Where The Holistic Rubber Meets The Scientific Road

Meadowsweet – A Natural Pain Reliever Throughout History

In a world filled with those who suffer from chronic pain, pharmaceutical companies (and illegal drug suppliers) are making a killing.

Prescribed drugs have a fairly short lifespan in the treatment of pain. The doses get ever stronger, the effects gradually lessen, and the potential for addiction is incredibly high.

When patients no longer find relief in prescription drugs – or when they’re “cut off” due to suspicion of addiction by their doctors – many turn to illegal narcotics.

These illegal drugs are even more dangerous to your body and your life but desperation can result in poor choices with devastating outcomes.


Natural Pain Relievers – The Answer You Need for Chronic Pain

In the history of the world, there’s never been a pain epidemic like the one we’re experiencing right now. Chronic pain is the leading cause of physical disability in the United States and the statistics worsen every year.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 47,000 deaths were the direct result of opioid pain relievers and heroin in 2014 alone (6 of every 10 drug overdose deaths). That’s a 14% increase in ONE YEAR.

For those who suffer from this debilitating condition, the importance of discovering natural pain relievers that work is not just urgent. It could mean the difference between life and death.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “The abuse of and addiction to opioids [heroin, morphine, and prescription pain relievers] is a serious global problem that affects the health, social, and economic welfare of all societies. Between 26.4 million and 36 million people abuse opioids worldwide, with an estimated 2.1 million people in the United States suffering from substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers in 2012 and an estimated 467,000 addicted to heroin.”

People are hurting. That’s never been more clear.

NIDA adds, “The number of prescriptions for opioids have escalated from around 76 million in 1991 to nearly 207 million in 2013, with the United States their biggest consumer globally, accounting for almost 100 percent of the world total for hydrocodone (e.g., Vicodin) and 81 percent for oxycodone (e.g., Percocet).”

Meadowsweet – A Natural Pain Reliever You’ve Never Heard About

natural-pain-relievers-roundMeadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is a member of the rose family and is an ancient medicinal remedy that’s not well known outside of holistic circles. It has a long and effective history as a mild to moderate natural pain reliever. Aspirin is a synthetic pain reliever that was based on the salicylic acid compound found naturally in the herb.

Well tolerated, easy to grow in a kitchen garden, and with multiple applications, you definitely want to make meadowsweet part of your holistic first aid kit.

Properties of meadowsweet…

  • Naturally anti-inflammatory
  • Soothes stomach upset (including diarrhea and ulcers)
  • Improves digestion
  • Eases headache and sore throat pain
  • Stimulates circulation
  • Minimizes the aches and pains of colds and flus
  • Lowers fever by cooling the body
  • Helps with heartburn
  • Relieves respiratory irritation
  • Gentle way to clean your skin
  • Can be used in culinary dishes or brewed as a tea

With a mild almond flavor and a hint of wintergreen, meadowsweet offers an incredible fragrance as well as a lovely plant with white flowers for your garden.

It’s safe for most to consume daily in tea form but asthmatics and those allergic to aspirin should avoid it. I don’t recommend the elixir since it’s made with hard liquor. While effective, it limits when and how much you can consume.

Children and young adults exhibiting signs of cold, flu, or chickenpox should not consume meadowsweet to avoid the possibility for Reye’s Syndrome (and why they should never take over-the-counter products containing aspirin).

Meadowsweet Tea Recipe


  • 1 teaspoon meadowsweet (dried flowers or leaves)
  • Spice (such as cinnamon) (to taste)
  • Honey to sweeten (to taste)
  • Other tea leaves (for alternate flavors) (optional)


  • Boil one cup water.
  • Add meadowsweet in tea ball.
  • Steep for 10 minutes.
  • Sweeten and spice to taste.
  • Drink warm.

Natural pain relievers were used for thousands of years to great effect. Long before there were synthetic opiates or addictive drugs, there were safe alternatives prized by holistic practitioners across the globe.

In many areas of the world, herbs and other natural remedies are still the only option for those who suffer from chronic pain. As the cost of prescriptions and the overall risk of addiction soar out of control in developed nations, it’s time to consider the tips and tricks our ancestors used.

Find Out What You Can Do to End Chronic Pain!

If you suffer from chronic pain, you need to read my book “Natural Pain Relief” right now for many solutions and ideas you might not have considered or even heard about from your conventional doctor.

You don’t have to suffer with a debilitating condition that saps your quality of life. You can and should seek out true natural pain relievers that do the job without jeopardizing your life and overall wellbeing.

Read it now by clicking here!


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