A rather strange one this week. But you’ll soon see why…
First off, let me just mention the re-run of the micro-current therapy (MCT) webinar. A lot of people registered for the live webinar last week but we unable to actually attend on the night.
If you missed the first webinar, you can sign back in and attend this one. You will re-qualify for the valuable bonuses, which will be explained in the end. Just be alert to the change of broadcast time.
The upcoming re-run is Sunday morning Feb 2nd at 10.00 am US Pacific time. I’ve set that to accommodate UK and Europe subscribers.
I screwed that up in the Wednesday notification by saying March 2nd (my sister’s birthday, so it was maybe subconscious editing!) The CORRECT date is Feb 2nd.
To register for the new webinar, please go to this link
The reality of the world today is that internet marketing and email lists are being relentlessly squeezed by bullying internet giants—notably Google (Gmail) and Microsoft (Hotmail).
I’ve been labeled a spammer and just banned from my email service, solely because I insist on the right to mail my friends and followers who don’t open my mails regularly.
In fact I’ve been blacklisted in several places because I do not delete anyone who hasn’t opened an email for more than 60 days. Stupid little geeks, with nothing better to do than interfere with other people’s lives, are now calling the shots. These are the new rules.
There is very little I can do. I’ve already lost many friends because Google stopped sending my emails any more. It’s heartbreaking, frankly.
Google’s definition of spam is anything they don’t make money on, seemingly! As you probably know, they are into everyone’s pocket. If you join anything, anywhere, Google slams a pop up in your path, saying “sign in with your Google account”. If you do, that means they are now on the gravy train and getting a commission. Don’t ever do it (same with Facebook, incidentally: don’t sign in with FB).
These mega-giant corporations are, basically, parasites. They form an additional “tax” in our lives that we don’t need. You only have to look at Google’s gigantic glass and chrome palace headquarters, or read about all the perks and gifts given to their staff at OUR expense, to realize it’s basically very unfair.
You are being milked. All of us are being milked and yet, unlike government tax, we have no say in how our money is spent.
But there is some fight back potential and I want to engage you in it. It’s quite simple really:
1. Make sure you click on at least one of my emails a month, even if you don’t have time to read it all. Click on 2, that’s even better.
2. I’m going to offer a free PDF download informational article every month. You’ll be emailed when it’s available. BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO OPEN THE EMAIL TO GET AT THE DOWNLOAD LINK!
You can build yourself a free library, incidentally, by printing these out and putting them in a binder! Of course you can also read a PDF online, on your smartphone or tablet, as well as your computer.
That’s my gift to you. I would ask you to please return the favor by making sure to click something! That way you are an active participator.
But if something goes wrong and Google/Microsoft has further tightened the screws, you may lose all contact with me. That would be sad. But you can always go back to www.alternative-doctor.com and sign up again, to receive messages from me!
3. Finally, you can enroll on a different site. I’d like you to opt into my Dr. Keith Podcast. The opt inbox is at the top of the page. You can hear some very cool and entertaining conversations and you will NOT be mailed with any sales or sponsorship messages.
All I need your email is to let everyone know when the next podcast is posted. But please click on those emails once or twice a month, otherwise you’ll get deleted from that list too! This list is on a different email provider.
I’m sorry but that is what the world is coming to. I get showers of spam and nonsense in my inbox and spam box. It’s happening all the time. But Google isn’t troubled about that. Their real mission is they want to stamp out all alternative and holistic health and they are targeting doctors like me and Joe Mercola. Google takes its cue from their pay lords: Big Pharma, for whom they are now just a massive sales outlet.
[did you hear recently that Google hacked into health computers, without asking, and stole millions of case records? It’s easy to guess why with Big Pharma proffering $billions for such sensitive information]
The Latest Podcast
This week I just posted a lively conversation I had with my buddy Dr. Greg Brown. He’s a most unusual psychiatrist. He and I love to jaw about the big issues (Life, The Universe, and Everything!) He’s not a card-carrying pill pusher, like the rest.
In fact, Greg is a gentle, sweet soul and it almost seems hard to accept he’s in a profession that fraudulently pretends knowledge of the mind and yet knows NOTHING of the mind as it really functions.
Anyway, hear his opinions (and some of mine!) by going to the site, opt-in (you don’t have to, it’s not essential) and clicking on the second talk down, called Love Life Consciousness and Everything.
Here’s the link to the podcast site.
I’m sorry if this creates anxiety. These Internet bullies are making everyone’s life a misery, not just mine. But I do want to stay friends and remain connected to all the people I like to share my skills with.
To Your Good Health,

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor
PS If you are getting this, then the new email provider is working! If not, you’ll never know anyway…