things like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, not to mention vitamin C, Nigella sativa (see last weeks email), ozone and berberine, and dozens of other substances, ALL OF WHICH HAVE BETTER SCIENCE AND BETTER OUTCOMES AGAINST VIRUSES IN GENERAL AND COVID IN PARTICULAR THAN REMDESIVIR. But such evidence is ignored, because there is no profit.

To the astonishment of the scientific world (the REAL scientific world, that is), Remdesivir was declared THE proper and only COVID treatment by the FDA. OK, no big surprise. But it was a con of staggering proportions. The full trial, when finally published, showed conclusively that Remdesivir was USELESS and we all expected the FDA to say so. “The Solidarity World Health Organization (WHO) trials conducted in 30 countries revealed that remdesivir does not significantly decrease the mortality rate in COVID-19 patients.”2

Instead, they ignored their own panel of viral experts, who should have been consulted but were not, and gave this toxic drug the go-ahead. They just pretended, despite the evidence, that it was effective.

Scam doesn’t enter into it; it was a crime of considerable proportion!

Moreover “Current literature still questions its safety in patients who are afflicted with the complications of COVID-19,” say the authors.3

And “After the approval of the FDA, several reported adverse effects have been seen from using remdesivir in hospitalized patients.”

Moreover, NGs wickedly omitted good Pharma drugs that could have been used (more profits)! “Corticosteroids were not recommended in severe disease in nearly 10% of NGs despite overwhelming evidence of their benefit.”1

Tut tut! What is WRONG with these governments? Do they not follow the science?

Fake Figures

Unfortunately, they lapse quickly in B*S* science and mere conjecture, posing as science. In the words of the paper:

The global reported death toll [from COVID] of nearly 7 million is likely a substantial underestimate. The estimate of around 20 million deaths by the end of 2022 is now accepted by WHO as closer to the truth.1

In other words, if it isn’t scary enough, exaggerate the figures and slip it into a “scientific paper.” The ACTUAL truth, as we all know, is that from the get-go they have been lying about the COVID statistics. Any old death was grabbed as a “COVID death”: drunken stupor, heart attack, even a road traffic fatality I saw at one point. All the influenza deaths vanished in the 2021-2022 season! (and of course they stopped publishing the influenza deaths, because there were now NONE, because all were attributed to mighty COVID).

And don’t get me started on the so-called COVID test, which is another scam created on a computer by a German geek. That’s because they didn’t HAVE any COVID material to test with at the time—a deficiency which remains suspicious even now, if there really IS a COVID virus.

Doctors were actually coached on how to fill out death certificates, so that the “pandemic” appeared much worse than it actually was.


There is one phrase that you don’t see these days…

“With increasing vaccine coverage and frequent infections boosting immunity, and viral evolution attenuating pathogenicity, the global burden of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 has fallen substantially,” say the authors.

See, viruses always weaken in their transition through victims, human or otherwise. I remember even today, an Italian doctor remarking early on that the virus was weakening in its effective and he was shouted down and abused by the WHO, who it seems no longer remembers any of the basics (I was taught this truth over 60 years ago!)

That’s how herd immunity comes about: we all fight the pathogen collectively and give it a good mauling, so it does no further serious harm!

There’s More…

All this leaves me pretty angry, almost devastated, when trying to help a community survive in the best health. But there is one other matter I think should go here, while I’m on the topic.

Yet another convenient study which declares, absurdly, that there is only one proven harm from the COVID mRNA vaccines: myocarditis (actually they broadened that to admit that intramuscular shots can also cause a series of shoulder injuries—presumably due to vicious operatives, whacking the needle in hard? I mean…)

This particular paper was hailed as an “independent study”. Can anyone, in all seriousness, believe that in the 21st century any scientist, doctor or nurse is truly independent of the pharmaceutical industry?


These “independent reviewers” rejected causal links to infertility, myocardial infarction and stroke, not to mention clotting, brain damage, Guillain-Barre, turbo-cancers in young people, and the rest!4

“Despite a large body of evidence from extraordinary efforts by investigators around the world, our committee found that in many cases, if not most, evidence was insufficient to accept or reject causality for a particular potential harm from a specific COVID-19 vaccine,” said committee vice chair Anne Bass, MD, of Weill Cornell Medicine, Hospital for Special Surgery, and New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York City, in a press release.

I just don’t buy it. Ever heard the term “whitewash”. It applies, I think.

Stay away from doctors and hospitals!

To Your Good Health,
Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor


  1. Comparison of WHO versus national COVID-19 therapeutic guidelines across the world: not exactly a perfect match. BMJ Global Health 2024;9:e014188
  2. Remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19; an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Rezagholizadeh A, Khiali S, Sarbakhsh P, Entezari-Maleki T. Eur J Pharmacol. 2021;897:173926
  3. Cureus. 2023 Aug; 15(8): e43060. Published online 2023 Aug 7.  doi: 10.7759/cureus.43060
  4. Bass AR, et al “Evidence review of the adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccination and intramuscular vaccine administration” National Academies Press; DOI: 10.17226/27746.


Just 2 days ago: Apr. 24, 2024.

Data gathered from over 4 million children, in an analysis of safety data from the FDA’s Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) Initiative, revealed additional seizures that were not predicted, after receiving the original monovalent Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 (Comirnaty) vaccine. Also extra-to-predicted seizures among children ages 2 to 4 years and with the Moderna mRNA-1273 (Spikevax) vaccine among children ages 2 to 5 years. The median time between vaccination and seizure diagnosis was 2 days (range 1-5).

“We need to put this into perspective,” said vaccine High Priest and Believer William Schaffner, MD, at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

“There is no single medication—and I include aspirin—and certainly no vaccine that isn’t associated with at least some of these rare adverse events. That’s just part of life,” he said.

I think he’s using aspirin as something really stupid safe, when in fact it’s toxic and dangerous.

“Balance that against what could happen if your child got COVID and these authors remind us … that balance weighs very strongly in favor of vaccination.”

But children don’t get COVID William. Have forgotten that? Only about 0.05% during a “pandemic”.
