When the current Pope, Francis, was elected he seemed like a good guy. There was a hint of fresh air and forward thinking in the Papacy. It didn’t last. This overblown Italian potentate started rounding on people with doubts about the COVID vaccine in 2021.

In a startling video message (Aug 18th, 2021), Pope Francis joined his voice to those of Bishops across North and South America to urge people to get jabbed against COVID-19. He even praised the work of researchers and scientists in producing safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines!

Pope Francis, God’s Appointed Health Minister on Earth?

How did he know it was “safe and effective”? God whispered in his ear? (I doubt it). Glorying in his own power base? Quite likely; every chicken-poop politician did the same. Abuse of power? Of course! What have medical treatments and science have to do with “Christ’s Vicar on Earth”? He knows NOTHING about medicine. His job is supposedly pastoral support for the faithful and to keep them focused on the Almighty, not pushing untried drug therapy.

But he wasn’t doing his own job. He was working as PR consultant for Pfizer and the rest. In other words, a somehow-corrupted slimy front man for Big Pharma. 

“Thanks to God’s grace and to the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us from COVID-19,” the Pope said in the video. All those scientists who cast doubts on his Holiness’s words, go to Hell I suppose (literally). No room for dissenting science in the Roman Catholic church (as ever, over the centuries).

In January 2021, Francis and Pope Benedict XVI were among the first to receive COVID injections, with Pfizer supplying the Holy See with its injections. Both men subsequently received boosters of the injection in the months following. But what were they ACTUALLY injected with? It’s smart to be suspicious they got the “safe” stuff!

“When the first supplies arrived at the Vatican, I scheduled my vaccination immediately,” said Francis. “Later I got the boosters as well, and, thanks be to God, I have not caught the virus.” 

Yes, well, I and uncountable others have not had the vaccine and we have not had COVID either (not even a sniffle!)

Vaccination Is “An Act Of Love”

This crackpot Pope went on to say that getting a COVID jab is an “act of love.” What? Setting your family up for death or infirmity by administering a completely untried and untested-for-safety vaccine (which, it emerged, killed millions) is an act of love? You clown! Who put you up to being the stooge for the army of greedy, abusive, criminal and destructive perverts in medical and pharmaceutical commerce?

Helping others do the same [get the vaccine], he said, is also an act of love. “Love for oneself, love for our families and friends, and love for all peoples. Love is also social and political.” What exactly is “political love”? I have no idea. It sounds like an oxymoron.

Pope Francis then prayed to God that “each one of us can make his or her own small gesture of love.” It’s like communist “freedom”: you are completely free to vote or act any way you choose, provided you think and act the way the Communist Party tells you to!

Ah, but here’s a clue to what’s going on. Popey (bit like Popeye, haha!) was chicken-yeller scared. He passed a Vatican mandate that everyone around him had to be vaccinated, removing the option to test “negative” for the virus, and allowing only proof of recovery from the virus as an alternative to the injection. As late as January 2023, COVID shots were still required for reporters wishing to join the Pope on papal journeys—a mandate which expired only in April of 2023.

In 2024, he’s still mouthing off, issuing fresh condemnation of critics of COVID-19 injections, saying that opposition to the shots “distressed” him since “being against the antidote is an almost suicidal act of denial.”

I don’t think he has even read any science. Since when is a vaccine an antidote? And does this pontiff not get there are MILLIONS of people around the world who will regret, to their dying day, that they committed this “act of love”?


I’ve often thought that the words Pope and hypocrisy go hand in hand, though like the world at large, I somewhat loved Pope John 23rd, even though I’m not a Christian.*

Here’s the hypocrisy: Pfizer, the main player in the COVID war against humanity, produces abortion pills! The Vatican has always condemned abortion. But it’s worse than that: manufacture of COVID-19 injections involves testing using the HEK 293 cell line, which is derived from kidney tissue taken from a healthy baby who was aborted in the Netherlands in the 1970s. 

That ethical conundrum apparently didn’t bother the old goat: Francis secretly met twice with Pfizer CEO Francis Bourla during 2021, with Bourla also invited to speak at a Vatican-hosted health conference.

Why in secret? Does he know that Bourla is one of the greatest enemies of Humankind the 21st century has so far produced and that he was hobnobbing with The Devil? I doubt it. I don’t think he knows much, actually, reading his pronouncements. But ignorant fools are dangerous…

Hitting Out At Colleagues

Popey also made a thinly-veiled condemnation of Cardinal Raymond Burke, who voiced strong opposition to the injections.

“There were even a few anti-vaxxers among the bishops: some came close to death,” he stated, echoing a veiled dig he made at the American cardinal in the 2021 video, who fell ill, supposedly with COVID.

Particularly during the height of COVID-19 related restrictions, Francis regularly pushed the “moral obligation” of taking an abortion-tainted jab as being an “act of love.” As early as late summer 2020, he suggested that “everyone” must take the COVID-19 vaccine. “I believe that, ethically, everyone should take the vaccine,” he said. And added “it must be done.” I thought God was the only entity to issue mandates? (10 of them!)

But that does not assuage colleagues who are deeply ethical and concerned: Cardinal Burke stated in May 2020 that “[I]t is never morally justified to develop a vaccine through the use of cell lines of aborted fetuses” and that the thought of it being injected into one’s body is “rightly abhorrent.” He noted also that such a vaccination may not be imposed “in a totalitarian manner” on citizens.

Similar criticisms of the injections have also been repeatedly issued by prelates such as Bishop Athanasius Schneider. In a seminal intervention of December 12, 2020, Bishop Athanasius Schneider—along with co-signers Cardinal Janis?Pujats, Bishop Joseph Strickland, and Archbishops Tomash?Peta and Jan Pawel Lenga—expressed their strong conviction that any use of a vaccine tainted with the “unspeakable crime” of abortion, under any circumstances, “cannot be acceptable for Catholics.”

Not what your boss says, boys!

From the start, numerous studies and many thousands of scientists and leading health professionals, including Nobel Prize winners, and medics have testified to the unprecedented level of injuries and deaths, following and resulting from the COVID injections. The latest conservative estimate is that over 17 million worldwide died from receiving the injections making this the worst man-caused medical catastrophe in history.

As of February 23, 2024, the U.S. Federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports 37,231 deaths, 214,906 hospitalizations, 21,524 heart attacks, and 28,214 myocarditis and pericarditis case, among other ailments. 

VAERS reports are technically unconfirmed. But U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers have at last recognized a “high verification rate of reports of myocarditis to VAERS after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination,” leading to the conclusion that “under-reporting is more likely” than overreporting. 

It is known that VAERS gets less than 1% of adverse events. That would be 3.7 million deaths in the USA alone.

An April 2022 study out of Israel indicates that COVID infection itself cannot fully account for the myocarditis numbers, despite common insistence to the contrary. 

Set all this suffering against the claim that there were only 7 million UN-massaged deaths**, and only about 17 million deliberately exaggerated figures for mortality, and you will see why one of your favorite MDs is horrified at this stupid and unnecessary Papal intervention.

One of your favorite MDs, Ya?

To the truth and good health,Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor

Original Source:


LifeSiteNews.com is a non-profit Internet service dedicated to issues of culture, life, and family. It was launched in September 1997.

* https://edition.cnn.com/2014/04/25/world/europe/five-things-pope-john-xxiii/index.html

** Ritchie, Hannah; Mathieu, Edouard; Rodés-Guirao, Lucas; Appel, Cameron; Giattino, Charlie; Ortiz-Ospina, Esteban; Hasell, Joe; Macdonald, Bobbie; Beltekian, Diana; Dattani, Saloni; Roser, Max (2020–2022). “Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)”. Our World in Data. Retrieved 30 April 2024.