Statins Are OUT

Statins Are OUT

Statins were never “IN” for me. But the phoney science of Big Pharma had most people fooled for years. They were unaware that a great deal of the evidence was manufactured by tricksters, like Sir Rory Collins, who published often but never revealed his source data. That’s scientific trickery in any

He should surrender his knighthood and report to the nearest police station, for the lives he’s taken with his grubby, fraudulent science.[Need I say that Collins receives $millions in funding, from companies like Pfizer?]

He’s not the only one, of course, and so we had vast armies of patients taking statins for “heart protection” when it seems clear to honest doctors that, in fact, statins KILL.

See, the stupid science based around the phoney cholesterol hypothesis says that cholesterol is deadly. Therefore statins, which lower cholesterol (no argument there) must be “protective”. But if cholesterol is not the villain, then this protection amounts to nothing.

AND IF, at the same time, statins are causing serious adverse effects, then there is no gain, only morbidity and death.

That’s EXACTLY the situation. Far from protecting the heart, it has emerged that statins actually accelerate coronary artery calcification, one of the most critical markers of heart attack and early death!1

Moreover, they impair heart muscle function, due to the interference with coenzyme Q10, one of the heart’s most important mitochondrial nutrients.

Indeed one research paper referred to statins as “mitochondrial toxins”. That’s a pretty lethal label!2

We need our mitochondria, our little energy bunnies, as I call them. Kill them and you kill the patient.But it doesn’t stop there. Statins also kill by interfering with the critical functions of vitamin K2 which, as I have written elsewhere, is essential for the prevention of deadly coronary artery calcification.

Plus it depletes a number of other essential nutrients, such as zinc and selenium. 

Many Ignored Side Effects

Researchers have identified over 300 adverse health effects associated with taking statins, including very serious life-shortening conditions, such as diabetes, heart muscle damage and frank heart attacks.

See, statins interfere with the synthesis of CoQ 10, which is critical for energy production in muscles. The heart is our most prodigious muscle… it never stops… so its requirement is highest of all. And these goons are willing to permanently damage the heart, just to lower cholesterol, when the science incriminating cholesterol is not just flawed, it was faked! It’s a nightmare!

Doctors are missing it everywhere because they are attributing the damage of statins to further aging.

Informed consent is a corrupted issue:

Due to the adverse effects of statins, the authors of the March 2015 Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology medical journal listed “informed consent” as a necessary key issue with use of statins. They recommended that “informed consent of statins should include [disclosure of] increased coronary artery disease, heart failure, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and central and peripheral nervous disorders besides the known adverse effects.”

(Carcinogenicity” refers to cancer promotion, while “teratogenicity” refers to the induction of malformations and birth defects in the preborn).

Unfortunately very few patients are ever walked through the potential harms of statins. Therefore they are not giving “informed consent”.

And while we are on the topic of informed consent, did you know that there is no evidence WHATSOEVER that statins prolong life for women; no evidence WHATSOEVER that statins prolong life for men who have never had a heart attack.

The very scanty evidence that these drugs benefit men who have had a heart attack is shaky and unreliable, thanks to people like Sir Rory Collins, who won’t share the raw data for objective analysis by others.

You might wonder how such wretchedly dishonest science ever finds its way into medical journals? The answer is simple, of course: money. Advertising revenues.

Despite all this damaging science, the push for statin drugs goes on and is  expanding to more age-groups. Rory Collins wants kids to be started on statins! Blood lipids are a health issue, yes. But stress, a pro-inflammatory Western diet of high fat, high sugar, nutrient poor foods, and environmental chemicals and toxins are damaging to cholesterol and cardiovascular health. 

Just remember your body NEEDS cholesterol (total, HDL, LDL, VLDL, triglycerides) are necessary for your entire body. Cholesterol repairs cell membranes, forms adrenal and sex steroid hormones, provides energy, and serves many other vital functions. Healthy cholesterol is good for you! 

You can make lifestyle and diet changes, to support healthy cholesterol.


First and foremost eat lots of anti-oxidants. The only reason science can get any traction putting forward cholesterol as the problem is that rancid (oxidized) cholesterol is very unhealthy.

Secondly, and most important, is to stay away from rapidly oxidizing exposures. In a sentence, that means no manufactured foods of any kind. Anything somebody put a label on, they adulterated. Period.

Eat only whole food, as it comes out of the ground, out of the sea, or walks into the slaughterhouse. That’s just like our ancestors did.

No sugar, nothing sweetened. And don’t kid yourself that synthetic substitutes are OK. Stevia will mess up your microbiome for months! Stevia has no merits whatever. But xylitol, a sugar alcohol, is good for keeping your mouth pathogen-free; but even that has a bad effect on your microbiome.

Especially avoid dangerous seed oils, such as canola, corn oil, soya oil, safflower oil, sunflower and hemp. 

Cook only with coconut oil (heat and smoke tolerant), butter (yes!), ghee and in our house we LOVE beef tallow. The last you can buy at Walmart (image), or the equivalent around the world (if you trust them). 

Olive oil falls in the crack. When used to cook it’s not nearly as friendly as its reputation suggests. Either keep the heat very low. Or use an air fryer.

Finally, have your cholesterol checked. But don’t go to the doctor to listen to his B*S* explanations. He will not know (or blank out) that at our age (65 plus) the HIGHER your cholesterol, the longer you’ll live!

It’s strange but true.

A 2019 study found total cholesterol ranges associated with the lowest mortality were 210–249?mg/dL in each sex-age subgroup, except for the youngest groups of men, aged 18–34 years (180–219?mg/dL), and women aged 18–34 years (160–199?mg/dL) and 35–44 years (180–219?mg/dL).3

Even “so-called dangerous cholesterol” (LDL) was found to be associated with living longer. The review concluded: “The hypothesis that high LDL-C is the major cause of CVD, the most common cause of death in most countries, is unlikely because follow-up studies of more than half a million of patients and healthy people have shown that those with the highest LDL-C live just as long or longer than those with low LDL-C.”4

I mean this stuff just turns the current cardiology and dietary garbage on its head and makes statins a JOKE!

If you want to download my TruthAboutStatins PDF (free), you can do so here.

To Your Good Health,

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor


  1. “Statins, vascular calcification, and vitamin K-dependent proteins: Is there a relation?” published February 2021 in the Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences of Taiwan
  2. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2015 Mar;8(2):189-99.  doi: 10.1586/17512433.2015.1011125. Epub 2015 Feb 6