Where The Holistic Rubber Meets The Scientific Road

21 ways to spice up your sex life

Earlier this year I did a teleseminar on the topic of adding more spice to your sex life. I think it was well received but it’s hard to tell because I didn’t get any of the usual feedback emails telling me “That was great” and “More, please, Prof!”

Now why do you suppose that is?

I guess it’s because people are just shy. Yet I tried to inject some candour into it. I’m not shy myself and talked about lots of ways to enhance pleasure, including masturbation, clitoral rub, oral sex (it’s more hygienic than a kiss!), dressing to kill, toys, fantasies, intimate massage and sex in public places (for the real thrill seeker).

I even threw in some erotic poetry!

To learn more, click this link and go to the alternative doctor love and sex section

But please don’t go there is you are easily shocked!


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