Where The Holistic Rubber Meets The Scientific Road

The Drama and Trauma – Understanding Emotions and Cancer

The psychology of cancer is as complex as it is misunderstood.

The mainstream scientific community has finally begun to examine the link between emotions and cancer but their overall opinion is still that emotions don’t matter.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Psychological Stress and High Risk Behavior

All of us have some form of negativity in our pasts. Suffering is so often the plight of being human. We lose people we care about, painful moments involve loved ones and strangers alike, relationships end, and disasters happen.

Financial, physical, emotional, and mental trauma takes a toll on every cell in your body.

One link conventional medicine admits between emotions and cancer is dealing (or concealing) past trauma through high risk behaviors. People who are mentally and emotionally scarred may develop pro-cancer habits that put them at risk for deadly conditions.

Smoking, drug or alcohol abuse, and poor nutrition are lifestyle choices that can dramatically increase your chances of developing cancer and many other major diseases.

There’s so much more to the cancer link than bad habits. It’s the emotions themselves that can damage your cells from the inside out.

The Real Link Between Your Emotions and Cancer Diagnosis

The moment your doctor says the word malignant, your entire body tenses and your mind goes to a place of fear. Even if you have a form of the disease that responds well to treatment or it was caught early – the fear remains.

It changes everything.

Next comes the slew of recommendations for your care. The three most common ways the medical industry fights cancer is surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

It’s common knowledge that the cancer industry pays little attention to the cause of cancer…just the treatment once you have it.

Even then, they rarely advise a full overhaul of your daily life.

They don’t talk to you about the massive role nutrition plays in cancer formation or progression. There are no discussions about the toxic burden you may be exposed to by items in your home, office, or even your personal beauty regimen. They certainly don’t talk to you about the part of emotions in cancer development.

Cut, poison, burn. That’s the advice.

When your body is under stress, it leads to inflammation. Mass inflammation leads to an incredible number of major diseases and conditions. This is a truth conventional doctors have only started to believe in the last decade despite men and women like me – from all over the world – pointing to inflammation for thirty years or more.

Rampant inflammation is now considered a root cause in neurodegenerative disease, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and yes…cancer.


Let’s look at this from another angle.

In the past few years, thousands of studies by renowned universities and labs worldwide have pinpointed inflammation as a dangerous trigger to disease. That’s now a common understanding and many treatments are based on the knowledge they finally accept. [Getting the medical industry to change their minds – even with valid proof – is an agonizingly slow process that too often goes against common sense and empirical evidence.]

They still claim that your emotional state before your cancer diagnosis has nothing to do with the cancer forming in the first place. [I promise you, this is another long fight in the making.] Again, this goes against common sense and the piles of empirical evidence gathered to date.

Emotional stress – just like physical stress – has been proven to cause major inflammation that ravages the body and sends your basic functions into chaos.

Conventional medicine has made little progress in treating cancer. Fewer people die from it these days because it’s detected sooner but a bigger percentage of the global population is diagnosed with cancer every year.

Despite the cost, the new technology, and the fundraisers, we’re not much better off regarding survival rate than we were 80 years ago because they focus on the symptoms – not the cause.

The real issues aren’t being addressed. Diet is a big one consistently ignored. Toxic burden is another. These two causes are slowly gaining notice in the scientific community and I hope the needle moves in a positive direction soon.

People are dying. They need to think outside their ridiculously small box.

The causation they will refuse to believe for another decade (or more) is the link between emotions and cancer. Your mental and emotional health is overlooked entirely. It’s only discussed once you have cancer and they don’t want you to be depressed.

What about before you’re diagnosed? Your emotional state, your past trauma, your overall mental health is ignored as a root cause of your sickness.

The crucial approach is not to try and stamp out the result of the problem but to stamp out the cause. Done right, a natural recovery will follow.

Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the relationship and interaction between psychological processes and the nervous system and immune function of the human body. In layman’s terms, the study of emotions and cancer (as well as other physical diseases).

A person’s state of mind is a powerful influence on his or her health and therefore on the issue of cancer. Upsets, stress, conflict, hurt, and other negative emotions can play a part leading to the development of cancer. They also offer a pathway for releasing the iron grip that the cancer has on you or someone you love.

The Time for Truth and Change is Now

There are countless writings about cancer diets and chemical detoxing. My new book doesn’t address those issues because I’ve covered them extensively in my other books.

The title is a little prosaic: The Psychology of Cancer. As the cover tells you, I look at why we get cancer, how to fight it, and what it can teach us.

As with all my books, it contains the wisdom of 35-40 years of accumulated clinical experience with full scientific backing. There are no opinions or fluff, just facts. These are things I know to be true and things other people have proved to be true.

Despite the belief of the mainstream medical and scientific community, there is a link between your emotions and cancer development. It’s there. It’s real. You need to know the facts and then you need to start down the path of emotional healing right now…before it’s too late.

Read The Psychology of Cancer today. There’s no time to waste.


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