Anaphylaxis after a COVID shot has been re-grouped as a vaccine-induced immunization stress-related response (ISRR). In other words, the vaccinations weren’t the problem. It was idiot patients who got themselves all stressed up and fainted.

That’s good! We don’t have to worry then.

Except… this was a VERY small study, just 16 patients. What does that have to do with anything? Yet it’s being given wide circulation in the doctors’ journal MedPageToday [March 1, 2023], as if it meant something.

In a 2019 report, the World Health Organization (WHO) first proposed the term “immunization-stress-related response” to refer to “any untoward medical occurrence which follows immunization and which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with the usage of the vaccine.”

Of course it sounds good if there is an abbreviation available; it must be a real, scientific condition? Patient got sick moments (hours or days) after a vaccine shot but it was not the vaccine that did it the name says that. But how do they know?

Anaphylaxis after a COVIDCOVID mass vaccination center

The WHO report identified four overlapping groups of reactions as ISRRs, including acute anxiety and stress responses, vasovagal reactions, mass psychogenic illness, and functional neurological disorders.

Don’t you have to laugh; that “mass psychogenic illness”? That means all the people who were intensely stressed about being lied to, subject to destructive confinements away from family and friends, gaslighted, pumped full of unproven vaccines, or told to quit their jobs, were in fact sad, hallucinating loonies and their view of things can therefore be discounted.

This is medicine at the cutting edge!

Let’s not get distracted by the mere FACT that people who are stressed or distressed can validly experience vasovagal reactions, anxiety attacks, etc. which are real physiological responses, NOT delusions.

See, COVID-19 mRNA vaccine anaphylaxis has been reported at higher rates than conventional vaccine anaphylactic reactions. We can’t have that. The mRNA vaccine could not possibly have a dangerous side effects like that. So we need to do an “investigation”, find the “real” cause—and don’t you know it—it’s screwed up patients after all! Blame the patients…

So I get it: (ISRR) mimics many symptoms of anaphylaxis, which is likely one of the explanations for higher reports of allergic reactions during COVID-19 vaccination. But sometimes it wasn’t anaphylaxis, therefore it didn’t happen. Is it me, or is this kinda silly logic?

According to the study I came across, 9 patients developed immediate non-allergic symptoms after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and 11 participants developed immediate non-allergic symptoms following placebo, with a median onset of three minutes following administration. Symptoms included numbness, tingling, dizziness, throat tightness, dysphagia, and transient hypertension, all of which are consistent with ISRR. 

Of these reactions, 45% were considered moderate to severe. Only three patients developed a recurrent allergic reaction after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, with a median onset of four minutes after vaccination. No participants who received the placebo subsequently developed an allergic reaction.

BUT—consistent does NOT mean characteristic of; no siree. It just means that it COULD be attributable to. Trouble is, if ISRR is phoney (a made up condition), then these symptoms are not really “consistent” with it, are they? In fact they remain quite simply: symptoms of a severe intolerance reaction to chemically toxic injections, being passed off as vaccines, we all know that.

While anaphylaxis can rarely occur following COVID-19 vaccination, according to the researchers, SRR is a “highly under-recognized mimic.” (their terms) Due to the similarity of ISRR symptoms to those of anaphylaxis, the rate of true anaphylaxis following COVID-19 vaccination is likely lower than estimated, based on the study findings. It is important that healthcare professionals are able to recognize ISRR so they can properly distinguish it from anaphylaxis following vaccination.

Otherwise word will be getting around that there are quite a lot of unpleasant reactions to the COVID vaccine, all a shabby anti-pharma plot by these weak-minded patients.

But science to the recue: researcher Muhammad Khalid MD said the COVID-19 pandemic and the public health push for universal vaccination once vaccines became available represented something of a perfect storm for anxiety-related reactions that are not directly related to the vaccine product.

“People were already under stress due to COVID, and they were getting a brand new vaccine and hearing about adverse reactions,” Khalid said. “All of this created an atmosphere where these very real symptoms resulting in real distress were occurring, which were unrelated to the vaccine itself.”

What I demand to know is HOW he can says very real symptoms were “unrelated to the vaccine itself”? He and his fellow researchers produced not one shred of evidence to prove, or even suggest, that the symptoms experienced were not substantive and due to a chemical assault on the body. 

They carefully separated obvious allergic reactions from differing responses, and I’m OK with that scientifically. SOME of the patients were not experiencing anaphylaxis is all that they proved. But that’s not to say these “other” reactions are delusory. Could it not be that doctors lack the skills and insight to know what is happening, therefore they blame the patient (I think you know my answer!)

It’s like the food allergy days of old in which I was embattled, “We’ve failed to demonstrate any antibody response, therefore it isn’t an allergy, therefore IT IS NOT A TRUE RESPONSE. Therefore the patient is deluded that pork causes an unpleasant reaction. He or she must be sad and inadequate and just clinging to this excuse for their miserable symptoms.” 

Blame the patient. It’s all in the mind. Oh yes, I got this all the time from orthodox colleagues. But to me the case is simple: doctors are either ignorant, unaware of certain processes, so therefore they don’t exist.

Or the “scientists” are bent on sweeping the problem under the carpet, whip up some fake science that is convincing, at least to their colleagues, and—BINGO!—problem goes away.

Of course Pfizer and the gang of thugs are very happy with these “findings”. They will expect to wriggle off the hook.


This research was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Khalid reported no disclosures. But what do you know? He’s working for NIAID, Tony Fauci’s band of rogues. He even got a fellowship! Nice work. But I’m very uncomfortable with this. Did he toady by writing a paper that blamed patients instead of the ghastly and destructive pseudo-vaccines and then land a very nice job?

Hard to shake off the idea.

To Your Good Health,Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor

Primary Source

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology

Source Reference: Khalid M, et al “COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-induced immunization stress-related response (ISRR) and anaphylaxis: an early look at COVAAR clinical outcomes” AAAAI 2023.