Where The Holistic Rubber Meets The Scientific Road

Prof’s Arm is the Healing Lesson

A week ago I fell off my bicycle landed heavily and sustained considerable injury.  As I pushed my bicycle a mile or so homeward with my arm hanging down, I had plenty of time to reflect on what to do.

Having felt my body on the side that I landed very carefully, I could tell there was no major fracture, but that I had ripped off a small part of the elbow called the epicondyle.  It clicked and was severe agony when I pushed on this small flake of bone.

Unfortunately my wife Viv was in Los Angeles for the weekend, I was alone and decided I couldn’t be bothered to go to ER, since I knew what was wrong anyway.  Thinking of my readers, I made an executive decision to follow a natural healing process and document what happened.  Either you really do believe in Nature’s healing, or you don’t.

I do. Let me explain.

By the time I got home.  There was a hemi-spherical swelling over the right elbow, that must have been about the size of half a small orange and looked most alarming. It was an outpouring of several ounces of blood into the tissues. Unfortunately, I didn’t get it photographed at this stage.  What a pity, it looked most dramatic.  But next day I got a photo of the road rash on my lower leg, which you can see here.  You can see that, if I tell you it really hurt, I was not just being a sissy!

I was shaking like a leaf and would normally give Aconite for this acute shock stage, plus Arnica for the bruising and injury. But the doses should be high (1M or 2M). I had no way of making such high doses, with just one hand. So I took Traumeel instead and waited till the shaking lessened enough to be able to hold a cell phone and dial my wife to set off home.

Okay, so the question I always ask in most situations is, what can we learn?  I wanted to share this with you all.  The road rash was easy, and I simply had it covered with aloe juice (always ask the plant permission before tearing off its leaves for healing).  I did not feel that the open wound required dressing or a tetanus shot.  There was fresh clean blood, as you can see, and there’s no better dressing, no better antiseptic, and no better healing substance.

With the lymphocytes and macrophages brought to the site, there were plenty of good immune cells to clean up the dirt.  As soon as the serum layer has dried over, there is effectively a layer of dressing, which is airtight and organism resistant.

The real issue was the damaged elbow.  When my wife returned home, duly horrified, I explained to her that the rash that look so bad was insignificant.  The real problem lies where there is loss of function, in this case the elbow.  By the time she saw that it had swollen dramatically, and you can see from the tape measure photos the circumference of my arm was 14 inches on the right and about 11 1/2 inches on the opposite side.  That’s a huge amount of swelling.

In fact, my skin on that side was drum tight, and I explained to Viv that this was Nature’s plaster strapping equivalent.  The great swelling, plus limited elasticity of the skin, meant that my bones were held in a rigid tube, almost as good as plaster of Paris!  All I had to do was add a light support sling.

I had taken Traumeel, the wonderful homoeopathic remedy for acute pain, injury and inflammation.  Unfortunately Viv had taken our SCENAR with her over the weekend.  So as soon as she returned, I asked her to instigate SCENAR treatment.  She learned the technique called pain tapping from our friends the Haches in Vancouver.  I’ll tell you a bit more about that in the next blog, but suffice it to say that there was immediate pain relief, and I had a comfortable night’s sleep.

Next morning I awoke and considerable bruising had begun to appear for the first time (see the photograph of my arm from the rear).  Interestingly this bruising had not been visible at all in the first 36 hours.  On days three and four, the swelling continued to be severe, effectively immobilising my arm. Good thing because there was excruciating pain with any unnecessary movement.

Again, here, I explained some important healing principles to Viv.  Pain I always teach is the opposite of healing.  Whenever pain exerts its influence, it means there is continuing damage taking place.  That’s why nature wanted the arm immobilised and effectively did so with a huge swelling like a giant salami sausage, which made it difficult to do anything.  For example, I can only write by using the dictating programme Dragon Naturally Speaking, which I have installed, afterwards making small adjustments with the mouse, using my left hand.

With few exceptions pain becomes self repeating; if you move the part and it hurts, that creates a reactive spasm, which further pulls at the injured part is makes the pain worse; this makes the spasm worse, and so on in a vicious circle.  So if you have an injury anywhere or a painful body part, such as back pain, it’s vital to get yourself into a comfortable position, that is pain-free, and which will then release the spasm.

I’ve had people with severe intractable back pain, that no other therapy had been able to release, recovering 30 minutes or less, simply by lying on their back and applying this principle.

Anyway, by day five, the considerable bleeding into the tissues had begun to track to the surface and produced an enormous purple bruise.  As you can see from the last photograph.

I’m not trying to lay anything on you here and don’t want any sympathy.  I’m going through a rapid recovery process and will soon be okay.  But I did think that it might be worth sharing some basic principles and showing you I really do believe in natural healing.

Let me add this caution, however: I took an informed decision not to go to ER.  No one should do this who is not absolutely sure what they’re dealing with.  Injuries to bony joints and musculature can very easily go wrong, and result in permanent deformity, loss of function, and even paralysis. Acute injury is something the Medics are pretty good at and you should use them and listen to them. Don’t take chances.

But you can still take the Traumeel, comfrey (its country name is “knit bone”), other healing herbs and put the SCENAR to work.  I’ll tell you more about the powerful effects of SCENAR healing in the next blog.


  1. Brilliant!

    I thought your blog was very exciting…. ( retired physio!!) . and then decided it was more than that and worth saving for the non-medical members of the family.

    I wonder why there are not more practical demonstrations on Google or blogs about every day accidents and things… eg How to get somebody who has had a stroke out of bed – into a chair – on their feet – walking etc… treatment for a sprained ankle… it is a whole new field!

    In the UK after orthopaedic surgery patients are given instructions a few times… even though they may well be groggy from the anaesthetic eg: after a Menisectomy the patient has three sessions with a physio then is given the exercises written out on paper…. How much better to have a CD and see it all happening.

    I expect that those of us who have read your falling off the bike / arm blog will never forget it!

    Brilliant… Thank you….

    and I thought Traumeel was for colds/sore throats/flu!!

    Demo of your backpatient cure next??

    Best wishes

    Trish in Edinburgh

  2. thank you Professor Keith for all your informative, honest, Country Doctor advise and then some – your are such a gift to everyone – I really learned by your words and those pictures to appreciate and to remember not to “freak out” when accidents happen. On the Aconite and Arnica – with the 1 M would you only take one or two pellets? Also, I was not familiar with Traumeel – very interesting. Yes, when you are not a professional one can sometimes need the reassurance of a Doctor but your reasoning advise was so well taken. Thank you for sharing and I am glad that you are fine – maybe you needed to be forced to take it easy for a couple of days – enjoy the downtime – Thank you again – eileen

  3. Wow!
    Thank you for allowing us to benefit from your misfortune. The information about pain management is especially appreciated. This is fascinating stuff. I have discovered over the years that when my back, “goes out”, the only thing that helps is to find the least painful position and stay in it. I have always resisted painkilling drugs on the theory that if the pain was eliminated I might injure myself further, and drugs scare me. Now I have some natural alternatives to keep in the medicine cabinet.
    Thank you again, I look forward to the next installment.
    I wish you a speedy recovery.

  4. Thank you so very much for your testimonial to a conscious, alternative healing awareness methodology!!
    I am currently experiencing health challenges and have chosen to use natural healing methods for myself and have shared my methods with my clients also.
    Traditional medical techniques are often necessary and appropriate, however, I applaud your choice and presentation of your healing decision.

  5. God Bless you as you display your healing process for the world to see. I think you are on to something here… and if you could arrange to have a reality show of sorts, covering all kinds of illnesses and disease processes healing, you’d have a hit show! Of course you’d have to find a variety of patients, not you for all of these shows. We can all benefit from your honesty as you show us how marvelous our human body heals when allowed to do so!
    ~ Carol

  6. Thank you for this powerful demonstration! I have been thinking recently about how it is in the interests of big business, the Establishment and our political masters to keep the general population in a state of constant fear. The media in the UK is always full of dire warnings – about measles, about snow, about money, about jobs, you name it, it is hammered home to us that we are powerless and we should be afraid, very afraid!! What a wonderful demonstration of the power of the body to heal itself given the chance. Arnica 1M would have dealt with the mental and physical shock, but a 200 would have helped too. Bach Flower Remedies, including Star of Bethleham for shock (contained in Rescue Remedy) would also have helped. I am a homoeopath and see part of my job as being to encourage people to take back responsibility for their own health and make choices about how they deal with problems. Hope you’re feeling better very soon and thank you again.

  7. Thank you for sharing your personal case with us. It reminded me of the importance of having the first aid kit ‘suitably’ stocked-up! Traumeel is one of Dr Reckeweg’s (the founder of Homotoxicology) great remedies and available in a number of forms i.e. drops, tablets, injection solution or ointment. Take internally to treat from the inside out and apply externally to treat from the outside in – now that’s what I call medicine!

    I’d have probably reached for the Manuka honey for the wound and also used a couple of other Heel products – Zeel T for the bones and tissues plus a great natural painkiller (google the studies) and Lymphomyosot for drainage.

    Excellent blog and hope you’re back to your best very soon,

    Paul F

  8. You’ve done well, but I would like to suggest a couple of things. A friend of mine and fellow healer is about an hour from you, assuming you are in Palm Springs. Her name is Linda Taylor. She is a wonderful energy healer and teacher. She can work on you in person or long distance.

    Another thing you could do for your yourself is to utilize magnets. The best source I have found on the internet is biomagscience.net. They are located in PA and the people there are a delight to do business with. You will get most of your information on the testimonial page of their website. Magnets do accelerate healing.

  9. Good stuff, way to hang tough Dr. K, Now you can add “guinea pig extraordinaire” to you long resume’. 😉

    When you’re able, I’m sure a number of us would be very interested in the specific protocols you’ve taken.
    1. How you determined the quantities and frequencies of dosage for the Traumeel.
    2. Hz frequencies and protocols used with the Scenar

    Ice? Elevation? Recuperative physical therapies?

    Thanks again Boss, keep up the good work and be well.


  10. Gosh, quite a tale Keith.
    Accidents like this are so easily done, especially over here with the state of the roads. However, I do feel that it is important to get a FULL CHECK UP after such an event. There is a strong chance that your spokes could be out of alignment or even, heaven forbid, your rim buckled. It goes with out saying that your bars will need straightening and you may find that the crank bearings have taken a pounding, so check for smooth running.
    All in all, the advice of an experienced specialist is invaluable.
    Hunter in Edinburgh

  11. I too am a healer and did a major trauma to my finger in the Costco Parking lot!
    I used tachyonized tools to totally heal myself and stay out of the ER! I agree about staying away if at all possible.

    Tachyon heals and perfects everything because it contains ALL frequencies.
    I also used ‘M-Water’ to hydrate the cells to enhance healing on all levels.
    Almost ripped my finger entirely off and now I’m AOK!
    Thanks for sharing your experience…it gives us all confidence to rely on the wisdom of the body to Heal Itself.
    Bless you,
    Phyllis Goodrich

  12. Hello Doc,

    Thanks for sharing and instructing. You are ever the teacher. Your bloggers here are also quite
    informative. Sorry to be so behind in my e-mail and in getting to this page. Hope you are well on
    the road (if not the sidewalk, although I’m not sure it is any safer there in my experience) to recovery if not compleatly so.

    My bicycle accident experience of the last couple of years have made me suspicious of a probable
    bicycle design flaw that may contribute to a high percentage of accidents. This suggests to me, being one with a history of inventing as well as holder of two patents ( and a couple more ideas
    on the back burner), of a possible remedy which would probably be patentable.

    If this kind of product innovation is of interest to you I’d be curious to hear more about exactly how the accident happened as it may contribute to solidification of my theory about the design flaw. Perhaps we could collaborate, if you find my ideas credible, on a product idea as I appreciate
    your business expertise.

    Anyway, here’s hoping you are recovered or recovering and (safely) back in the saddle.

    Y.t. Gary Sutton

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