Where The Holistic Rubber Meets The Scientific Road

Selenium protects from mercury

A subscriber who is on an anti-inflammatory diet and his joints got worse was advized to cut out red meats and concentrate on fish and fowl.

He said he was leery of fish because of the mercury issue. Here’s my reply:

Never mix up short-range tests with the implications of long-term consumption of a food.

Let me tell you, mercury or not, you’ll die young if you don’t eat lots of fish.

Take selenium, it protects you from mercury! 200 mcg a day is good. That’s what protects the Inuit, who eat a lot of fish and sea food.

The point is that in just a few days or weeks, mercury is not an issue. Identifying the inflammatory foods is the task in hand.

When you figure those out, you can think about a long-term diet.



  1. I was reading your website and you say it is good to eat lots of fish. What do you suggest for those who do not enjoy the flavor of fish? Are fish oil capsules a reasonable alternative? If not, what would you suggest as far as a replacement to eating fish? Thanks.

    • The problem with fish, of course, is pollution (esp mercury).
      But there are health benefits to outweigh that.
      Most importantly, omega-3s. But you can get lots of omega-3s from pure grass-fed beef.

  2. I believe this is for those who are without any health issues or are good for caner patient’s, too? Maybe is better to reduce them?

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