This is the new trope, now that long-denied calamitous outcomes from the COVID mRNA are emerging into view. There are complications but “rare” is the word used over and over—without any documented numbers to support this. Besides, rare is just a relative word, not an absolute. Cobra bites are “rare” in most countries but far from funny if you get one!

In India, there are around 64,000 snake bite deaths per year. 20% of those are caused by cobras. That’s not rare!

Backs to the wall, vaccine apologists have been forced to concede there are issues. Multiple reports have arisen about cardiovascular complications following the mRNA vaccination. A 2023 study provides an in-depth account of various cardiovascular adverse events reported after the mRNA vaccines’ first or second dose including pericarditis/myopericarditis, myocarditis, hypotension, hypertension, arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, stroke, myocardial infarction, intracranial hemorrhage, thrombosis (deep vein thrombosis, cerebral venous thrombosis, arterial or venous thrombotic events, portal vein thrombosis, coronary thrombosis, microvascular small bowel thrombosis), and pulmonary embolism.

That’s cardiovascular problems alone, never mind neurological damage, sudden death and paralysis. This list, incidentally is from a review in a medical journal.1 

Set this against the continual denials that ANY adverse events happened post-vax and you see we have left science, truth, integrity and public order far behind. The CDC website continues to proclaim: “Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring program in U.S. history.”

They claim that their vaccination program has saved MILLIONS of lives. It’s laughable.

But… at least this is being talked about, studies done, papers published. You’ll never get these facts on TV, through social media channels, or in news print, of course. Our social world is controlled entirely by the Soros empire, Google’s hegemony, Murdoch’s meddling in everything and Zuckerberg’s sucking up to the military establishment.

Compare the CDC lies with the findings of this study:

Of confirmed cardiovascular complications post-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in 17,636 individuals and reported 284 deaths with any mRNA vaccine. 

Of 17,636 cardiovascular events with any mRNA vaccine, 17,192 were observed with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, 444 events with the Moderna. 

Thrombosis was frequently reported with any mRNA vaccine (13,936 cases), followed by stroke (758), myocarditis (511), myocardial infarction (377), pulmonary embolism (301), and arrhythmia (254). 

The time between the vaccination dosage and the first symptom onset averaged 5.6 (Moderna) and 4.8 days with the Pfizer. The Moderna cohort reported 56 deaths compared to the 228 with Pfizer’s.2 

So “rare” is not really an appropriate word here, is it?

Yes, “the truth is out there.” But the average person will never get to see it. I only come across stray snippets in medical journals, where gradually there has been a relaxation of openness.

Then we got the bombshell from New Zealand. It’s funny how the truth comes out in the end, no matter how devious the lies and denials!

The NZ Whistle Blower

Most countries, as you may know, will not review any safety evidence (those that do whitewash it, like the CDC and FDA). They try to keep the figures secret, under God-knows-what regulations. It’s all about protecting themselves from criminal charges for corruption, falsehoods and neglect.

But suddenly we have the figures for one small country: New Zealand! A brave whistle blower (who is already in jail on trumped up charges of national security) leaked the whole government database.

Barry Young, the NZ whistleblower, was cheered by crowds, as he was arraigned in court for his “crime” of releasing the truth!

What the data show is absolutely shocking. mRNA vaccines have KILLED MILLIONS. Probably as much as 13 million, worldwide. Steve Kirsch was interviewed by Jimmy Dore and challenges anyone who wishes to know the facts to work with the raw data, not the official gaslighting.

Norman Fenton Professor of Risk Information Management at the Queen Mary University of London, UK, says this of the current state of statistics and epidemiology:

Anybody who has followed our writings over the last 3 years will know that we believe there is overwhelming evidence that the covid vaccines are neither effective nor safe. Contrary to ludicrous claims made by official Government sources there is no evidence the vaccines have saved any lives (let alone the millions claimed), but rather evidence that all-cause mortality in the vaccinated is now higher than that in the unvaccinated.3 

Translation: getting vaccinated causes MORE DEATHS from any cause than not getting vaccinated! That’s the end of all arguments.

It is a wonder to behold, the way the shills and swindlers dive in to help out their creepy bosses; no lie too devious, no depths too deep; no fact too enshrined in science that it cannot be discredited by manufactured B*S*.

The chief executive of the NZ Ministry of Health Margie Apa makes the ludicrous claim that only four people have died from covid vaccines. But Apa is kidding herself, because the data now revealed, although incomplete, shows hundreds of post vaccination deaths.

UK Brexit Party candidate Jim Ferguson said the New Zealand government was desperate to stop this information getting out. “They have failed. Massive numbers dying in New Zealand as a result of the mandated vaccinations that were forced on the people by World Economic Forum cultist Jacinda Ardern when she was Prime Minister,” he posted on X (former Twitter). 

Meanwhile, the government of Iceland has announced the immediate withdrawal of all Covid-19 vaccines, as the island nation’s public health system grapples with a huge spike in vaccine related sudden deaths and injuries.4 

This is going to get MUCH WORSE folks. And you are going to be treated to an all-out war, with truth-tellers on one side and the screaming, criminal bullying and ravings of those who don’t want the truth; who want it buried deep and never allowed to see the light of day; who would rather see millions dead than ever admit they were participants to the COVID scumbuggery (is that a word?)

Now, I suggest you go and watch the interview of Steve Kirsch by Jimmy Dore, which you can do on Rumble and several other places, for the moment at least.


To Your Good Health,Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The Official Alternative Doctor


  1. Immun Inflamm Dis. 2023 Mar;11(3):e807. doi: 10.1002/iid3.807
  2. Krumholz HM, et al “Post-vaccination syndrome: a descriptive analysis of reported symptoms and patient experiences after COVID-19 immunization” medRxiv 2023; DOI: 10.1101/2023.11.09.23298266.